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NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)

I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment!  :)

As much as I have been enjoying the Brothers K I have had to put in on hold.
I am now reading the AMH (Australian Medicines Handbook) as revision for my conversion exam in June.....and I am actually enjoying reading it.  With every new section, I'm like 'oooh, so drug X is used like that in Australia!' or 'hmmm, I didn't know they didn't use drug Y in Australia' how sad am I?


As much as I have been enjoying the Brothers K I have had to put in on hold.
I am now reading the AMH (Australian Medicines Handbook) as revision for my conversion exam in June.....and I am actually enjoying reading it.  With every new section, I'm like 'oooh, so drug X is used like that in Australia!' or 'hmmm, I didn't know they didn't use drug Y in Australia' how sad am I?

Not at all sad! in fact it sounds quite interesting. But then you're talking to someone who reads Galen's "Selected Works" for fun... ;)b


Abdul Alhazred: Author of the Necronomicon by Donald Tyson

Ugh. Anyone and everyon out there, avoid this book. After a promising start, it quickly devolves in Lovecraft name-checking, anti-hero lameness.

Instead, check out 'Horror Show' and 'Big Rock Beat' by Greg Kihn (yes, that Greg Kihn). Corny, but at least it knows it's corny... and therefore becomes a rather fun ride!


One of my students gave me "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" (L'Elegance du Herisson) by Muriel Barbery. I can't decide if it's actually very funny or if she's trying too hard.
My student said it made her think of me as she read it.There are 2 characters, a young girl who considers herself a genius, and a concierge who considers herself an intellectual and aesthete. I'm not sure I'd care to identify with either of them, particularly not with the concierge's taste for Japanese films.
Because of the above, I can't decide whether Carmen thinking of me as she read it is a compliment or an insult.


Finished Daughter of the Forest... it was so good.  It was written for me! haha.  Main character didn't eat meat which was pretty awesome.

Now I'm reading the sequal Son of the Shadows.. starting slow but what doesn't?


Has anyone read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins? I'm about half way through the book & I'm not sure what I think of it. I do believe the arguments that the author puts out but all I can say, is that it's interesting.


The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley for the umpteenth time  :)>>>


water for elephants - i really liked the ending..  my mom left some book here when she was visiting when she was here.. something about 'snow.. and the fan'  i cant remember the name and im too lazy to go look at it.. it's about 18th century chinese lady-friends, i'll read that next since it's already in my apartment.


Farewell, My Subaru
starting it today.....


Eclipse, the third book in the Twilight series...yes, I jumped on the bandwagon, and yes, you may laugh at me.


Eclipse, the third book in the Twilight series...yes, I jumped on the bandwagon, and yes, you may laugh at me.

OK, OK ... is the whole series any good? I read the first one (SHAME) but wasn't willing to commit to all 3.


Eclipse, the third book in the Twilight series...yes, I jumped on the bandwagon, and yes, you may laugh at me.

OK, OK ... is the whole series any good? I read the first one (SHAME) but wasn't willing to commit to all 3.

all 4 are good! the rest are better than the first


Hmm! Well!
I will take that under consideration, then ...


Hmm! Well!
I will take that under consideration, then ...

though i do have to say if you're at all Bella/Edward then book 2 might annoy you lol i skipped probably the middle 100 pages of the book and didn't go back to read it til i finished the book.. book 3 and 4 were amazing though


Wait, wait ... what do you mean "Bella/Edward"?

Like, that's my favorite part of the story?
Is there any other part of the story?


Wait, wait ... what do you mean "Bella/Edward"?

Like, that's my favorite part of the story?
Is there any other part of the story?

lol well not in book 1, no
i guess that was stupid


It's not stupid!
I just assumed that the whole series was going to be OMG TEENVAMPIRE LOVE. I'm guessing it branches out?

PS. I have no problem with teenvampire love. None at all. But 3-4 volumes of 500 pages each seems a little excessive, if they only dwell on that topic. Also, I want to add that I've seen the movie at least 5 times.


Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field


The Last Unicorn :) it was one of my favourite movies as a kid.


The Last Unicorn :) it was one of my favourite movies as a kid.

And IMHO the book is way better. You get to make your own pictures.

Personally, it's Jane Eyre. Again. Although I still think Villete is far better a book than Jane. And yet Jane gets more attention, but Villette is better quality writing, structure, etc. It's almost hypnotic; once I start it I can't put it down. George Eliot was right: "It is almost preternatural in its power."



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