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NVR - Horror movie a day

Here's the skinny:

Every year, I try and watch a horror movie a day in October. I never make it the whole way through. I try and document the process though, and post thoughts on each film. So if no one minds, I'd like to post my thoughts here. Cool?

The rules: The "horror movie" must be 45+ minutes in length. Multiple television episodes can count as long as the entire disc is watched. Related genres can count (i.e. exploitation, thrillers, etc.) but they must contain either copious gore, ultra-violence some supernatural elemnet, or any combination of the above. If a movie is watched past midnight, it can still count, as long as it's before bed time.

The kick off was September 30th, so here we go!

Movie #1 - 'Frankenstein' (1931)

What can I say about this movie that hasn't all ready been said? It sets the standard for all horror movies since. A touch of blasphemy, a touch of reality and plenty of genuine human emotions. Just watching the first 15-minutes gives you all the aesthetic trappings of stereotypical horror. Gloomy grave yards, Gothic mansions (the interior of some of these are actually mat paintings - nice!) and plenty of mad sciency stuff.

I guess I'll talk about the two iconic scenes in this movie, since there are literally volumes out there about this movie.

The "It's Alive!" scene... What makes this work and so memorable, is the emotional swing that takes place. It starts with trepidation as Henry is greeted by 3 unwanted guests. The guests are also apprehensive as they find Henry's goals not just mad - but impossible. Upon the voicing of this last doubt, the scene swings. Henry becomes determined, committed and finally ecstatic as he proves them wrong... the overcome by horror and doubt at what he has done. Yes, the clip of "It's Alive!" is great, but the entire scene and sequence has a surprising modern resonance when viewed in full. Still we debate today about where the line is of what science can and should do.

The "Little Girl" scene. It's just a heartbreaker. The didn't know any better tragedy. The kind that scare us all. Especially from a parenting perspective. We bring children into the world, and some unthinking well meaning oaf can harm them... or worse. Scarier still, we may be that unthinking, unknowing oaf. I speak not just of physical, but emotional harm. Every parent has the fear that there will be "one thing" that screws their kid up... and they pray it's not them. But the wonderful portrayal of The Monster by Boris Karloff brings an amazing amount of humanity to this scene.

If you've never watched this classic, remedy that fact, ASAP.

Movie for 10/1/07 - "Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter" (1966)

P.S. - My wife is joining in this year. If any one wants her thoughts, let me know and I'll arrange to post her comments.

Thanks for the indulgence, folks!

- If anyone has seen any of the mentioned flicks, please chime in. I lovelovelove seeing opinions on horror flicks. :)


Hey!  I went to see SAW IV this weekend.  It pretty much sucked in my opinion.  I think the series has run its course andit is time to stop, but I read there are supposed to be 7 of them? 


Based on the stellar reviews here, I watched my 2nd horror movie of the year this weekend:  Killer Klowns from Outer Space!  Lordy.  I'm not sure what to say.  Those klowns were pretty darn kreepy.  I don't hate them, though.  They were fun and kinda kute.  Thanks for the recommendation.


Woo Hoo! A Klown Konvert!

Movie #29 - "Nosferatu" (1922) w/"soundtrack" by Type O Negative

I'm about to make a bold, bold pronouncement: I like good things.

I like it even better when good things are combined. Because when good things are combined, they can be even better. Even great. Peanut butter and chocolate, French fries and ketchup, Donnie and Marie... the list could go on and on. I am, in fact, in favor of combining good things often. Unless it's a bad idea. Another bold pronouncement, I know. But babies, while cool, and alligators, while cool, should not be put in tanks together.

So what about a classic horror movie like "Nosferatu" together with the music of goth metal band Type O Negative? Y'know, it tends to fall on the chocolate and peanutbutter end of the spectrum. Arrow Home Entertainment did a good thing here. Type O Negative's music is dark, dramatic and creepy... just like the movie! So the two work surprisingly well together.

What works about Nosferatu still works - it's effective use of shadow, Max Schecks's amazing vampire make up and the innovative cinematography. Type O is... Type O. If you don't like their music, dodge this disc. But, you may be surprised to hear more of a sensitive side then their reputation allows. There are some beautiful musical moments here, enhanced by the visuals. Not just vice versa.

At times it felt like I was watching a TV Editing 101 project, but overall this is a great way to enjoy a classic.

Movie for 10/29/07 - TBD (though probably "Evil Eye" (1974)


Movie #30 - "The Ghost Of Frankenstein" (1942)

Usually, when a movie series goes south, it's usually a sudden thing. You're going along at a good pace, and them WA-BAM! Crap Country. So it was a bit of a dubious pleasure to watch "The Ghost Of Frankenstein". Because here was a rare instance where you have a transitional piece. A movie to ease you into the campy territory to come.

With the first three Frankenstein films (Frankenstein, Bride and Son Of) you had three solid movies, each with rock solid premises, casts and stories to tell. But with "Ghost", you get moments and then you get... moments.

The great parts are a thoroughly enjoyable. Lon Chaney, Jr. developing the sympathetic persona that would serve him so well as The Wolf Man, Bela Lugosi getting a chance to shine once again in the villains role, and 1930's horror goto's like Ralph Bellamy and Lionel Atwill playing along with it all as they always have.

But when the cracks show, they show. Plot contrivances abound, happy go lucky love story is tacked on, the science... is goofy. But as far as ways to pass the torch between generations of Universal Monster movies, it's fitting.

Movie for 10/30/07 - tbd (Sorry, my job has me all whacked out, and we're still messing with sleep stuff - though that is getting much better!)


The end is in sight!

Movie #31 - "Evil Eye" (1974)

Ah, again with the cults. Except this time, cult-life doesn't seem too appealing. Or much of anything. Except being naked, pointing and making a noise similar to Principal McVicker in the old Beavis & Butt-Head cartoons. To tell you the truth it's not clear why anyone would want to be a part of the cult in this movie. To be even more honest, I'm not sure why anyone does anything in this movie. Why, I'd have to be Peter Crane to know...

Wait, what?

You don't know Peter Crane? You have to know Peter Crane! Peter Crane is the smoothest of the smooth! Women want Peter Crane! People want to work for and do favors for Peter Crane! People want to shower in his private nook! Not only does he have some of the biggest bell bottoms on fossil record, but he's famous for...

Now, what is Peter Crane famous for?

It's annoying questions like those and "What is going on?", that this movie ignores. Even with all of nothing going on, it still manages to be an interesting thriller for about 45 minutes. You see, Peter Crane (yes, THE Peter Crane) has been having strange dreams. Real nightmares. And he doesn't like it if you make light of them. He dreams of naked pointing people, he dreams of murder... but does he commit these heinous crimes, or is he being manipulated for some unknown reason?

You won't find out by watching the movie, but you will be mildly entertained by unholy fashion faux-pas, and oddly translated dialog. In Peter Crane's house, it's not time to wake up, "It is time to arise". Boo ya.

Fortunately, by the time you're ready to give up on this film, the film gives up on itself, too. So you don't have to feel too bad.

One more movie to go! And it is... I don't know. I'm thinking "Madhouse" with Vincent Price maybe? Check back tomorrow for the last installment!


One more movie to go!......Check back tomorrow for the last installment!


....but you've helped me find new movies to watch (and not to watch)!  I NEED this thread!


One more movie to go!......Check back tomorrow for the last installment!


....but you've helped me find new movies to watch (and not to watch)!  I NEED this thread!

Be strong... we've got to be strong.

Seriously, thanks though, I'm glad it's been enjoyed. I've had a lot of fun doing this. I just wish sleep hadn't become such a big isue this month. (Just so y'all know, my daughter had a resurgance of sleep issues - i.e. she wasn't. We're much better the past coule of nights, though. :) )

I was debating doing this again once I had recovered from NaNoWriMo, October or no! So you're warned, you may have more of me blathering about horror flicks on the horizon...


At last! I've made it an entire month!

Movie #32 - "Theatre Of Blood" (1973)

Fitting... I spend a month critiquing movie, and I finish with a film about Vincent Price murdering critics! If I wind up dead, tell the police to be on the lookout for either the guy who played Jesse James in movie #2 or Nicholas Cage...

The plot is, as I stated above, Vincent Price murdering critics. Sure, there's a bit more. The army of hobos, a lot of Shakespeare and some oddly wonderful costumes, but in the end, tha is what you see. It's grand fun, too. Price is at his post-Dr. Phibes best, giving a wink to the camera and playing up his reputation as a master of the macabre.

Rather than gush paragraph after paragraph, I'll just say this: Check this one out. It's sure to please!

Movie for 11/1/07 - I think I'll watch an episode of The Sopranos... or maybe a musical.





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