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NVR - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Okay, I know I'm a big loser (and I'll never grow up!) but I'm so excited that tomorrow I get my pre-ordered copy of Harry. A few years ago when one of the books came out, probably The Goblet of Fire, I had pre-ordered it and it came to my house on a Saturday. Chapters had Canada Post delivering it specially for pre-orders just like this year. Anyway, the delivery person handed me the package and made a comment about some little kid was probably waiting for it. Little did she know it was for me! Is anyone else a Potter-head like meÉ (Sorry for some reason I canèt type a question mark or an apostrophe.)

She had to ask a couple of times, "Harry Potter?"  She thought he might be someone who comes in during the lunch crowd and she just didn't know his name.  She had no idea about Harry Potter and wasn't even aware of the hype.



I love Snape too. I like Alan Rickman when he plays Snape and actually find him attractive in the part. My 11-year-old niece thinks I'm nuts! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who likes him. I think this book will show that Snape is working for the good side and may actually be a hero for saving Harry somehow.

I think Alan Rickman is HOT. Yes, I have a bit of an obsession with him. So, I'm 24 and he's somewhere in his 60's and we're both taken ... but one can dream, right? I have all his movies, seen him in theater, and I can't get enough. That voice, those interesting features ... yummy.

My book isn't here yet.  :'( But, I will be so disappointed if Snape dies. I, too, think he will be shown to have worked for the good side, and in the end all will be well with him. At least, I hope!


I adore Alan Rickman.  You're not nuts.  I think he's working for the good side, too.  And if not, well that's okay.  I still love Snape.
I also have a bit of a crush on Sirius.

I like Sirius too. Not as much as Severus, but he's still a great character. I'd be OK if Snape was working for the bad side, and still got to live without going to prison. But, that would mean the bad side would have to win and we all know that won't happen!


ahh i have my copy too and only 300 pages left ahhhhhhhh :D


*Big Nerd Alert* I have already read the first 8 chapters! It is soooooo good! No spoilers though please!
This is too funny!


Yes, I just got my copy 2 hours ago. I'm 200 pages in. SOOOOO GOOOOOD!!! I want to find out what happens, but then when I do it will be all over. I can't believe this is the last one. And how well she has done with, literally, all of them. They keep getting better and better.

We need to start a new thread for those of us who finish reading it for discussion. Just label it as containing major spoilers in the title so that we don't ruin it for anyone else.

Unless, of course, I'm the only nerd who will want to discuss it.  :P


Yes, I just got my copy 2 hours ago. I'm 200 pages in. SOOOOO GOOOOOD!!! I want to find out what happens, but then when I do it will be all over. I can't believe this is the last one. And how well she has done with, literally, all of them. They keep getting better and better.
I feel the same way. I want to finish it to see what happens but when it's done, it's done and I'll feel sad. (Although I read that J.K. hinted it could possibly not be the end for sure).
We need to start a new thread for those of us who finish reading it for discussion. Just label it as containing major spoilers in the title so that we don't ruin it for anyone else.
Unless, of course, I'm the only nerd who will want to discuss it.  :P

I feel the same way. I want to finish it to see what happens but when it's done, it's done and I'll feel sad. (Although I read that J.K. hinted it could possibly not be the end for sure).
Great idea about the discussion. Count me in (big loser that I am!)


BTW, Capture, you've done it again. That little animated picture with the captions is hilarious!


Just got my copy and read chapter one. Also toomk one of my residnece to see HP5. We loved IT!!!! ;D


I just finished mine. (Yes, I'm a big dork who spent all day reading.) It was awesome. I won't say anything more for fear of spoiling it for others.  :)


I just finished.  It took 14 hours, 15 minutes.  That includes a a couple of short breaks and a few time outs to adore my cat.  I can go online again!  I was sooooo afraid of spoilers.


Would you believe I already stumbled across a copy of the book online?
I'm terribly curious about its authenticity.  The online copy is only 397 pages.
I watch the movies, but I'm not crazy about the series so  I jumped ahead and read the epilogue.
(Heck,  I wasn't  even looking for it.  It was on a completely unrelated site.)
The speed of it's appearance is not in the least unusual, but there are an awful lot of minor careless spelling errors, so I am wondering.

Anyone finish i t yet???  I'd like to compare my info with the real thing.  ;)

Ferret Research:
Ferret Resources:
"It isn't better to feel joy than to feel grief.  It is certainly more fun  to feel joy--but it isn't better.  If something good is happening, it is appropriate to be joyful.  If you have experienced loss, it is equally appropriate to be sad."


I finished it last night and loved it, though I am sure the children (and their parents) will be horrified of all the death and darkness in it.  Hope ya'll enjoy it!


I have also finished it, last night.
I'm going to start at number 1 and read the whole lot again!!
Was it just me or did it take a couple of chapters to get going properly?  Other than that I loved it.


Anyone finish i t yet???  I'd like to compare my info with the real thing. 

I can compare it, but I don't know how to go about it without involving spoilers.  I am anti-spoiler.


I just finished mine.  I was so afraid of spoilers that I wouldn't even open this thread until I'd finished.  I had a very bad experience when Order of Phoenix came out.  I was reading the thread subject in the newsgroup alt.gossip.celebrities and this b*tch calling herself EveArdenHead put who died in that book in the subject line.  I  wanted to hunt her down and kill her!
This isn't really a spoiler but if you saw Dr. Who on Sci-Fi the Friday before this past one, he made a comment about Book 7 and I found it to be true!


I had a very bad experience when Order of Phoenix came out.  I was reading the thread subject in the newsgroup alt.gossip.celebrities and this b*tch calling herself EveArdenHead put who died in that book in the subject line. 

LOL!  You still remember her name.


lol...I wouldn't read this thread until I finished either...

I preordered my book from Amazon, and IT NEVER CAME!  I was on the phone bitching all day to Amazon, UPS and finally the USPS (to whom delivery had been farmed out, despite the fact that Amazon had said it was being delivered by UPS)...  Anyway, sometime after 7pm on Saturday, once I KNEW the book wasn't coming until Monday or something, I went out and bought another copy to read from Barnes and Noble.  I'm so ticked off... Amazon promised to give me a full refund, but I don't think that's even close so being enough...especially since I still don't have the book I orginally bought from them.  And to add insult to injury, the book was more expensive at B&N.  grrr.
If someone starts a class-action lawsuit against Amazon for using USPS instead of UPS, I'm sooooooo there. I'm not the only one who didn't get their preordered book...and of those that did, MANY of them got it extremely late in the day/evening. I'm sure there are alot of really pissed off potterheads who will never buy anything from Amazon again.  I'm definitely one of them!
lol...the book was great though.  I just all night and most of the day today.


ahh i have my copy too and only 300 pages left ahhhhhhhh :D

Hey BreyettEyes!  How are you?!?!  It's been a while since you've posted.  I have thought about you and hope you are doing well!  :)


I guess I am a dork too.  I finished the book this morning.  It is a great final book.  That is all I will say.  I am just glad that the wait is finally over.  I know!  I know!  ;D



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