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Newsflash! Vegan Eating can be Cheap & Healthy!

most of you already know this from experience, but here's an article for you to pass on to people that say "Isn't being vegan sooooooo expensive?!"

of the 15 nutritious foods around $2, 12 are vegan.  (and it almost seems like a trader joes commercial..)


Thank you.  It's about time something like this was published.


Yeah, if only now food prices would go down a bit... eating vegan and organic can be a bit pricey...also fuel costs have gone up as there is no extra cushion for the food budget....  I like budgeting though, so it's all good :P


I was reading about a lawsuit brought about for prisoner rights because, in part, they were fed plain oatmeal in the morning.  I thought, huh, I eat plain oatmeal in the morning.  It's a good thing.


I was reading about a lawsuit brought about for prisoner rights because, in part, they were fed plain oatmeal in the morning.  I thought, huh, I eat plain oatmeal in the morning.  It's a good thing.

no kidding!  they're in prison!!  you eat what you get, oatmeal is perfectly healthy food that they should appreciate..  they can add brown sugar, nuts and apple slices when they get out. 


I was reading about a lawsuit brought about for prisoner rights because, in part, they were fed plain oatmeal in the morning.  I thought, huh, I eat plain oatmeal in the morning.  It's a good thing.

That's funny!  Damn oatmeal.  They should be eating cheese danish with bacon and eggs!  ::)


I was reading about a lawsuit brought about for prisoner rights because, in part, they were fed plain oatmeal in the morning.  I thought, huh, I eat plain oatmeal in the morning.  It's a good thing.

That's funny!  Damn oatmeal.  They should be eating cheese danish with bacon and eggs!   ::)

or a true lumberjack breakfast with steak and eggs and the works. ( I never understood the appeal of steak with eggs, even when I was an omni, but then again, I never really liked steak.)

Great find, Propinecone!!!!


Maybe they could just add some brown sugar to the oatmeal.... oatmeal is delish!


Maybe they could just add some brown sugar to the oatmeal.... oatmeal is delish!

they're in prison.  the food they eat there isnt supposed to be a transforming culinary experience or even need to taste good, it just should be healthy & cheap.  maybe the fear of going back to prison and eating bland food will keep them from committing more crimes and ending up there again..


Maybe they could just add some brown sugar to the oatmeal.... oatmeal is delish!

they're in prison.  the food they eat there isnt supposed to be a transforming culinary experience or even need to taste good, it just should be healthy & cheap.  maybe the fear of going back to prison and eating bland food will keep them from committing more crimes and ending up there again..

maybe they're lifers?!


Maybe they could just add some brown sugar to the oatmeal.... oatmeal is delish!

they're in prison.  the food they eat there isnt supposed to be a transforming culinary experience or even need to taste good, it just should be healthy & cheap.  maybe the fear of going back to prison and eating bland food will keep them from committing more crimes and ending up there again..

maybe they're lifers?!

so?  then they musta done some really bad shit and they definitely don't deserve sugar to make their food tasty!


Hahahahaha.  Come on, isn't the culinary quality of prison food at the top of your list of our time's most pressing social issues?  ::)  That's ridiculous.


Maybe they could just add some brown sugar to the oatmeal.... oatmeal is delish!

they're in prison.  the food they eat there isnt supposed to be a transforming culinary experience or even need to taste good, it just should be healthy & cheap.  maybe the fear of going back to prison and eating bland food will keep them from committing more crimes and ending up there again..

maybe they're lifers?!

so?  then they musta done some really bad shit and they definitely don't deserve sugar to make their food tasty!

haha....well I think they put saltpeter in everything so they don't go crazy on each other all yeah....


mmmmmmmm peppered oatmeal!  i know what im having for breakfast tomorrow...

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