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Massive meat recall in Canada, thank goodness I just became a veg*n!

I know this meat recall dosent affect anyone on this site, obviously.  Plus I dont even know if there are other Canadians on this site, but this is what's happening here lately.  A huge meat company just launched a massive meat recall.  I'm adding the link to the news site with the list.  If your even a little curious, just check how HUGE the list is.  Something like 17 people have already died or ended up in the hospital because of the bacteria found in that particular meat, and they expect the number of cases to grow.

I am so glad I just became a vegetarian recently! ;)b


I'm glad you did, too! There are quite a few Canadian veg*ns here!


Hello, fellow Canadian here. The first thing I thought of when I heard of the outbreak was, it doesn't affect me...this time.
I had a huge conversation with my boss about this. She knows my feelings on eating meat & especially the dangers. In the short term, this Listeriosis outbreak is going to make a lot of people sick & no doubt, a lot more will die from it. But long term, I am hoping that more people will see that eating meat really is hazardous to your health.
Now having said that, Listeriosis can be transmitted to vegetables through tainted water & fertilizers. >:(
Here is an interesting link


jessesmum : Thanks for the link.  It's kinda scary that vegetables could also be contaminated.  Being a vegetarian might not make you 100% safe from this, just makes you safer.  By the way, your the first canuck i've come across on here.  Nice to know I'm not the only one!


jessesmum : Thanks for the link.  It's kinda scary that vegetables could also be contaminated.  Being a vegetarian might not make you 100% safe from this, just makes you safer.  By the way, your the first canuck i've come across on here.  Nice to know I'm not the only one!

Hi & welcome. There are quite a few Canuckleheads that hang around here & I'm sure you'll get to meet them all soon. Hang around, there's lots to learn in these here neck of the woods. 8)
No, vegetarians & vegans aren't immune to this kind of outbreak. Remember last summer with the spinach recalls...lovely ecoli that time.  ??? But I think we are more aware of what we put into our bodies & more importantly, where our food comes from.
Peas  ;)b


I'm Canadian too :)

I heard about this on the radio today. Interseting city just got declared clean after a huge e. coli outbreak in the water or something.


tino, where are you? I haven't heard a word about an e.coli outbreak. Isn't always nice to hear these things after they are declared clear? Public Health is lacking something in public relations :(


I havent heard anything about an E-coli outbreak either.  Well, i just read more on the site and it seems that the recall was from since the 20 of August, because that's when deaths started and they linked it to the meat at that time.  Well, it can have an incubation period of up to 70 days...who knows when the meat started being contaminated?  And i'm freaking out because my kids still eat meat and i never even thought but I gave them turkey bacon tonight with supper.  It was in the freezer in ziplock bags (i had prepaked it) so I dont have the package anymore.  I think the brand was either Maple Leaf or Shneiders.  Either way, on the CTV site, there is recalls on both of them...  What if I just made my kids sick? 
I'm going to be the most paranoid mom in my province for the next 2 1/2 months.  Any sign of a fever or nausea, i'll have to control myself not to end up in the ER.  I'm seriously in a panic.  But yeah, I remember the outbreak from spinach... I guess you never really know. 

What province are you guys from?  I'm outside Edmonton.


Thank you for posting this...I"m in Ontario, and I didn't know about it!  I have to warn my meat-eating boyfriend about it...


JM, I'm in Guelph. I don't think the e. coli thing was an issue outside the city/county though.


I have heard about the whole E. Coli saga when it was on the news, just goes to show that we are not immune to anything. And it's hard to be careful when you don't really have any power on how the food is being handle before it's distributed. And it's tragic that a few people had to die in the Maple Leaf case before they could do something about it.

Anyways, I've been telling everybody these days, that's why I don't buy/consume meat! Hopefully, this situation will make the public and the food industry more conscious about their products handling.

I'm from Moncton, myself, btw.


Southern Niagara here  :)

Have you seen the video that the CEO of Maple Leaf put out? They are taking full responsibility for the outbreak & have even apologized for it. I was surprised when I saw it because it wasn't the usual song & dance. I applaud them for that.

These are the groups that are at the highest risk,
Pregnant women - They are about 20 times more likely than other healthy adults to get listeriosis. About one-third of listeriosis cases happen during pregnancy.
Newborns - Newborns rather than the pregnant women themselves suffer the serious effects of infection in pregnancy.
Persons with weakened immune systems
Persons with cancer, diabetes, or kidney disease
Persons with AIDS - They are almost 300 times more likely to get listeriosis than people with normal immune systems.
Persons who take glucocorticosteroid medications
The elderly


melthibs:  I've been in Alberta now for a year, but I was in Souris, PEI before that.  I like Moncton, people are really nice there.

jessesmum: I agree with you about Maple Leaf, I would expect a big company like that to just do the strict mininum, wich would be an appology on the news and thats it.  Not an add that runs on multiple times a day.  I wish I lived in Europe, where theres all these farmers market with fresh local produce, and individual stores specialized in one kind of food.  Industrialization has it's pluses, but sometimes, I think it's just too much.  It's just to easy to turn to prossessed foods instead of making things from scratch.  It's definately making me rethink how I cook and what I buy. 


'Nother Canadian (Southern Ontario) here. This listeriosis is ALL they're talking about on the CBC. Seriously. I think there have been 6 deaths in Ontario alone. Eep!

At least I'm safe...


Yeah, my numbers were off about the deaths, but they say there is 6 dead from it for sure.  Another 8 deaths are under investigation and something like another 20-something cases of people ill in hospital possibly from the same thing.  I havent watched cbc, but on ctv they talk about it at every news show, like all 4 times a day.  This is scaring alot of people...except my bofriend who seems to think he's pretty invincible, LOL.  One of his favourite quotes seems to be "Nah, I'll be fine."

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