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Killer Whales in Captivity...

How many people have to be killed by the same killer whale before Sea World and other places take actions.....are three people killed by the same whale enough?  FREE WHILLY!

I just saw this piece of news this morning. So sad, and so unfortunate. I'm sure the whale will be made out to be some sort of terrorizing monster, instead of a victim locked in a prison for the entertainment of humans, acting out in a natural way. it's all very sad for everyone involved.


It's true I feel sad for whale and trainer


Just more proof that wild animals should be in the WILD not preforming freaking tricks!


Teaching them tricks isn't good. And they just don't have big enough pools. Killer whales are used to thousands of miles of open water. The only time it is acceptable is when the whale is rescued from the wild or born in captivity, and even then teaching them tricks isn't good. But if we start with killer whales then we need to carry it on to dolphins and sea lions.


And now people in the media who don't seem to ever care about animal rights are eating their hamburgers and crying out to let the whale go, but what kind of injustice have we done this whale? Can this whale really live a wholesome, safe life in the wild after being hand fed and trained in captivity for so long? I mean, what kind of instincts does this whale have left, and could it actually survive in the wild? What is the best choice here?


I agree that Orcas that have spent so long in captivity don't do well in the wild.  I did a web search for the whale that starred in the Free Willy movie.  I didn't remember that he had such a sad end:

But there has to be a better way to take care of captive whales than how they live currently.  >:(


I am so sick of animals being used for entertainment... It needs to be against the law already and replaced with more cirque du soleil type shows with humans who choose and get paid to perform!


what sickens me is when they go into the oceans and capture whales for theme parks. They break up their "pods" which are like tight knit families to the whales. This totally confuses the ones who are left when one is removed from the pod.

They do this in Africa with elephants too. Grrrrrr...

I think someone posted this on vw before. sort of on topic. Very interesting:


This whale should have never been in captivity to begin with. If you ripped me away from my family/social group,  isolated me to an extremely confined space and forced me to perform "tricks" for a bunch of gawking onlookers.... I'd probably lash out at my captors as well. I've been sickened by this entire episode, and maybe most of all by the public reaction. Sea World has declared that it will keep Tilly because of his immense breeding value. Are you kidding me?! The whales, and other animals like them, are viewed as little no more than objects to manipulated to fulfill people's voyeuristic pleasures. One suffers, we all suffer.  :'(

Have y'all seen The Cove yet? Fantastic documentary... available to watch instantly online in you have NetFlix.

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