It's funny, but a little too close to reality.
Posted by Sprinkles on Jun 03, 2008 · Member since Dec 2007 · 126 posts
<a href=" Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less</a><br/><object width="430px" height="386px"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="movie" value=""/><param name="flashvars" value="culture=en-US&a=0&ap=0&y=0&m=35457789&userid=-1&showmenus=0&remove=0&t=&type=video"/><embed src="" width="430" height="386" flashvars="culture=en-US&a=0&ap=0&y=0&m=35457789&userid=-1&showmenus=0&remove=0&t=&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" /></object>
Let me try this again.
<a href=" Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less</a><br/><object width="430px" height="386px"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"/><param name="movie" value=""/><param name="flashvars" value="culture=en-US&a=0&ap=0&y=0&m=35457789&userid=-1&showmenus=0&remove=0&t=&type=video"/><embed src="" width="430" height="386" flashvars="culture=en-US&a=0&ap=0&y=0&m=35457789&userid=-1&showmenus=0&remove=0&t=&type=video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" /></object>
Didn't work for me. But my work may have it blocked.
I saw it. The feedbag video, yeah? You're right--funny and too close to reality! :P
Yes. Google the Onion Feedbag Video. Apparently I don't know what I am doing with the computer. Dangit.
Oh, well.
Here, I don't know how to embed videos either, but we can just post the link:
Oh, thank you.
I pulled it from YouTube.
We laugh now, but at some point, this might be real :-\
I know people that already eat like they could use one.
But then I have been known to do some food shoveling of my own. :rabbit2: