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I need computer help!

Hey everyone - I'm back and I've missed everyone so much!

To make a VERY long two-week story short, I finally got moved into the new apartment, now have a working fridge and I'm getting used to lukewarm water everyday, not having a microwave and sharing 600 square feet with three kitties (however, I keep reminding myself that in NYC, this apartment would be considered spacious).  I just reminding myself that eventually I'll be able to look back at this experience and laugh.

Thankfully the cats are settled in and we've only had a few incidents of puking (very typical when we move) and at least this time Sophie didn't feel the need to pee on my bed or in the sink - lol!!

However, I did manage to download something that infected my laptop with a virus last week, which is why I was offline all week :(  My landlord's son was able to remove the virus but in doing so evidently removed javascript from my computer - now, I know nothing about computers, so if this sounds wrong, it probably is!  My laptop won't let me access certain things on the internet (thank god VegWeb is still accessible) or pull up certain pictures.  I've tried downloading a free antivirus system from work and it won't let me download it.  Also, it won't let me put in the little smilieys anymore, unless I type it manually.

Any idea on how to fix this?  If not, it's not a huge deal, since I have access to email and vegweb, so I'm pretty self sufficient ;)

See if this download helps:

edit: theres a link to check if it's installed on that page.


Thanks VF78!!

Okay - I clicked on the box to download it and here's what came up:  "Javascript and Cookies must be enabled so we can message you correctly. Please enable javascript and cookies in your browser for the duration of your Java Installation and verification! Once you have enabled javascript and cookies, please refresh this page."

Two questions:
1.  How do I do the above?
2.  Under Internet Settings (in my Tools), do I need enable ActiveX?


Hmm. you shouldn't need to enable ActiveX I don't think. What internet browser do you use?


That's a good question . . . I used to use yahoo, but I've been having issues with it so now I use msn (that's what you meant by browser, right??)


I'm a dumbass - it's Internet Explorer :)


Ok. In the options page, cookies handling is under the "privacy" tab, you will either have to slide the bar down to a lower security rating or go into advanced (button on privacy page, not the tab) to override automatic cookie handling. Java should be under the "advanced" tab - there should be a  clicky button.

I have to copy-paste the letter b since I partially fried my keypad this morning. Thats why it takes me like 10 minutes to respond  :P 


Wait, I was wrong aout the javascript. It is under the "security" tab. You have to click "custom level" , then scroll down to the scripting header and enable "active scripting" and if you have IE v7.0 you also need to enale "scripting of java applets"


Ok, Patrick said he (the guy who removed the virus) might have accidentally removed "java runtime," and that link that VF gave you should fix it.

On another note..our apartment is 512 sq feet, and it's just perfect! We have all the space that we need, and love not having to clean a big area!



Thank you VF78, it worked!!  Woo hoo - I'm up and running again! :D

AC, you and Patrick must truly be in love, because I don't think there's any way in hell I could share this space with someone else!!  I'm just not nearly as nice of a person as you are  ;)


Thank you VF78, it worked!!  Woo hoo - I'm up and running again! :D

AC, you and Patrick must truly be in love, because I don't think there's any way in hell I could share this space with someone else!!  I'm just not nearly as nice of a person as you are  ;)

Well, we are truly in it works out!  :)


Hey, the best thing about a small place, is very low electric bills.  I live in a small apartment too, about 700sq ft and I have all electric everything, water, stove, etc.  I live in Houston, and I don't think it's been below 90 for about a month now, and I have central A/C and still my electric bill is less than $100 every month and I live on the second floor.  But I wish I had a gas stove, I like those better.

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