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I just keep on writing, don't I?

both veganism and writing are important to me - you probably know I'm an aspiring journalist. well, here's something else I wrote - a piece for a local southern ontario newspaper, the KW Record.

yay for me, and yay for veganism. I hope people take the message to heart.

Nice article.  And now I know what the "bs" is for at the end of your name.  I repetitively giggle when I see it.  :-[  (I wish the smiley was blushing and smiling, instead of frowning.  Maybe if I also add in a  :D )  How 'bout this one:

I hadn't seen analogy of, "Eating meat is like driving a huge SUV or an 18-wheeler. Eating a vegetarian diet is like driving a motorcycle, and eating a vegan diet is like riding a bicycle or walking."  That's pretty cool.


That was a great story.  It was written very well.  You are going to be a great journalist some day.  We need more journalists like you!



YAY! Nice Job Laura!


Great article Laurabs!  Hopefully some people will take it to heart.


brava!  that was lovely!!

do you think al gore knows these things that we know, and just doesnt want to do anything about?  Or do you think he is just too blind to see?


Great job Laura!  I always enjoy your articles!


I'm blushing...

:cow: :pig: :chicken: :bunny:

the animal friends thank you!

do you think al gore knows these things that we know, and just doesnt want to do anything about?  Or do you think he is just too blind to see?

you know, that's a good question. I interviewed David Suzuki, the mighty canadian environmentalist, for my campus magazine and asked if he was a vegetarian or vegan. is he? nope. it's kind of ironic. he doesn't buy red meat (because of the environmental impact), but will occasionally indulge in a good steak (like if he's on a trip). does anyone else see the hypocrisy in that?

I highly doubt gore is vegetarian, let alone vegan. 

anywho - thanks for all the kind words, everyone!!  ;D


awesome, yet again, laura.  ;)


Laura, once again a wonderful article.  :ok!:

I am really surprised about David Suzuki though. I would have thought for sure that he was at least vegetarian.....hmmm, I had such great respect for him too.


Well done Laura - I only wish I could write half as succinctly - so does my supervisor!


Congrats, Laura!  Awesome!

...does anyone else see the hypocrisy in that?

Not really.  His everyday dollars are not funding the environmental degradation that is his main passion.  Your day to day expenditures surely make more impact than rare deviations. 

I've been thinking again about Freegans.  Does it make them less morally committed if they eat discarded animal products?  I don't think so, personally, but I know I'm not the bleeding edge of our little continuum...

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