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Hmmmm...The Bush Administration "toned down" Breast Feeding Ads....

Seems that the food/nutrition experts in the "politically powerful infant formula industry" had their lobby tone down the benefits of breast feeding. They " hired a former chairman of the Republican National Committee" to help out just who?...hmmmm...Gerber or....babies? Which is more important? A healthy child or the profits made by feeding infants crap?


I personally like this: "The formula industry's intervention -- which did not block the ads but helped change their content"....
How does an industry get the power to " change the content" of an ad put out by our elected officials? By donating big bucks to the most corrupt administration is history perhaps..... >:(

WOW, seriously, I was just thinking about posting this. I'm going to email it to my sister who I had an argument with about brestfeeding versus formulas.....A friend of ours just had a baby & decided to formula feed because she thought it would be easier & I was like WTF?!?! (to my sister, not the friend) My sister said when she has kids she is going to formula feed too....URGGGGG  >:(

People just don't care anymore about the health of themselves OR their children apparently!!!!


A friend of ours just had a baby & decided to formula feed because she thought it would be easier & I was like WTF?!?! (to my sister, not the friend) My sister said when she has kids she is going to formula feed too....URGGGGG  >:(

I was formula fed....maybe that's why I'm such an IDIOT! :P
Dammnnn!  (I Have to do this...vegweb blocks the word d**n...see?)....
I know my Mom was unconscious when I was born (as where my older brothers)....She never even experienced, or was awake for one single child being born...she went "out"..."woke up"...and she had a baby....that's the way they did it in NY way back when.....

That TOO might explain why I'm an IDIOT.....nice to give me drugs before I even entered the world...huh?! :o

How about you guys/gals?

Who was breast fed?.... and who was formula fed?
just curious....


How about you guys/gals?

Who was breast fed?.... and who was formula fed?
just curious....

  I was breast fed. I was also born at home on the same couch I was probably conceived on.

  I was the seventh of eight kids so I guess my Mom didn't feel like she needed any help at that point. Interesting family history. Eight kids. Every single one weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces at birth. My Mom had two leap year babies (February 29th). Made the local newspaper with that little feat. Pretty long odds.


Honestly, God did not give us honkers just for decoration. I can understand women who formula-feed because they have to (usually women with really small breasts can't breast-feed) but otherwise, health reasons aside, why spend money when you have natural formula for free?

I read in Rue McClanahan's memoir that when she had her child, she didn't even have a choice in breastfeeding - while she was unconscious, the doctor gave her a shot that dried up her breastmilk, saying breastfeeding would "ruin her breasts." Gee, thanks doc. I'm glad I don't live in the '50s.


My twin and I were breast fed which I'm sure was a pain in the a$$ for my mom considering I ate every three hours and my twin every two.  (we were 6 weeks premature)  Although to be positive I'd have to ask and she's probably going to be curious why the question is coming from left field. grandmother (mom's side) wasn't "knocked out" but for each of her children her mother would come and stay and take care of the new baby for at least six months and then the older siblings would take over.  My mom told us this and it was like...why'd she keep having them if she couldn't take care of them herself?  ???  My grandmother has always been massively pain intollerant and after the births would be too exhausted to help.  I can see being tired but 6 months avoiding the baby??? 


My twin sister and I were breast fed, as were all nine of us kids in my family.  My Mom used to run out of milk feeding my twin and I (and for some reason I'd always eat second) so she would send me across the street to my Aunt's (related by marriage, not blood) house for her to breast feed me since she had just lost her newborn daughter to a heart defect.  'Course I didn't ever know that little detail 'til the day of my wedding when in front of everyone my Aunt proclaimed it!   :o   Funny now, but caught me rather by surprise at the time!   ;)     


i was breast fed. i am a huge proponent of it... there are so many terrible things about formula. ugh.

and, what? vegweb blocks out damn? what else does it block?


I can't stand the thought of feeding my child something called "Formula."  I mean, seriously? 

My little sister and I were both breast fed.  For most of my life, my mom has talked about how wonderful breast feeding is. 


usually women with really small breasts can't breast-feed)


I was a 34 AA when I got pregnant with my oldest child.  I managed to breast ALL of my 6 for 2 years EACH.  Did they thrive? Umm yeah.  I'll give you their 6-week weights because I remember them.

#1:  8#6oz at birth, 12#3oz at 6 weeks.
#2:  7# (born 3-1/2 weeks early) 12#5oz at 6 weeks.
#3:  9#6oz, 13#8oz at 6 weeks.
#4:  8#4oz, 12#2 6 weeks.
#5:  8#15oz, 13# at 6 weeks.
#6:  8#12oz, 14#6 at 6 weeks due to "overfeeding" because she felt it necessary not to waste a drop of mom's milk...until she would projectile vomit from too much pressure!!!

In point of fact, large breasted women are statistically more likely to have less actual glandular tissue then small breasted woman and have a lot more difficulty breastfeeding.  Part is due to the weight of milk plus breast. 

I would argue with anyone who thinks that a bottle is more convenient.  What is so convenient about heating up a bottle?  Washing bottles?  Mixing up formula?  Lugging home huge cans of formula?  Working more hours to pay for huge cans of formula?  Getting up in the middle of the night to heat a bottle, maybe a couple of times?

Breastfeeding:  Cheap, easy, always available, always the right temperature, and it comes in such cute packaging!!!  There is no mixing required, although it is usually a "milkshake."  There is no landfill stuff either.  They don't need space in the dishwasher.  Plus, you don't have to actually wake up all the way to tuck a baby up to you and nourish their body, soul, mind and heart (which is what it does for a mom too). 

Then you can address the entire cholesterol issue.  Our bodies can acquire cholesterol by what we consume, or our bodies can make it.  MOther's milk is extraordinarily high in cholesterol relative to other mammals.  A breastfed infant's body sets itself to acquire its cholesterol needs, and the switch to synthesize it stays "turned off" if you will.  A bottle fed infant's body will set itself to synthesize because formula is so low in cholesterol, which is necessary for brain and nerve development in infancy.  So, for life bottle infants will have higher cholesterol because they get from both sources (like that commercial) and breastfed infants will consume only.

Breastfed here, cholesterol is 130.  My kids who are old enough to be tested do not fall above 160.  An if heredity has a part in this, which is does, consider that their father's cholesterol runs about 230 ON LIPITOR to reduce it.  When he started cholesterol lowering meds at the tender age of 36, his level was 340 and almost entirely LDL (bad) cholesterol.  I don't think the 160s is particularly bad and not with their genetics. 

I am a militant pro breastfeeding person and I can slam you all day about the reasons why you CAN and you SHOULD do it. 


I was born in the 60's and back then, I guess formula was the "way to go", so that's what I got. I was premature and in an incubator, my mom told me even though she used a breastpump, she later found out that they just dumped the mild!


Dragonfly, I stand corrected! I was going by what a friend with smaller boobs told me. My bad!


I saw this article. So ridiculous.  >:( I have no words.

I was born at home, breastfed until age 2. My mom is an A cup. I plan on doing the same with my kids. I don't understand how ANYONE can deny that breastmilk is superior in all ways to formula.

I understand formula being available, because some mothers run out of milk, can't breastfeed due to medical conditions and medicine they take, for adopted kids, etc.

But, to choose formula because one has been mislead into thinking that it's just AS good as breastmilk is wrong in so many ways. That this is coming from the government does not surprise me one bit, lol. But, I'm sure we all know why that is.  ;)


I was a breast baby because a) they discovered I was lactose-intolerant when they gave me formula and b) my mother had so much milk she donated to those who didn't.
I was the last of 10 children. I was born in the Midwest in 1962, in the middle of the formula fashion which started in the early 50's or so (post WW2 anyway).
By the 70's the pendulum was swinging back to the natural mode, which included breast feeding. Given American advertising ideals ( ::)) it surprises me not at all that the pendulum is swinging back.

I moved to Spain in 1983, and here at that time and until just lately, breastfeeding was unquestioned. Of course at that time few women worked outside the home after marriage, and bosses could fire pregnant women from their jobs or simply "not have need of them" after their maternity "leave" was up.  (leave as in "bye bye, see you never.")

Over the last 10 yrs more and more women are entering the workplace, and fewer and fewer want to "bother" to breastfeed. What was my surprise about 5 yrs ago to see an ad in the community centre for a chapter of LaLeche League being founded in my city!!

I've often wondered if some of the extreme, life-threatening allergies kids seem to suffer more and more commonly these days have something to do with formula from birth... ???


I'm a product of breast feeding myself, and I'm totally for it, it's such a natural instinct.  For some reason out of my three siblings and I my oldest brother is the only one that was formula feed, hmmmm.

Oh and Lady Dragonfly I still cannot BELIEVE you have 6 KIDS!!!!  You look great!


I've often wondered if some of the extreme, life-threatening allergies kids seem to suffer more and more commonly these days have something to do with formula from birth... ???

Yabbit it's not necessarily the formula which can cause the severe food allergies, but being weaned too soon and being fed foods that the baby's little body isn't able to process yet. Which is what happened to me.  ;)


For some reason out of my three siblings and I my oldest brother is the only one that was formula feed, hmmmm.

And how did he turn out? ???


i was breast fed along with both of my brothers, i dont think any of us can tolerate milk too, my mom is also lactose intolerant, wonder if breast feeding has anything to do with it.

i would love to have that experience of breast feeding, but there are so many people in this world!  i think i'll just adopt.  i remember seeing a billboard for pro lifers, it said something like, 4 million babies are aborted every year.  i just kept thinking, than goodness, do we even have room for 4 million more unwanted babies????

does anyone have info about the breast feeding in public debate?  i vaguely remember something about this a couple months ago, how it was being banned in certain places.

we could even bring that vegan baby that died into the discussion about the importance of breast feeding.  didn't they just feed their baby soy milk?  pretty bad.  ohwell.

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