"God is Not Great" : Chapter on Pigs : Veg*n opinions?
Posted by jenniferhughes on Aug 16, 2007 · Member since Aug 2006 · 1828 posts
Just wondering if anyone has read, God is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens.
If so, I was interested to hear thoughts (from a veg*n perspective) on the chapter and commentary about dietary laws...
I haven't read it but I have an omni friend (well, more like an acquaintance) who told me about it and has just started reading it. I'm very curious about the whole bookmyself.
Well, shoot. I just pulled a baypuppy. I didn't notice that bookpapa was logged in. That was me in the last post. :D
never even heard about it, please give us your opinion!! :)
what is the book actually about ~ sound intresting!
Well, the book is just your run of the mill atheist/agnostic/freethinker book.
I'm not finished with it yet, I find the writing style really difficult to read. So far, I wouldn't recommend it exactly, especially not as an intro to atheism book. If you're interested in the idea of atheist/agnostic/freethinkers I'd recommend Julia Sweeny's "Letting Go of God" monologue. Which is great and very entertaining. (Yes, Julia Sweeny the one who played Pat in "It's Pat" on SNL.)
Back to the veg*n thingy though,
The chapter on pigs (Chapter Three: A Short Digression On The Pig) basically talks about dietary laws and how the exact reason for them is often in the air. He brings up the relationship between pigs and humans and how we share much of the same DNA etc and suggests that eating pigs was far to much like eating a human. He briefly mentions firefighters who can no longer eat BBQ and stuff like that. I guess I just sat there reading it with my vegan glasses on and was really saying, "hmmm..." to myself.
So far, I wouldn't recommend it exactly, especially not as an intro to atheism book. If you're interested in the idea of atheist/agnostic/freethinkers I'd recommend Julia Sweeny's "Letting Go of God" monologue. Which is great and very entertaining. (Yes, Julia Sweeny the one who played Pat in "It's Pat" on SNL.)
I don't want to steer this thread in a different direction, but I just had to say that Julia Sweeney is an excellent speaker/writer/teacher on the subject of atheism! I've heard her speak before, and she wrote the first chapter in a book I have called Parenting Beyond Belief, and it is so good! In fact, the whole book comes very highly recommended from me! :) Although I don't have kids (yet?? Maybe someday...), it's a really thorough book on the topic of atheism/agnosticism/freethinking, and is sort of an instructional guide to raising balanced, thoughtful, sympathetic children without the influence of religion. And although I'm a "grown-up" (technically ;)), it's helped me sort through a lot of my own feelings concerning religion.
Anyway... Just had to share!
Well, the book is just your run of the mill atheist/agnostic/freethinker book.
I'm not finished with it yet, I find the writing style really difficult to read. So far, I wouldn't recommend it exactly, especially not as an intro to atheism book. If you're interested in the idea of atheist/agnostic/freethinkers I'd recommend Julia Sweeny's "Letting Go of God" monologue. Which is great and very entertaining. (Yes, Julia Sweeny the one who played Pat in "It's Pat" on SNL.)
vegan glasses on and was really saying, "hmmm..." to myself.
Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to check it out
I've heard about this book. it's on my long, long list of things to read - I doubt I'll get to it though, since school starts again soon (AH!)
a book I have called Parenting Beyond Belief, and it is so good! In fact, the whole book comes very highly recommended from me! :)
Who wrote your book? I googled it and came across two books with that title.
It's funny that books on parenting help YOU, you know? I have had that happen so many times! Like, when I read Disease Proof Your Child, it was so great! I recommend it to my family members who I don't think will read all of Eat to Live.
Still no one out there who's read it? ...
Okay veg*ns here is your mission.... next time you're in a bookstore just glance through and read chapter 3... it's short... then come back and report! I'm really wondering if anyone else gets a vegish vibe from it.
I think we need to start a vegan book club! All these books sond wonderful! I think I'll take your advice Jen and read that chapter the next time I'm at the bookstore! Thanks for the reccomendation!
a book I have called Parenting Beyond Belief, and it is so good! In fact, the whole book comes very highly recommended from me! :)
Who wrote your book? I googled it and came across two books with that title.
It's funny that books on parenting help YOU, you know? I have had that happen so many times! Like, when I read Disease Proof Your Child, it was so great! I recommend it to my family members who I don't think will read all of Eat to Live.
My book is by Dale McGowan. I know you don't live in the States, but if you want to read the description from the publisher & reviews from readers other than me :), here is the Amazon link:
And yes, I love when I am unexpectedly helped or enlightened by a book--and a parenting book, no less! :) I read an article featuring Dale McGowan in our local newspaper (he is a resident of Minnesota--where I live), and just loved the things he had to say about parenting without religious indoctrination. So, I bought the book! It's great because it was very interesting, sensitive & practical, and as a bonus, will perhaps prepare me for raising my own (hypothetical) children someday. :o
The book addresses a lot of "deep" questions that many of us have a hard time wrapping our heads around--not just kids! And the chapters are written by so many different people (some famous, some not) that there are many different perspectives on non-religious parenting to be offered.
Very cool Jess! Thanks for the review!
I'm actually ordering a copy right now! ;)
I think we need to start a vegan book club! All these books sond wonderful!
what a great idea!
Very cool Jess! Thanks for the review!
I'm actually ordering a copy right now! ;)
Ooh! Yay! Please let me know what you think of it! One other thing (once again, one of my "book reviews" is making me feel like I am working for the publisher by hyping it up so much; I swear I'm not! ;))... It's also awesome because each chapter is fairly short, and it's really easy to pick up where you left off--which is nice for busy people! And I had many "a-ha!" moments while reading it... I love that. :)
I wish even religious people would read this book so they could get a picture of what caring, lovely people atheists can be... And see evidence that "freethinkers" aren't raising little Antichrists. :) Plus, I think we could all use a lesson in explaining why we want someone to behave a certain way or treat others nicely other than "Because I said so" or "Because God wants you to." While I'm not a parent, I have found through my nannying experience that kids can really benefit from getting actual answers for why they should do something. I'm done with my little rant--I just love freethinking. ;)
P.S. Look at all my dumb smileys littered throughout this post. I'm weird. ::)
I wish even religious people would read this book so they could get a picture of what caring, lovely people atheists can be... And see evidence that "freethinkers" aren't raising little Antichrists. :) Plus, I think we could all use a lesson in explaining why we want someone to behave a certain way or treat others nicely other than "Because I said so" or "Because God wants you to."
I LOVE the part in Letting Go of God when Julia says how sad she is when people die because now she knows that they're REALLY GONE... and how hard that is. It IS hard. And that's life. I also like when she talks about how much MORE amazing the world is... bridges, trees, flowers, buildings ALL SO COOL! She really, really says it all so well! I have wished I could let my grandparents listen to it! They have made religious journeys, and I thought they'd appreciate that aspect of it. But the end probably wouldn't sit well.
Very true on the caring thing... and lessons on treating people in respectful ways! So true!
I do wish it could be shared with people, I don't want to push it on someone but just in a "look at how nice humans" can be way....
I don't see why people are so put off by freethinkers... (Can't remember where but) I read a survey that said atheists are the most mistrusted group in America... "more so than Muslims" said the article. ??? ::) I've got to figure out what I read that in...
We should start an vegwebber's Atheist/Agnostic/Freethinker chat thread! too much to talk about!
(This is so not what I meant for this post to be about... Oh well! MY POST! I get to do what I want! LOL)
I wish even religious people would read this book so they could get a picture of what caring, lovely people atheists can be... And see evidence that "freethinkers" aren't raising little Antichrists. :) Plus, I think we could all use a lesson in explaining why we want someone to behave a certain way or treat others nicely other than "Because I said so" or "Because God wants you to."
I LOVE the part in Letting Go of God when Julia says how sad she is when people die because now she knows that they're REALLY GONE... and how hard that is. It IS hard. And that's life. I also like when she talks about how much MORE amazing the world is... bridges, trees, flowers, buildings ALL SO COOL! She really, really says it all so well! I have wished I could let my grandparents listen to it! They have made religious journeys, and I thought they'd appreciate that aspect of it. But the end probably wouldn't sit well.
Very true on the caring thing... and lessons on treating people in respectful ways! So true!
I do wish it could be shared with people, I don't want to push it on someone but just in a "look at how nice humans" can be way....
I don't see why people are so put off by freethinkers... (Can't remember where but) I read a survey that said atheists are the most mistrusted group in America... "more so than Muslims" said the article. ??? ::) I've got to figure out what I read that in...
We should start an vegwebber's Atheist/Agnostic/Freethinker chat thread! too much to talk about!
(This is so not what I meant for this post to be about... Oh well! MY POST! I get to do what I want! LOL)
I agree to the "Atheist/Agnostic/Freethinkers" thread! Haha. Sorry for steering this thread in such a different direction! (But I do plan on reading Chapter 3 of that book as soon as I can!) ;)
I have also (unfortunately) read the same study saying that atheists are the most mistrusted group in America--"more than Muslims." Jeez... :-\
From the article I read: "Based on a telephone survey of more than 2,000 households and in-depth interviews with more than 140 people, researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, homosexuals and other groups as 'sharing their vision of American society.' Americans are also least willing to let their children marry atheists." http://www.ur.umn.edu/FMPro?-db=releases&-lay=web&-format=umnnewsreleases/releasesdetail.html&ID=2816&-Find
How close-minded. And I agree with Julia that once I "let go of god," everything somehow seemed more... magical? Is that the right word? Which is probably the exact opposite of what religious people would expect... I think many (certainly not all) religious people picture atheists as being sour individuals who look at life as being totally un-special. On the contrary, all the atheists I know seem to notice so many of the little joys in life & truly appreciate what we have here on Earth--because we think that's all there is. We better live it up! ;)
I could say so much more, but as you said, that's not what this thread was for... Moral of the story, I love Julia Sweeney, too! She explains her thoughts so well! And I also love that she played a nun on a few episodes of "Sex & the City." ;D And I really think you'll like that "Parenting Beyond Belief" book!
umm..Its interesting to read your prospectives on it guys. And to know it (atheism) brings you contentment. I have always wondered how people who don't believe in God don't just shoot themselves in the face due to depression...I think thats what i would do (not because I think one Should do that but because I'd feel so depressed. Like suffering served no purpose..) . Its good to know you guys don't find it depressing. Shows us it takes all kinds, you know?
I was listening to teat song yesterday..."Imagine thers no heaven...imagine all the people living for today..." and it was the first time that a choice not to have faith can actually be liberating, rather than depressing...because people really would be living int eh moment and improving the moment...interesting, no?
I'd consider reading those books at some point..
I'd really try listening to Julia's "Letting Go of God"... it's a comedic monoluge and you can get it on itunes. It's not a sales pitch to become an atheist, it just talks about her personal story and how she was catholic and how she happened to end up one... and yes she says something very similar to your question about it being depressing, when she thought "maybe there is no god..." she says, to herself, "But how is it that we don't all just go around MUUUUUUURDERING people???"
It's entertaining if nothing else! She's hilarious!
I'm glad you're open-minded about it, Zealia! To me, I find atheism to be (as you said) liberating, and (as I say) inspiring because it encourages me to live for today & be the person I truly want to be. As I see it, there are no second chances in the afterlife to do the things I always wanted to do while living or experience the things I want to. It's up to me to surround myself with as much happiness & make as many positive changes to the world as I can while I'm here, because (I think) this is all there is.
I think that if religion encourages someone to be a better person, treat others in a respectful & positive way, and find happiness in their lives--then that's great! :) But if it motivates someone to discriminate against others who are unlike them (in some way) or to live for tomorrow, then that is frustrating and sad to me.
P.S. I agree with Jennifer on the Julia Sweeney thing! :) If nothing else, you could get an eloquent, hilarious perspective from an atheist on how she "manages" to be happy, despite not believing in god.
So...are you gonna start an Atheist/Agnostic/Freethinkers thread? I am bursting at the seams to put in my 2 cents!!!