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File this under: "DUH"!!!! Study: Wrong fish used to save species

Study: Wrong fish used to save species took the government 20 #(@(*$$(%$ years!!!!! (20 years!!!!) to figure out that they were using the "wrong fish" while trying to restore the population of an endangered native trout in Colorado.....

"They were declared extinct in 1937 because of overfishing, pollution from mines and competition from nonnative fish."

So much for the "sport" of fishing.....and the "myth" that fishermen and hunters care about the environment....(just another study that proves that it's always a great idea to introduce nonnative fish, animals, insects, or even plants to an area).  >:(;_ylt=AlMtPxOwNzsKsCJEi.eh7DazvtEF

oh my gosh...dude, too bad we breath the same air as ppl like this.


Animals die to feed people like that. 


I know this isn't supposed to be funny. But, oh man. I have to laugh at it. Not at the fish, but at the government. I've read SO many stories like this while getting my concentration in ecology that, after a certain point, the only thing left to do is laugh.

I mean, the government has done A LOT of kooky things in the name of saving species. For instance, they once poured poision into the streams and rivers of the Appalachian trial. They did this to help an endangered species grow. Their idea was to get rid of the predators, and then put the endangered species back in.

Too bad they didn't think about all the affects of all that poision everywhere. Then there was their coyote and wolf killing programs. Not to mention their programs to save national parks - there are less trees now, then before the government took over protection.

This fish thing is just another story to add to that pile.

You have to wonder - are we, on vegweb, the only intelligent life out there?  ;)


The government needs to hire some new ecologists!! lol

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