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Anybody watch Family Guy?

Deleted this whole thing because it was dumb. 

If I were you I would focus my energy on something more positive..The show will never change and your anger will only upset you, not those that need an eye opening....There are many things that you are going to encounter in your lifetime that you will disagree with and the best way I fin, to deal with it, is to be happy that you are not in that/their position and focus on all the good in your life. take care  :D


I'm sorry things are so hard right now. I hear you are really hurting and frustrated. Its good to get things off your chest every now and then. Then cuddle your kitties and son and try to believe everything WILL work out. Hang in there SQ!


SQ, it sounds like things have really sucked for you lately and I'm sorry the show brought everything back to you. Despite the tough times I'm pretty sure you're the lucky one here - after all, when he finally wises up he'll have missed his child grow up. And he will end up paying child support. When your baby grows up they'll know it was their strong, independent mother who got them there and not their lazy, absent father.

I hope you manage to sort this situation out. Don't get angry at Family Guy - it's well known for being tasteless and confrontational about issues that bug its creators :)


I don't want to be the bad one here but I remember when you found out you were pregnant.  

You both had unprotected sex, not just him.   You too.  If I remember correctly, it was New Year's Eve or something and you were both a little drunk.

Actually I remember when you had unprotected sex and asked us for suggestions in case you might be pregnant.  Most of us recommended the morning after pill although it was too late in your case and didn't work.  You never wanted children.

Yes, your 'best friend' has obviously become a deadbeat dad and a moron.  He should be ashamed of himself and you should take him to court to make him pay child support.

However, it really does take two to tango.  Every time someone in child bearing years has unprotected sex, they run the risk of pregnancy and STD's.  What were you thinking?  You are a educated women that knows the risks of unprotected sex.

If I am correct that you were both partying and drinking, obviously your common sense wasn't what it should be.  If you weren't partying and drinking, I truly apologize.
Your pregnancy can not be blamed on the father.  You got pregnant.  You knew you were having unprotected sex.  Women are responsible for their own actions and bodies.  You could have insisted on a condom or refrained as you were not on the pill.  

On the upside, you have the most beautiful little son.  I am sure he will be a constant joy in your life forever.  Many of the most treasured children have been 'mistakes'.  

Please don't be angry at men for 'getting' women pregnant.  A women gets pregnant when she doesn't take responsibility for her own body or actions.  

I do hope you can take 'dad' to court to get child support.  He is the other half of the equation and should be held responsible.

Sorry if I have offended you.  I just hate men to get bashed for pregnancy when there are two people involved having unprotected sex.  If a man is to be blamed, that means women are stupid, in-superior and ignorant.  Women are none of the above.

Love your little boy.  He really is a blessing as you never wanted kids.  Now you have one and love him to bits.  He was the silver lining in a cloud.


Posting in yet another thread about hating men.

Since I am a man, I am a low-life, scummy, piece of shit, dickheaded asshole by default.
Maybe I should just go ahead and kill myself now since I am such a terrible human being.


It's true: in the last analysis, we women have to take responsibility for our bodies and their potentials. Take care of yourself, because once a guy gets an erection he is NOT thinking. I'm not guy-bashing; it's a fact.

As far as Family Guy goes, yes, it's totally tasteless. But turn off the TV, and your life becomes very free. I'm sorry, but you have a choice as to what goes into your brain. Garbage in, garbage out. Listen to an MP3, music, CD, turn on the radio. Personally where I live, I swear by BBC Radio 4. But if what they're airing offends my sensibilities, I don't just put up with it. I switch off, because I am responsible for what I allow to take up residence in my brain.

And yes. I hope your lawyer nails the deadbeat to the wall. Best of luck. You're going to need it.


Posting in yet another thread about hating men.

Since I am a man, I am a low-life, scummy, piece of shit, dickheaded asshole by default.
Maybe I should just go ahead and kill myself now since I am such a terrible human being.

If it makes you feel any better, I don't hate men.  I mean, I married one, most of my friends are men (I don't really like girls), I work with all men, and both of my dogs are men....I'm surrounded by penises at all times....

And I'm sure she doesn't mean she hates ALL men....just the men that have made her life more difficult than necessary....

(I hate Family Guy.....if it comes on, I turn it off immediately - I treat Nickelback songs the same way)


whoa! I came on this thread to say,"I love Family Guy!"  I guess that's not really appropriate right now, but hey that's what the thread title says.

Sorry you are so upset right now. It's not the show's fault- really. I can see how the humor would be distasteful to some people, but it brings issues into light that people might not otherwise take notice of and I think that's a good thing.

I totally reccommend "The Art of Happiness" by the Dalai Lama. I know I recommend that book on here a lot & no one seems to listen to me, but really, I think it might help you get through this tough time right now.


I appreciate the slapstick, moronic humor of Family Guy. I also know that I choose to watch it, so if it offends you, then choose not to watch it.

Do I dare say this? Your son is a boy, who will grow up to be a man. Hmmm... Do you really want to be portraying the image of someone who thinks all men are deadbeats and worthless?

I see a lot of the negative feelings you have revolving around choices that you made in your life. They were, and are, choices that you made. No one forced you to have unprotected sex, to carry your son, to have your son, to keep your son, to quit your job, or to move to a different state. By deciding to keep your son, you are choosing to provide him care, even if that means getting up multiple times in the night to care for him, listening to him cry when he's teething, etc. Sure, it would have been nice to have had support, but it's not there, so you do what you have to do.

I know life is tough for you right now. However, I think understanding that you had choices and then accepting responsibility for your choices will help you be on a better mental level. It may also help you develop a more positive attitude. Honestly, do you want your son to learn the attitudes that were displayed in your last post?


SQ= I understand where you're coming from but I think you might want to get some help to work through your anger.  I think it might be damaging to your son if you have that attitude toward men and toward his father.  And trust me, you won't be able to hide it from him.


If it makes you feel any better, I don't hate men.  I mean, I married one, most of my friends are men (I don't really like girls), I work with all men, and both of my dogs are men....I'm surrounded by penises at all times....

... would you like to rephrase that line?  ;D


If it makes you feel any better, I don't hate men.  I mean, I married one, most of my friends are men (I don't really like girls), I work with all men, and both of my dogs are men....I'm surrounded by penises at all times....

... would you like to rephrase that line?  ;D

if you knew what I went through on a daily basis, you'd understand.....penises, everywhere ;)


I totally reccommend "The Art of Happiness" by the Dalai Lama. I know I recommend that book on here a lot & no one seems to listen to me, but really, I think it might help you get through this tough time right now.

Oh yeah?  Well, I actually ordered a used copy from Amazon after your post about it in the "open letters" thread.

So there.



If it makes you feel any better, I don't hate men.  I mean, I married one, most of my friends are men (I don't really like girls), I work with all men, and both of my dogs are men....I'm surrounded by penises at all times....

...Sounds like a real soysage fest.
::) ;D ;)


(I hate Family Guy.....if it comes on, I turn it off immediately - I treat Nickelback songs the same way)

Although I don't absoultely hate Family Guy (it isn't really my favorite, but it's funny sometimes), the fact that you avoid Nickelback in such a fashion makes you one of my favorite posters.
Congratulations!!  You've earned it.



...Sounds like a real soysage fest.
::) ;D ;)




I know I will sound harsh here but sometimes you need to hear how it really is.

SQ, you made choices and decisions regarding those choices.  I remember right before you had your son you fretted on here about the father wanting to take the child or at least have joint custody.  You made your choices.  You decided to have sex, stay pregnant, keep the baby, move to NY, leave your job and put the father out of your life.  Now you are pissed at all men (which your son will grow up to be one day) because you pushed his father out of his life as much as you could and now he wont pay support?!

Look at your past and present actions.  Look at your future choices.  Make decisions based on solid reasons not emotional ones.


Posting in yet another thread about hating men.

Since I am a man, I am a low-life, scummy, piece of shit, dickheaded asshole by default.
Maybe I should just go ahead and kill myself now since I am such a terrible human being.

:-D :-D

Thanks CK, this made me laugh!  Anyway, when I posted that I was pissed because one man is a dick.  I know all men aren't, my step-dad is golden, and my own father is pretty cool too.  I am sure that you CK are cool too. 

I appologize for the post, I wish I hadn't now, but I was mad.  It is like, every once in awhile, everything comes over me, all that has happened in the past year, and I realize that I got the raw end of the deal and I just get so mad...but I got the baby...and that is the best part.  My son is perfect, if you look up "cute" in the dictionary you will see my baby there. 
:)>>> :)>>> :)>>>

Thanks everybody.  Sorry for being so negative, I was blowing steam, I have to do that every once in awhile then I am okay again.  Wish I hadn't posted this, thinking of deleting it because I didn't actually mean a lot of what I said.


Posting in yet another thread about hating men.

Since I am a man, I am a low-life, scummy, piece of shit, dickheaded asshole by default.
Maybe I should just go ahead and kill myself now since I am such a terrible human being.

:-D :-D

Thanks CK, this made me laugh!  Anyway, when I posted that I was pissed because one man is a dick.  I know all men aren't, my step-dad is golden, and my own father is pretty cool too.  I am sure that you CK are cool too. 

I appologize for the post, I wish I hadn't now, but I was mad.  It is like, every once in awhile, everything comes over me, all that has happened in the past year, and I realize that I got the raw end of the deal and I just get so mad...but I got the baby...and that is the best part.   My son is perfect, if you look up "cute" in the dictionary you will see my baby there. 
:)>>> :)>>> :)>>>

Thanks everybody.  Sorry for being so negative, I was blowing steam, I have to do that every once in awhile then I am okay again.  Wish I hadn't posted this, thinking of deleting it because I didn't actually mean a lot of what I said.

You did a similar post about one of your cats months ago.  That you hated the cat or something similar and then apologized.

You didn't get the raw end of the deal.  You chose the raw end of the deal.  

I am truly not trying to be nasty.  Just realize you made the choices you made.  You need to work through your anger.  It is important if you want your son to grow to be an emotionally balanced man.

We have all made bad choices.  We have all had to live with the consequences.  We have all been angry and said things we regret. Just remember this is a public forum.  Sometimes we all hear things we don't want to hear with the responses.  I know I have.  

I wish you every happiness with your son.  I hope he doesn't grow up constantly hearing what a jerk his father is.  It happens often in divorce cases.  Parents pitting themselves against each other.  All that results in is a screwed up kid.

CK, all men are not jerks, assholes etc.  You certainly don't sound like one.  I quite like men!  ;)  I have met many a jerk but I have met many more that aren't.  The good guys far outweigh the bad guys.  Women can be jerky assholes too.  


I totally reccommend "The Art of Happiness" by the Dalai Lama. I know I recommend that book on here a lot & no one seems to listen to me, but really, I think it might help you get through this tough time right now.

Oh yeah?  Well, I actually ordered a used copy from Amazon after your post about it in the "open letters" thread.

So there.


Yeah! Hope You like it as much as I did!!



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