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Online Dating Sites, and other Catastrophies

So how many people have been doing this online dating thing?  I started it a couple of years ago, and almost immediately I met a truly wonderful person, and we ended up getting engaged.  Sad to say it didn't work out for one reason or another, but since those 3 years ago, I've only dated one person who I met online.  I've talked with a lot of people who've seemed to like me, but most of the time they stopped contacting me before we even went on a date.  Some have even deleted their profiles from the dating sites.  I know I'm a bit awkward, but I hope I haven't been creeping anyone out!

Has anyone else had similar experiences?

Here's a brief rundown of my last two dates, both of which weren't people I met online, but attempts by friends to set me up.

One date was going decently well until the girl insulted a friend of mine, then proceeded to get drunk and puke all over herself and the walls of my friends house where we had dinner.

The other date was apparently a surprise to the girl I was supposed to meet, because the woman who was setting it up forgot to tell the girl I was coming to dinner.  The girl came to dinner in a sweat suit, with the side of her face all puffy because she had a tooth infection.  She was also drugged up with pain medication, and kept falling asleep at the table.  Sweeeet.

Anyone else have fun/horrifying stories?  :surrender:

i so want to tell a random story about meeting people online that cammers and i have in common (yeah, its strange!) but i want to make sure he is okay with it since it kind of involves him.
::) ::) ::)

I don't know which story you're talking about, but sure, go ahead BP.

;D  No, Cam.  You seem totally datable to us.

Well thank you for saying HH.  I really am quite awkward sometimes though.  :)


AC - we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and nothing was going on - we were hardly even touching while sitting next to each other.  He then got up - I assumed to go pee or get a drink - when I look over, he's standing there naked!

Anyone watch Friends?? That is totally how Joey and Monica meet, aaghh! Well, they weren't on a date, it was lemonade, but yep, she turns around, he rips off his clothes. Yikes.

AH! I love that episode! "Here's your...{shocked reaction } PENIS!"

Jewel--that must have been a really uncomfortable situation--but what a great story it makes--that's the upside of bad dating, getting to tell the story later!


Well, I married the second real boyfriend I ever had (only counting the ones that I had past age 15).  The first one was russian and cute, but couldnt say my name right (I was 16).  We Dated for 6 months, long distance, and sent each other romantic letters, but he eventually started doing stuff like when we'd get together, we'd be sitting next to each other at church, with his arm around me and then I'd look over and a friend of mine was sitting on the other side of him and he had his arm around her too!!!  Finally, I had the last straw when he said "stuff" to me, like "I'm gonna get you a treadmill for your birthday, cause you need it!"  Even in his halting English, it hurt.  So I broke it off with him.  Even though after 6 months we were already doing what 16 year olds do when they date long term, which is talk about what they are gonna name all their babies and who's gonna be the bridesmaids.  

ABout a year after that, at age 17 I met Joe, who I dated mostly online for 3 years.  Two of those years he lived in Mexico and I live I Canada.  6 months before and after his time in Mexico, we would get together for a weekend or so every other month, so our relationship was mostly online.  We got married 05 05 05 and moved in together and we get along great!

My dad had a good online dating experience as well.  He met a woman named Lucie who he has been dating steadily since Christmas 06.  So me and my dad are living proof it can work :)


AC - we were sitting on the couch watching a movie and nothing was going on - we were hardly even touching while sitting next to each other.  He then got up - I assumed to go pee or get a drink - when I look over, he's standing there naked!

Uhhh, what did you do? That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard. Even worse than..
ELAINE: Let's see, (thinking) how shall I put this.

JERRY: Just put it.

ELAINE: He took it out.

JERRY: (confused) He what?

ELAINE: He took (blows on her glasses twice to clean them) it out.

JERRY: He took what out?


JERRY: He took It, Out?

ELAINE: Yessiree Bob.

JERRY: He couldn't.

ELAINE: He did.

JERRY: (motions of making out) Well you were involved in some sort of amorous...

ELAINE: Noooo.

JERRY: You mean he just


JERRY: Are you sure?

ELAINE: Oh quite.

JERRY: There was no mistaking it?

ELAINE: (looks straight into his eyes) Jerry.

JERRY: So you were talking, (Elaine makes an agreement sound "mmm") you're having pleasant conversation, (Elaine makes an agreement sound "mmm") then all of sudden...






JERRY: Well I, I can't believe this. I know Phil, he, he's a good friend of mine. We play softball together. How could this be?

ELAINE: Oh it be. (sarcastically) You got any other friends you want to set me up with?

KRAMER: Hey. (to Elaine) Hey how was your date with Phil Titola?

ELAINE: (to Kramer) He took it out.

KRAMER: Maybe uh, it needed some air. You know sometimes they need air, they can't breathe in there. It's in human.

YES!  i love that episode.  seinfelds the best, especially now that i'm not 10 like i was when it came out.  haha.


Well, I did not find love in online dating but I did find my hubby.

LB and I met online in the MMORPG Ultima Online.  hehe  Four years later we met in person.  Eight months later we were engaged and four years later married.  We are now closing in on our fifth anniversary.

Gamer geeks can find love!


I have had several online dating experiences.....none were terrible but they weren't love connections either.  One guy was really young, about 13 years younger than me.  We had exchanged pictures and talked on the phone, but when I saw him I thought, "oh no, he looks like Harry potter!"  Helooked about 12(he was legal, don't worry!) We went to Taco Bell, which he was so proudly paying for(I wasn't vegan yet) and he told me to ask for water to drink and then get my diet pepsi.....I was like, "I can afford to pay for a drink!" That pretty much ended my facination with younger guys


No personal online dating experience here (having been married for much longer than they've been around, and over half my life), but one of my US best buds is divorced and was trying it. Her complaints are mostly that the people create an "online persona" who is so nice and compatible and all--and then they meet in person and the guy turns out to be a total jerk and completely different than his online persona. About the third time this happened she swore off it forever.

Personally I don't think I'm any different online than in person, but then I learned to hand-centre a document on a Pica manual typewriter...a Royal that weighed about 30 pounds. With me, WYSIWYG.


I had one (and only one) date with a cartoon illustrator I met online.  Our date was for dinner about an hour after I got home from work.  So I rushed home, changed into something nice, fixed my hair/makeup etc and rushed back out.  I couldn't find a parking spot near the restaurant so I had to park about 3 blocks away and walk as fast as I could in heels.  When I got there he was standing outside the restaurant and instead of saying something like "Hi, nice to meet you" he just said "LATE."  I looked at my watch and I was 2 minutes "late."  Also, I had taken the time to dress nice for our date and he was wearing an old stained sweatshirt and dirty sneakers.  He admitted that it was what he was wearing while laying around the house all day.  (Gee buddy thanks for taking an interest).  Then during dinner (he said he was just kidding about the "late" thing so I decided to give him a second chance) he brought his portfolio so I had to look through all his drawing.  They were good, but he was acting like he was at a job interview.  He talked about himself the whole time and I don't think he asked a single question about me.  Needless to say I paid for my half of the dinner and when he emailed me again I told him I didn't think we were a good "match."


I've tried dating sites but I usually end up wasting a ton of time reading profiles and writing a few emails, then I never get a response from anyone or just email back and forth a couple times then stop.  :P  I've gotten into some romanticish relationships other ways online though, just through forums and websites based around interests/hobbies.  :)>>>  I met the love of my life on a forum for people with social anxiety, in a thread about vegetarianism.


I've tried dating sites but I usually end up wasting a ton of time reading profiles and writing a few emails, then I never get a response from anyone or just email back and forth a couple times then stop.  :P  I've gotten into some romanticish relationships other ways online though, just through forums and websites based around interests/hobbies.  :)>>>  I met the love of my life on a forum for people with social anxiety, in a thread about vegetarianism.

Well if that just isn't the cutest...  ::) :)

I've never dated online and probably never will.  I did have a long distance relationship which depended a lot on online communication, but that's different.  I don't know how I feel about meeting through the interwebs for the sole purpose of dating.  Too many creeps.  But it's nice when mutual interests bring people together online.


No personal online dating experience here (having been married for much longer than they've been around, and over half my life)...

How'd you meet DH, yabbitgirl?


I walked into his office and there he was! Seriously. I always say it was "love at second sight"--I went back and had another look! He was working in a travel agency and my roomie needed to get a new plane ticket as the airline she flew over with had gone bust while she was here. Her Spanish was almost nil so I went with her. He looked up and said, "Can I help you?" and I felt like someone had hit me, hard. The earth rocked under my feet. Of course I was all of 20 and overweight so I didn't think he'd look twice at me! (He was 37 then). One thing led to another...he asked me out...I went...and we spent the whole first date telling each other how steady relationships are a bum deal...and on the second date, well--he didn't ask me to marry him and I didn't accept...but somehow we got engaged!

I know, soppy as hell...but that was 25 yrs ago and we're still silly about each other. Way before the Internet. Even way before phone cards! I'm lucky...I have a drawer full of soppy letters we wrote back and forth. Y'all will have to print out those special emails, I guess. But you can't reread a phone call!


yg, that's a wonderful story.

That's kind of how my cousin and her husband met.  My cousins are LDS and she was coming back from a mission on a bus with other missionaries and her now husband, Travis, glanced over and was floored with my cousin.  They've had a lot of challenges in their lives, but they're still giddy happy in love.

That's exactly what I want.  To be floored by someone in an unexpected place.  That's a total romatic movie plot.


welcome back wormy! we were talking about you and missed you the other day!

better stay out of trouble  ;) >:D :)>>>

Hehe yeah I know!  Hesp messaged me... I had no clue the forums were back up!  Thats so awesome you guys hadnt forgotten about me.  :)

The funny thing is, I have still been using vegweb for recipes and stuff... Just didnt try to check for forums again.  Hehe.  I wont be on as often though, I've been so busy.  I have midterms coming up and need to study like 6 hours per day until next monday (I'm in my procrastination period right now though, I dont start really freaking out and studying for another day or two).  Even when midterms arent around though I've been busier now so  :-[


For an internet social networking site, there sure are a lot of people who haven't dated someone they met on the internet before.  Congrats on all the successes with, and without!


I'm so glad to hear that other people have success stories with online dating.  Although my dating experiences were bad, I do have some good stories to tell  :D

While I'd like a romantic movie plot, I'm entirely too rational for that to happen.  I figure at some point I'll be swapping horror dating stories with my niece (who is now 5).  I've always got my kitties to keep me warm  ;)


one guy told me he looked just like Charlie Sheen.....yeah, after Charlie's worst crack and hooker bender.....


For an internet social networking site, there sure are a lot of people who haven't dated someone they met on the internet before.  Congrats on all the successes with, and without!

i think most of us come for the recipes  ;)b


For an internet social networking site, there sure are a lot of people who haven't dated someone they met on the internet before.  Congrats on all the successes with, and without!

i think most of us come for the recipes  ;)b

I think I have a new vegweb forum motto: "Come for the recipes, stay for the friends!"


I've not dated anyone I met online.....been married too long!
BUT I did meet 2 people IRL from vegweb ( I was scared at first!)......hoopy~d and Nutdragon, who are both great friends! And relatively normal people! ;D

I like telling people I met friends online. Its kind of cool I think......I'm sure if I was single I would try online dating.....
my friend met a great guy on
maybe if you start there (or another green dating site), you might find people with more mutual interests?



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