Any Other Single Vegans Here?
Posted by dixiefilms on Nov 10, 2009 · Member since Nov 2009 · 18 posts
I'll tell ya....
Life can be hard, when you're a vegan, and single....
Personally, I could share my life with someone who ate animal products. And there's so few of us out there. I can count on one hand the women I've dated in the last 10-15 years....
Any other single vegans out there? Share your stories!!!
Thank you gals :) I like vegans even better than ladies :) I jazzercise with that song now I am going to sing veagn version :) Funn!!!
wow now i soo have that stuck in my head! *oh oh ohooohoh oh..."
omg: 'i need no venison,
did i mention, i don't pay it any attention.
cause you had your turn
and now you're gonna learn
what it really feels like to be a veg'
Single Vegan guy right here! I love everything that has been said in this forum.
I agree that individuality and differences are good...but when it comes to veganism, its not just an, "oh you eat meat, i don't issue." The fact of the matter is, being vegan carries with it a lot more than just diet. I tried dating a carnivour a couple of weeks ago, and SHIT...non-stop banter about "who gives a shit about animals, they are here for one reason..." Maybe I am just from a hick-area, but geez. Dating someone who felt the same way I do about a cruelty-free lifestyle would be amazing. It would make searching for vegan restaurants FUN and not a HASSLE. Thanks for letting me rant :)
Single in Seattle...and loving it! I'm recently single, after almost 10 years. My ex-partner was a self-described carnivore. When he was feeling polite, he'd say "omnivore".
After that disaster, the top qualities I'll look for in a man are kindness and empathy. I just don't see how anyone could fit that description and still eat dead animals. How can you be empathetic AND allow a sentient creature to be killed for your pleasure (NOT survival)? It just doesn't add up.
If I can't be with a veg*n, I'll stay single. Forever. And I'll enjoy every minute of it. ;)b
Totally agree with you! Meeting a like-minded individual would be divine!! I guess I am lucky being a guy when it comes to dating :) Haha, it is usually up to the guy to choose a it or not, dates are going to vegan-friendly restaurants!!! Welcome to the site Zelda!!!!
well, I just pray you guys will meet someone special one day, but for now as Jane said enjoy the time for yourself :) and celebrate being healthy and free :)
HAHA word sister!!
Single Aussie vegan girl here. I agree with the ladies on here that said that they wouldn't discount a man just because he eats meat. Yes, my choice to be vegan is much more than just not eating animal products, it is a way of life. But my two previous exes were both pretty much carnivores and they were never anything but understanding about veganism as they know how passionate I am about it. Unfortunately, both of them had a roving eye...
The point is though, it seems that there are no decent men out there these days, carnivore, vegan, vegetarian, omnivore, whatever! I do live in a small town but seriously, it is a decent-man drought!!! There are plenty of hot men to look at, and plenty who'll chat you up because they're after one thing...but there are no honest, kind, down to earth guys here to be seen! They are all egotistical sex-driven pigs. No, scrap that, pigs are beautiful creatures, I can't put them in the same basket!
However, I know that there are some amazing guys out there and I guess I will just have to wait for a good one to come along - unfortunately I'm an impatient Aries, and I hate waiting!!!
Very well said, KMK and others. I've dated a couple of meat eaters, who decided to stop eating meat after we broke up, after giving my veg decision some careful thought. It would have been nice if their decision was made while we dated, but I was still touched by the act of compassion.
Twenty two year old single vegan here! After reading the posts, I`d have to say that I agree with the general consensus. I would never eliminate someone from the dating pool based on dietary preferences, because the world is already contaminated with too much small mindedness and xenophobia. However, I can also see the point of wanting to have someone who could relate to my beliefs considering that they are an integral part of my being. Veganism encompasses more than mere dietary restaurants, it is also an eminent part of how someone lives there life and to their goals, actions, understandings, economical, moral, ecological, and spiritual beliefs.
That said, I feel like I will always be more suspicious of a person who is not vegan when preparing food. A couple of years ago, I had a really inconsiderate and obnoxious ex-boyfriend who lied to me at dinner in a restaraunt that the pot stickers he had ordered where vegan when infact they had pork in them. I felt so betrayed and upset, like every fiber of who I was ripped apart, it was way more than just a joke to me, but he didn`t get that. So I threw up, left him at the restaraunt 40 mins from his house and never talked to him again. Even after that catastrpohe I would still date a meat eater as long as they were respectful of my beliefs. I`d love to find the vegan love of my life eventually but if not, I feel like I`ll end up with someone that I care about. Until then, being a 22 single vegan rocks!
Very well said! One of my best friends was making a pizza at home a few months ago and he hid pepperoni under the part where he folded the crust over just to make me eat meat. It is so sad when people are that self-absorbed to think that they have some sort of life mission to make you do something that you don't want to do. A lot of my meat eating friends just don't understand what this lifestyle choice means to me. It hurts :(
I've been lurking much, much more than I have been logging in, I have been meaning to pop into this thread and count myself among those who are also single (but I am not quite vegan...)
I hope that everyone else is having better luck or success than it seems like I have been having in the dating arena! haha.
Ha arena, completely a spectator sport.
I was somewhat seeing a girl a maybe two months,
her inability to normally define that should have been a red flag.
I'm single as well...I've dated vegans but it usually ends up that the only thing we have in common are our eating habits so I will let a omni long as he is open minded ....and since I bake all the time the guys usually don't mind that it's vegan as long as it tastes good =)
I've dated vegans but it usually ends up that the only thing we have in common are our eating habits so I will let a omni in..
Yes! That kept happening to me. I never found a vegan that I was interested in on a personal level.
Ha arena, completely a spectator sport.
I was somewhat seeing a girl a maybe two months,
her inability to normally define that should have been a red flag.
Spectator sport! Couldn't have said it better. ;D
Sorry to hear about the troubles you've been having too, I was really hoping it was just me!
She was unable to normally define.... anything?
hey guys I just came across the add about holistic cruises! All you singles and looking out there March 21 -March 28 ! You guys need to grab a friend and all meet! It is fun and they serve gourmet vegan food! :) Just thought I will throw this crazy idea out there :) :)>>>
I live in Kentucky and changing to vegan has been a easy change.I do falter.Finding a mate is a hard chore.I have not been on a date in 10 years plus.It is truly hard to find a clean woman who wants a home life.Here they want Pills.If you want a male who belives in love caring and being honest.I am here.Oh i own my home a small farm.Everything to grow food and store it.
That said, I feel like I will always be more suspicious of a person who is not vegan when preparing food. A couple of years ago, I had a really inconsiderate and obnoxious ex-boyfriend who lied to me at dinner in a restaraunt that the pot stickers he had ordered where vegan when infact they had pork in them. I felt so betrayed and upset, like every fiber of who I was ripped apart, it was way more than just a joke to me, but he didn`t get that. So I threw up, left him at the restaraunt 40 mins from his house and never talked to him again. Even after that catastrpohe I would still date a meat eater as long as they were respectful of my beliefs. I`d love to find the vegan love of my life eventually but if not, I feel like I`ll end up with someone that I care about. Until then, being a 22 single vegan rocks! That sucks so hard. How lame. Did he try to talk to you again?