should i take dha while pregnant?
Posted by beca on Sep 14, 2011 · Member since Jun 2009 · 6 posts
haven't seen an ob yet but the ob nurse asked if the prenatal vitamins i'm taking had dha in them. she also gave me some samples of vitamins that have dha but they aren't vegan so i haven't taken them. should i be taking a dha supplement?
Most prenatals have it in already now-a-days, but I did take it while I was pregnant. I think all formula's are now fortified with DHA too, I'm not sure if there's any reason not to.
DHA helps to guard against neural tube defects. That's why it is recommended for women who are trying to get pregnant start taking it.
I'm pregnant and take Deva Vegan DHA made from Flax oil. They are easy to swallow and a reasonable price.
Yes, dha should be taken before, during, and after pregnancy. It's good for brain health and function. I take a flax oil w/ dha(brand = Flora) added. It's in the fridge case. I mix the oil into my daily protein shake because you also need 75-100g of protein a day when you are preg/nursing.
thanks everyone :)
I was prescribed a non-vegan pre-natal vitamin w/ dha when I was pregnant, but they made me throw up. It was the fish oil. Any thing fish made me throw up while I was pregnant, meat, fish, barbeque, diary all made me throw up. It was AWEFUL! Needless to say, I couldn't take those vitamins. After taking them twice, and throwing up twice, I gave up.
So I threw those out, and went to GNC and bought some vitamins that didn't have dha in them, vegen ones if I recal right, and a vegan dha suppliment that came from algea. During my next pre-natal visit I told my doctor about the situation, and he was un-happy until I showed him the bottles of what I was taking, then he seemed to be okay with it.
Today, my son is a very healthy 3 year old boy who hates fish, and is not a big meat eater, but LOVES fruit and tofu, two things I CRAVED while pregnant. Funny how that goes....