Labor stories, questions, etc
Posted by erinmonster5 on May 02, 2011 · Member since Jan 2008 · 2870 posts
Per mdvegan's suggestion, as not to jack llg's thread anymore :)
Please continue, ladies! I love hearing the stories, even though they've been getting pretty horrible....I need to be mentally prepared for this shit!
eta: just for reference, I intend on a natural birth, but am completely open to whatever you've said, not everything always goes as planned, so I wanna be prepared for any situation.
Well, it is about time I finally write down the story of my labor and Gavin's birth....
I was due May 1st. As many of you know, Evan and I were set to move 2,000 miles at the end of May. Every day past my EDD just dragged by and we were very concerned that the baby was going to hang out in utero until 42 weeks. So, we made the decision to induce which is not what I would have chosen had we not been moving.
I arrived to the hospital's birthing center Saturday night where I was checked in and the nurses hooked up my cervix with a cervical ripening agent (I was just a smidgen dilated). I sent Evan home for the night because we knew nothing was going to be happening that night.
Sunday morning there was no change. I got to eat breakfast and later that morning we started pitosin. Later in the afternoon I opted for an epidural (pain meds were always in my plan and there was no pain in getting it!). I kept referencing my own pain chart scale I brought in.... the nurses thought it was hysterical and made copies to keep at the nurses' station. Unfortunately, I was having crazy contractions but no dilation. We stopped pitosin to wait for the contractions to stop to try a different route of getting things going..... While I was waiting on orders from the doctor on the next course of action I snuck on a Clif bar and some dried fruit. ;) Well, my contractions kept coming and I started to dialate on my own..... slowly though. We kept a low dose of pitosin going to help move things along, but my body stalled out again. Evan stayed the night with me in the anticipation that I might get further....
In the morning my epidural bag needed to be changed out. All but one of my L&D nurses were amazing. The one when this shit happened was not: this woman was MIA from me almost her entire shift. A nurse (not mine) came in to change out my medication bag then for some reason she left halfway through and another nurse (again, not mine) came in to finish the change out. She looked like she didn't know what she was doing. I asked her if everything was hooked up and all the valves were open. She said yes. She FUCKING LIED! Shortly thereafter I went from mildly uncomfortable to blinding, oh my god I'm being mauled by a bear and jesus is coming for me kind of pain in a matter of seconds. I had to get ANOTHER epidural and that one hurt really really bad. I think it was the anesthesia guy's fault. I finally hit 4cm and had my pain under control. They estimated I'd deliver around 6-7pm that night. My body decided to dialate the next 6cm in record time. The L&D nurse called the doctor and said we'd need them in 2.5-3 hours. I pushed for just over an hour and Gavin entered the world. I pushed so hard and so fast that there was a mad dash at the end to get everything prepped and for the OB to get there.
This was literally the hardest thing I've ever done. I was there for 42 hours and in labor for 30 hours. Gavin had a 15" head and ripped me coming out. Luckily, my L&D nurse was down there working in some oil and stretching. I shudder to think what would have happened down there if she hadn't. I needed a couple of stitches afterwards. There are like 12 OB's in the practice I used and only one of which was a guy and I regularly saw 2 of the doctors. I would have liked for my favorite doctor to deliver me (she would have if I had made it to like 5pm) and I just didn't want the male doctor. Well, guess what? I got the guy. I also said that I didn't want any students. Of course, he asked if the PA he had with him could observe. At that point I just was like what the fuck ever. :-\ I spiked a fever over 102' and Gavin had to go to NICU for 48 hours of an antibiotic treatment. I was able to hold him skin to skin and breastfeed right after delivery. They did all the clean up (etc) and let me hold him some more before they took him up (Evan went with him).... I still needed some work. I lost 3 times the normal amount of blood.
I ate ice chips like crazy while I was pushing and in-between. I addressed everyone by name and very nicely despite the cussing. I thanked everyone afterwards. Evan and I both cried. Literally, when Gavin entered the world I swear I've never felt so much relief. I was take to my recovery room and had to FIGHT for them to take me up to Gavin because I was hooked up to fluids and antibiotics. I had to threaten to walk there if they wouldn't wheel me up. The next 2 days were extremely hard. I felt like a freight train had plowed into me. My lower back and pelvic bone were bruised badly. I could barely walk and peeing was excruciating. Despite all of this crap, Gavin is/was perfect. They let us take him home right after the 48 hours.
Oh wow, Lauren. That sounds rough :( Is 15 inches big for a head? I just know my baby will have a fat head. Hopefully my doctor will lube me up down there too.
Your explanation of pain frightens me a little....well, a lot, really.
But at least Gavin is healthy - and extremely cute!
Andrew was born March 14 2010. The best day of my life!
I got put on bed rest in January due to really high blood pressure that was threatening to turn into pre-eclampsia. It did at the end anyway. The bedrest was the hardest part as my mom said I had to live with her and my dad until the baby came. She knew that I simply wouldn't stay down. I also had high amniotic fluid levels.
My original due date was the 26th. The Tuesday before my OB saw that my bp was actually normal and I was feeling GREAT. I had been so tired the last few months. He wanted my labor to be when I was feeling well so he stripped my membranes in an attempt to get labor started. I was already 2 cm and 25% effaced at that time.
On Friday my mucus plug came out. That was really interesting! Course I love the gross things the human body does. It's so fascinating.
Anyway, by this time Andrew had a schedule. He would always move around certain times and sleep during certain times. He had the same schedule after he was born too which is pretty nifty.
I noticed on Sunday that he had completely stopped moving since Saturday morning. I drank juice, walked around, took a shower, drank super cold water, etc. I finally called the dr and they said I needed to come in.
My mom and I got to the Birthing Center around noon on that Sunday. I was only 4 cm but 75% effaced and having regular contractions. I had no idea I was in labor. I had gone into early labor twice in December and had Braxton hicks since I got put on bed rest. This labor was in my back and felt better than what I had been having! At this time, I decided to just roll with the punches. If I needed pain relievers, I'd take them but I did not want an epidural. I was also really excited that I could finally start walking around again! I was almost running laps around the unit. My mom couldn't keep up with me.
When they hooked me back up to see how baby was doing they noticed his heart would stop after a contraction. It's not bad if it stops during the peak of one but after is a really bad thing. So they made me lay down which was NOT pleasant. And I had to lay on my side too. That was the worst.
Around three pm, the dr decided baby needed to have internal monitors so they broke my water and put these little probe things in his head to monitor his heart. The contractions really started. Around 4 pm I said one word: "drugs." I was given the IV dose of painkillers and it was wonderful! I actually slept in between contractions. Even though they were 2 minutes apart, it felt like 10. Around 5, they wore off. I asked again but the dr had to check me out first. So I waited for 20 minutes for the dr to get there and my body kept wanting to push. It was the wierdest but kewlest thing. The dr came in at 5:30 and told me to push. Pushing felt good! It was like it took pressure off or something. I had to stay laying down due to the monitors but I got to use the birthing bar and that helped a lot.
Andrew Eugene was born at 6:40 pm weighing in at 6 lbs 6.5 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long.
The doctor was shocked that it was such a quick and easy labor since he was my first (and only). They had been saying it wouldn't be till the next day that he was born. It was so easy. My mom was so shocked that I didn't make a sound except at the end when I grunted on the last push. I didn't even swear! I was shocked by that one.
Having a "happy place" helped so much! And just letting my body do what it was made to do. I didn't try and force anything or make it go faster. I went in with a completely open mind and totally relaxed. My mom was the stressed one. lol.
Good luck and happy birthing!
I'm not sure what average head size is..... And so you're prepared; the rubbing/stretching they do sown there for you is also painful. I'm not sure if I have a low pain tolerance but be mentally prepared for anything to happen. I doubt a lot of women's labors (especially first time mom) go exactly the way they want them to.
god damn. this thread is going on my list as reason #43 not to have children.
I just googled "average baby head" and came up with 14 inches. Vincent's head was 14 3/4 inches, not that it mattered since I had to have a caesarean anyway. DH has a big head so I was always (still am, since we're going to have one more) worried about giving birth to giant-headed children. :P
Lauren, Congrats, even if it late. (Life happened here) Hope you recovered enough for the move to go relatively smoothly.
I'm currently waiting on #3 to make his/her appearance, only a month left! My other two are 16 and 6. With my DD I was so young I decided to do a medicated birth. I had an epidural, drugs, and an episiotmy. It was so long ago that I don't remember much. When I got pregnant with my DS his father convinced me to do it "natural". I had no epi, but ended with some pain meds when it got intense. It was very nice to be able to labor in upright positions and walk around. When the pain got super intense they wouldn't let me have anymore drugs. He came out pretty quick after that though, I think I pushed less than 10 times. I wish I wouldn't have used the drugs, they weren't really worth it. My recovery time the second time was do much easier and faster, I a firm believer it was because I didn't have an epi.
This baby is going to be at home(fingers crossed, no complications). I just didn't want to be at the hospital with them asking me every 15 minuets if I want drugs or not. Plus the level of care from my MW has been amazing! I think that is the best part. My appointments last at least an hour, everything is covered from my diet and exersise, to how I'm feeling and stretches to do for my sore hip. I remember OBGYN appointments being short and both times my OB's didn't deliver, it was someone on call.
If everything goes well with this one, I think I'll definitely be down for a homebirth next time. I'd really like one now, but it's a little too late....
I think I'll just make myself a sign that says DO NOT OFFER ME DRUGS or I'll punch you in the face :)
30 days left!
Homebirth would not be for me! Are you already thinking of a second one?! That is bananas!
Homebirth would not be for me! Are you already thinking of a second one?! That is bananas!
Haha. This.
Well, I know we will eventually have a second. Not immediately of course. But when I think about trying to get my body back into shape, just to go through this again, it seems pointless. Maybe I should just keep popping them out, one after another, until I'm done.
And you have to remember, I've had a super easy pregnancy. I realize not everyone enjoys being pregnant like I do. My views may change after I actually have this's easy to say all this now.
We'd have to pay for it all out of pocket and we don't have the money. Our insurance doesn't even cover midwives.....hopefully next time we'll be in a better situation.
Congratulations on your pregnancy! It's such a wonderful time when you are pregnant. I hope that your labor goes well for you and the baby. (Sending many blessing of love, peace and joy your way.) For me I had an easy pregnancy until the last month or so. I wanted an all natural birth. Then I went into labor a month early and remember it clearly because it was the day Steven Irwin died. The doctor had to stop my contractions with a shot, then bed rest for a month with NO DOING ANYTHING AT ALL! It was terrible just laying in bed when I was jogging and doing yoga everyday. The shot stopped my contractions until a week before my due date.Then I started to have contractions again & was in labor for three days before I had my daughter. The shot I was given to stop my contractions weeks earlier weakened my contractions. They were regular but not able to push the baby out. So for three days before Hallie was born I was at the hospital every day. Still couldn't get strong contractions. Then the night before she was born I was given a shot to help my water break. (If it didn't break I was to be induced on the week of my due date.) Went home to sleep, woke up int he morning and water did break. Went back to hospital and was admitted. The doctors waited several hours for my contractions to become stronger and they never did. So I got induced to help the contractions along but with no results. Had to have an emergency C Section because I developed Placental abruption. ( Placental abruption occurs when the placenta prematurely separates from the uterine wall before the birth. This can cause excessive bleeding in the mother and decreased oxygen supply for the baby, both of which can result in death.) My daughter and I were close to dying but thankfully the emergency C Section saved us! She is my miracle and am blessed to have her in my life. We cannot have any more children because the next time we might won't make it through. The points I am tyring to make are: yes go natural as much as possible. Don't have an at home birth because you don't know what is going to happen with your labor. That way you can be at a hospital if you need medical help right away. Do let the doctors/nurses know that you want a natural birth and to respect your view on birthing your baby.They will try to convince you that you DO need medicines to help the process, not true. Just go with the flow when you can. All that really matters in end is that you have delivered your baby, it's safe, healthy and your safe too. Hope I didn't scare you with my story and can't wait to hear about your bundle of joy. Congratulations!!
Ok, here goes....DISCLAIMER - it's pretty bad, at least it was for me, so be warned that this is not a happy, easy labor story...although looking back through the others, not many of them were easy or happy....I guess I just assumed mine would be, obviously completely delusional...just as llg warned, my birthplan flew out the window and I'm still pretty sad about it.
Sunday 6pm - 8 days past my due date - I started having contractions (FINALLY!!) about 10 minutes apart. They were totally manageable and I went about my normal routine - slept pretty normally that night, although I kept watching the clock to see if the contractions were getting any closer, but they weren't.
Monday 8am - 9 days past my due date - I went to the doctor for my 3rd non-stress test and ultrasound to check my fluid levels. All was well - by then, my contractions were 7-10 minutes apart, still manageable. I was 2 cm dilated, so the doctor stripped my membranes and told me to go walking. Andy and I went to the mall - we did 2 complete laps before I had to stop. By the time we got home, my contractions were consistently about 6 minutes apart. I got on my exercise ball and bounced all afternoon. I remember thinking, 'this isn't so bad, why do people complain about contractions so much? why would I ever need drugs? I totally got this.' So I bounced and bounced.
After dinner, I was lying on the couch, watching Breaking Bad, when I felt/heard a pop. I was afraid it was my water and I didn't want to get up. I lied there for about 10 minutes before I decided I should stand up. As soon as I did, fluid poured out of me. I hobbled to the bathroom and told Andy get me some new underwear, pants and a pad. It just kept flowin' wouldn't stop. When I finally thought it was over, I put on my new underwear and pants and stood up again - 2nd pair of pants, soaked. I had gotten a sample of Depends in the mail, so I had Andy grab it for me - it seemed to hold. I started to scramble and get my bag packed for the hospital - I was too frazzled to pay attention to my contractions. We hopped in the car and I called the doctor - we headed to the hospital. The ride over was fine. I don't even remember having a contraction on the way. But as soon as I was admitted, the hell began. I had my IV port inserted (hospital policy) and they hooked me up to the baby monitor and blood pressure thing, but assured me I could get up and move around once they had everything checked out. My blood pressure was a little high - 145/90, but the nurse didn't seem too concerned. At this point I was breathing through the contractions - much stronger than what they had been at home, but I was still in control. The nurse checked me and I was only 3 cm dilated. It was about 9:30pm when I started to feel sick - the contractions were getting worse and I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and that's where I stayed for the next hour - I was throwing up with every contraction. It was horrible - I was shivering so hard that I could barely move. The nurse came in and made me get back on the bed so she could hook me back up to the machines - baby was still fine, but my blood pressure had shot up to 160/95. This time, the nurse was very concerned and said she needed to tell the doctor (not my dr, she wasn't on call yet). The dr on call told the nurse that she couldn't let me go like that for very much longer...I wasn't sure what that meant, but I didn't ask...I couldn't ask. I can't explain what my contractions felt like, other than I truly wanted to die. I had never felt anything like it before. I tried to do my hypnobirthing breathing, but I couldn't keep my body from tensing up. I remember shaking my head every time I had a contraction, saying 'I can't do this' in my head, but I wouldn't say it out loud. This went on for several hours. It was agony, but I didn't want to give up. The nurse came in to check me again - I was still only 3cm dilated - no progress after 4 hours. My blood pressure was 167/98 and I had developed a fever. The nurse said the dr would probably want to start pitocin and if antibiotics didn't get my fever under control, a c-section was possible. I was crushed. The next contraction is when I decided I couldn't take it anymore - I was so sad, so mad, so stressed out. I thought if I could relax, I would be able to progress on my own, that my blood pressure would go down...I had Andy tell the nurse I wanted an epidural - I couldn't say the words myself. I was crying and I told Andy I felt like such a failure. Thank god he's so amazing - he made me feel so much better about it...told me it would be so much better than a c-section.
Once I got the epi (which hurt like a bitch), my blood pressure went down, my body relaxed, I felt relief for the first time since I got to the hospital - I was still really nauseous though. It was around 3am and the nurse recommended I try to get some sleep. I think Andy and I both fell asleep for a hour or so - when the nurse checked me again, I was 4 cm. They decided I could continue on my own as long as I kept progressing...which I did, thankfully.
Tuesday 11am - 10 days past my due date - I finally hit 9 cm! But my contractions were still 3 minutes apart - and to push, they wanted them closer. So they started me on pitocin to see if they could get them closer together. At 2pm, I hit 10 cm but my contractions were still 3 minutes apart. They didn't think they were going to get any closer and they wanted baby out - so at 2:30m I got to start pushing. By this time, the epidural was wearing off and I could feel the contractions, so I knew when I was supposed to push. I pushed for about an hour - it didn't seem that long at all - I could feel the head coming out with each push - it was so weird. I heard Andy say, the head is out, then I saw horrified looks on everyones faces - I felt the dr pull the the baby out of me. The cord was wrapped around Nolan's neck 4 times!!! The dr said it was the longest cord she'd ever seen. But he was fine. I had a 2nd degree tear, mostly from the dr yanking Nolan out of me so quickly.
So, it didn't happen like I wanted it to. I was in labor for a total of 45 hours, 32 hours on my own, 13 hours with the epi. I'm still sad that I didn't get my natural birth, but I just don't think my body could handle it. And I was so afraid of a c-section. I'm definitely willing to try and go natural next time, assuming my body doesn't work against me again. I have mad respect for anyone who has a natural birth...I was 100% sure I would go natural...shows what I know....
((((Erin)))) I am so happy that you and Nolan are doing well despite his birth not going the way you had planned. I have immense respect that you went for so long without drugs. Labor is so much harder, scarier and painful then one can ever imagine. I am sure when/if you have another baby that things will go more according to your plan.
And thinking; "I can't do this.".... I actually said that out loud after my second epi wore off and I was pushing. Thing is; you DID do it! ;) Lots of healing love to you and your family. With time thinking back on your labor story won't hurt so much.
Wow Erin, that sounds really difficult. :o But that's awesome that you managed to do it without a caesarean. And who knows, maybe if you hadn't gotten the epidural you would have needed a caesarean, so try not to beat yourself up over it. Labor is different for everyone so you can't really expect everything to go according to plan, especially for your first one when you have no idea what to expect.
Congrats on your adorable little boy!
oh gosh!! I just read this. Looking at him, I thought everything had been perfect. Love you!
Erin, you did it and things are OK now, that is what counts. I have 3, youngest is 17, none of the births were the same. My first two were natural because of circumstances beyond my control. For #2, my ob/gyn sent me to the hospital 5 hrs before she was born because I "had suffered enough" with back labor but the anesthesiologist was busy and could not give me an epi. I am glad you avoided the c-sect. My 3rd was an emergency c-sect and I now deal with a hernia where the scar tissue tore. I can say he was worth it all even if there are days I want to kill teen males.
Good job. It was worth it all. :)