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Calling all people who have been pregnant...

A co-worker of mine isn't far along in her first pregnancy, but she's had some pretty crap-ola morning sickness.  I want to get her a few things that might make her feel better.  Any suggestions of teas, foods, other products to help ease the nausea?

Thanks a bunch!

Am I allowed to post here even though I have never been prego??? One of my BFs had horrible morning sickness and she was lucky if she could keep down a piece of dry toast during the first trimester....she had to go in for fluids by IV and whatnot...I suppose it matters how bad the morning sickness is! :-\ The best I was able to do for her was remind her that it would soon pass. My friends subsequent pregnancies (shes now on #3) have been MUCH that may or may not help her to hear too....maybe you could offer her a back rub?

Also, I find mint green tea works great for nausea (and is mild to throw up when it doesnt "work out")...but again...don't know if that carries over for morning sickness....


ive not been preggers either...but ive heard that drinking lemon water BEFORE you get up in the morning, ie: still lying in bed, helps w/ nausea.
Maybe some lemon tea would be nice? can put crystallized ginger in as sweetener.
Some homemade crackers.


I am pregnant and had really bad morning sickness in the beginning. Nothing really worked for me, but I hear that ginger is supposed to help. Tea might also help, but I would stay away from green tea - I have heard that it is not safe for pregnant women.  I would just be careful regarding teas, even herbal ones. They do make some that are specifically for pregnant women - you might want to check those out.


Make sure she's not taking her prenatal vitamin on an empty stomach. I found that taking it at night before bed was great because then if it made me nauseated, I was asleep so I was unaware. Taking it in the morning is the worst!

Also, brushing teeth can make one sick feeling. She might try a different toothpaste or none at all if thats a trigger.


I didn't have much morning sickness when I was pregnant.  But ice cold drinks made me sick.  One occasion just the sight of someone making some iced water made me run for the bathroom!!  Anyway...this tea is really nice.  They also make a tea that supposedly helps with milk production, but it didn't do much for me.  But it was tasty, and safe for my baby. 

I second the taking her vitamins at night, and not drinking green tea.  Back rubs and foot rubs are great anytime during pregnancy!


I walked around with a box of Ritz for about 4 months... I can't stand the site of them now..  If I could get a cracker down fast enough, "everything" stayed down.  I remember YELLING at my husband across the house, "crackers, crackers."  It's now our code word for "I'm gonna puke"

It may help to have a small snack in the middle of the night to help keep up her blood sugar.  Half a PBJ or so. 

Being nausous (sp) for three (or more) months is NOT fun... your friend has my sympathy!



i had pretty awful morning sickness too...that, to me, was worse than giving birth!  :P

anyway, i've heard that those motion sickness bracelets that people wear to keep from getting car sick help. i didn't hear about them until after my sickness had passed though, so i don't know if they work or not...but it could be worth a try...something to do with acupressure, i think...

ummm...they aren't vegan, but those carnation instant breakfast things saved my life...because i could just drink one and get plenty of good stuff in my tummy without having to actually eat...

besides the stuff that has already been mentioned, that's all i've got!  ::)

hope she feels better!


Well, I had 2 kids and when I was pregnant with my first, I read that Hot water with fresh squeezed lemon helped.  I tried it and it saved my life...or at lest my first trimester.  I had it as soon as I woke up, before trying to eat anything.  And I would sweeten it up so its not too bitter.  It worked great and by lunch time, my sickness was over. 

But with the second pregnancy (first one was a boy, second a girl), it did pretty much nothing and I had morning sickness all day long.  So any tricks you get for your friend, they are all worth trying because every pregnancy is different for each person, and each time i guess.

Hope she finds something that works! 

Maby you can make her a gift basket with different kinds of teas and some fresh lemons and fresh ginger... that way she can experiment and find something that works for her???  Just a thought.


Thanks, guys!  I'm going to gather some goodies for her tomorrow, so thank you for the ideas!


Something salty, before she gets out of bed, like crackers, or fritos, even. There are also these things called preggy pops, or something, there are hard candies, too, with B vitamins that I would sometimes take to work with me. They worked pretty well, but I didn't get sick that often.


I just want to say that I like how you said "calling all PEOPLE who have been pregnant."  ;D I think CK needs to add some tips.


I was lucky, never had morning sickness but I did have terrible heartburn from lemons. Maybe it was just me but I would be careful about lemons.
A friends first pregnancy was 9 months of nothing but flat ginger ale & soda crackers. Poor thing couldn't handle anything else. Her second pregnancy, she had a ravenous appetite.

Hopefully her morning sickness will pass soon. Congrats to your friend  :)


Thanks again, guys.  I bought some Yogi Ginger tea (that always helps my upset stomach) and some spelt crackers from the co-op.  I'm also thinking about making her a veggie soup?  Like maybe a brothy minestrone?  What do you think?


Thanks again, guys.  I bought some Yogi Ginger tea (that always helps my upset stomach) and some spelt crackers from the co-op.  I'm also thinking about making her a veggie soup?  Like maybe a brothy minestrone?  What do you think?

Cant go wrong with crackers and soup!  And if she cant stomac the soup, she can dip her crackers in it to get the flavor  ;)


I'm also thinking about making her a veggie soup?  Like maybe a brothy minestrone?  What do you think?

You could make Quintess' "chicken" noodle soup!


Hard candies and lollipops are good for nausea, as well as crackers... also 'What to Expect when you're Expecting' is a great resource for first-time moms...


Pregnant people always scoff at my suggestion then go on with horrible morning sickness without even trying it because apparently my opinion as someone who has never been pregnant, but has had chronic nausea for about 16 years is completely invalid.

BUT! I love my reliefband. It's like an acupressure bracelet but it has electrodes that pulse every 3 seconds stimulating the pressure point in your wrist that relieves nausea. That thing has saved me from barfing on people in public so many times, and even helped when I was in the hospital waiting for them to diagnose my severe abdominal pain as appendicitis. It's FDA approved for use for morning sickness (and motion sickness, and sickness from chemotherapy or post-surgery). It isn't cheap, but it is so so so worth it. I've had mine for going on 6 yrs now and I adore it.


My wife is pregnant with our 2nd, and both times the morning sickness has been legendary. Here are 3 things I've learned:

1.  NOTHING FRAGRANT!!! If you are giving her soup, seal it well. The sense of smell tends to go haywire on pregnant women as evidenced by the fact that my mom still cannot abide the smell of Dawn dishwashing liquid (gives her pregnancy flashbacks!) and that my wife had to air out our house  one time when I cooked a Boca burger.

Be careful witht he smels.

2. Sparkling water. Bubbles help. Flavors do not always help.

3. Don't get offended if she's not grateful for the help. When in the worst of "the sickness", wife-o-mine became surly surly surly.

And that *tapdance flourish* is what I've got.


I tried ginger tea, the smell of it made me nauseated so it didn't help.  Ginger ale and sprite with crackers was all I could eat for about 4 weeks or so, I lost 6 lbs in my first tri-mester.

They say crackers before getting up in the morning helps, I tried it, helped a little, but would still barf up yellow bile first thing every morning when I got up. 

I don't think there is a cure-all-end-all remedy, you just have to wait it out.  It sucks, it really does.  I remember throwing up a plum at work in the bathroom, I about ran over a co-worker on my way, and she was just smilling at me as I ran into the stall and made some really gross sounds.

I threw up in the parking garage walking to my car after work, a guy behind me looked at me funny and asked "are you okay".  I was like "I'm pregnat" he nodded and walked away. 

Yup, it sucks.  I threw up at least two or three times in the trash can in my office.  Once after eating some yogurt...that was really was!!!!


My wife is pregnant with our 2nd, and both times the morning sickness has been legendary. Here are 3 things I've learned:

Congratualtions!!  Do we get to help you name the second one?!



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