Posted by MissShannenBaybii on Jul 02, 2010 · Member since Jul 2010 · 1 posts
Hi guys!! I'm Shannen, I'm 21, in Arizona annnnd today is day one of the rest of my life and amazing new lifestyle! I've considered going veg for a few months now, and last night decided for sure! Even tho it was just last night, I know this is a commitment I am really happy to make. I'm here to get support, advice, and eventually ease my way into being completely vegan!!! So don't be afraid to interact with me,dont bite ;)! :)>>>
Hello and welcome to vegweb! I hope you find everything that you need here!
Btw- it's a little difficult to read your text because of the font color.
Welcome to the world of Vegetarian/Vegan! It's one of the best decisions you've ever made. Take care.
It's a decision you will never regret!!! w00t!
Congratulations! You've made a great decision and it will benefit you in some many unexpected ways! Vegweb is a great resource, and there are so many others out there. If you do podcasts, definitely check out Vegetarian Food for Thought by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. One thing I found when I first went vegan was that EVERYONE had an opinion about it and everyone wanted to challenge me on my decision. I found it really helpful to become knowledgeable about various aspects of veganism (e.g. nutrition, animal cruelty, environmental issues) so I could respond to questions and criticisms. There are some great books out there if you are interested...Diet for a New America by John Robbins is one that comes to mind. Starting first as a vegetarian is a great idea because it makes the transition easier, but it's great that your ultimate goal is going vegan. I have to say I LOVE being vegan, it has really been a wonderful gift to myself!