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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



That sounds PAINFULLY awkward.
I hope you lied on your HIV question form and said you'd had a lot of sex with men prior to 1982.


I think that you become immune to what you're around a lot at work.  So, if she takes a lot of STD and HIV tests, it's likely just ho hum to her.


Heyyy. 8-)

After a worrisome day of wondering what the heck was wrong with K (lack of smiles and looks and talking), I just asked, and we kind of agreed that something wasn't right with us. But we both wanted to talk about it, so I asked him out for dinner. We met after work and had some pizza, a beer or two, and lots of honest talking. It wasn't easy, but the air is a lot clearer, and so are our intentions toward one another. :)

There was a goodnight kiss. It was... hmmm, nice! ^-^


Wow, he's quite fickle!  Good job on the whole thing, I think.  It must be a good feeling to have some sort of closure about it.

Also, I am jealous of your pizza and beer.

Yay, a kiss that you liked!  Awesome!


Whoah now, I went on two whole dates in the past year, and only once per person... that amounts to a dating fail in my opinion.

I would totally date you Lotus, why the heck do you have to live so far away?  :-[

I have no words.... :)>>>


Yay Heli! Talking is good. I'm glad you talked about what's up and shared your intentions. I'm still wondering how this will play out. it's fun to have in installments like this.


Yay Heli! Talking is good. I'm glad you talked about what's up and shared your intentions. I'm still wondering how this will play out. it's fun to have in installments like this.

Me too! ;D

Iz having daydreams of the ^-^ variety. My internal reaction to such thoughts has gone from "OMG WTF?" to "Oooh..." ::) 8)


Yay Heli! Talking is good. I'm glad you talked about what's up and shared your intentions. I'm still wondering how this will play out. it's fun to have in installments like this.

Me too! ;D

Iz having daydreams of the ^-^ variety. My internal reaction to such thoughts has gone from "OMG WTF?" to "Oooh..." ::) 8)

Hahaha that's awesome. I love how you express yourself.

Oh, so in other news... I'm back with the guy (D) I tried to break up with. But my ex invited me to stay with him in Berlin and he said he'd pay for half of my plane ticket. I know it is a really bad idea to go but I  really really want to. I need to break up with D for real so that I can go to Berlin and have fun and then be miserable when I have to go back home. Sigh. when did my life become so filled with drama?


Oh, so in other news... I'm back with the guy (D) I tried to break up with. But my ex invited me to stay with him in Berlin and he said he'd pay for half of my plane ticket. I know it is a really bad idea to go but I  really really want to. I need to break up with D for real so that I can go to Berlin and have fun and then be miserable when I have to go back home. Sigh. when did my life become so filled with drama?

Aw, complicated... I hope things can be worked out for the best! :-*


Oh, so in other news... I'm back with the guy (D) I tried to break up with. But my ex invited me to stay with him in Berlin and he said he'd pay for half of my plane ticket. I know it is a really bad idea to go but I  really really want to. I need to break up with D for real so that I can go to Berlin and have fun and then be miserable when I have to go back home. Sigh. when did my life become so filled with drama?


...and take money for a hostel if you decide that staying with the ex is not working out.


So, update! My date went super well! We made a stir fry and it was totally delicious. I think R was impressed with my cooking skills. And we did not have sex. Woot! Still on moratorium!

R actually seems like he might be interested in having a relationship and not just effing me. It is kind of nice. I asked him when I was going to see him again and previously we had been only hanging out on the weekends and he said, "I don't know, but I don't think I can wait a whole week to see you." Super cute! So, we are probably doing something on Wednesday.


So, update! My date went super well! We made a stir fry and it was totally delicious. I think R was impressed with my cooking skills. And we did not have sex. Woot! Still on moratorium!

R actually seems like he might be interested in having a relationship and not just effing me. It is kind of nice. I asked him when I was going to see him again and previously we had been only hanging out on the weekends and he said, "I don't know, but I don't think I can wait a whole week to see you." Super cute! So, we are probably doing something on Wednesday.

Hot! like wasabi  ;)


So I've been thinking about my last date, and how it wasn't terrible, but that it still didn't end up being a positive experience for me, and I've come to the believe that there was a definite change in the mood at one point.

When my date and I were chatting, it somehow came up that I first started looking for dates on vegan dating sites.  She then asked if I think that I am settling for the non-vegans on okcupid because of my lack of success with the other sites.  I answered no, because I believe there to be good, fun, and intelligent people of the omni variety that I would be willing to date.  The more I think about it though, the more I think that she was right, that I am changing my attitude to dating because I am getting impatient with my preference for vegans.  Maybe she sensed that, which would explain why the date went cold after that point, when before we seemed to have some sort of connection.

I still think I could get swept off of my feet by a non-vegan, but I think it is more likely, and more favorable for a successful long-term relationship, if the person is vegan, or thinking of converting.

What do y'all think?


So I've been thinking about my last date, and how it wasn't terrible, but that it still didn't end up being a positive experience for me, and I've come to the believe that there was a definite change in the mood at one point.

When my date and I were chatting, it somehow came up that I first started looking for dates on vegan dating sites.  She then asked if I think that I am settling for the non-vegans on okcupid because of my lack of success with the other sites.  I answered no, because I believe there to be good, fun, and intelligent people of the omni variety that I would be willing to date.  The more I think about it though, the more I think that she was right, that I am changing my attitude to dating because I am getting impatient with my preference for vegans.  Maybe she sensed that, which would explain why the date went cold after that point, when before we seemed to have some sort of connection.

I still think I could get swept off of my feet by a non-vegan, but I think it is more likely, and more favorable for a successful long-term relationship, if the person is vegan, or thinking of converting.

What do y'all think?

Sorry to burst in on your thread, being a married old hag and all, but if I were magically single, I think I'd have a really hard time dating an omni.  Living in Indiana and not knowing a single vegan in real life, I'd probably have to learn to deal with it, but I know what you mean.  Ideally, I'd want to date another vegan....because its something I'm so passionate about and I'd want to share that passion with that other person.  But I think my perspective is slightly skewed because my husband is also vegan so I'm spoiled in that regard....I'd just have to change my mindset which would be really hard since I'm so damn stubborn. 

I know I wasn't any help, Cam, but just know that I feel your frustration. 


Yeah, it sounds like you have a self-fulfilling prophecy, cammie.  Might not be a bad thing, but it also means it could be very hard to find that special vegan.  Maybe you should move to Portland or one of those vegan meccas to widen your dating pool.  ;D

The boy that I'm dating is not vegan whatsoever, but I don't really care.  It hasn't been a problem so far.  We have lots of discussions and debates about it and we listen to each other.  It's fun.  I like having opposing viewpoints.  There are about 39521 other things that I enjoy about him as a person--what he eats doesn't make it that high on the list, even though it's fundamental to me.  It wasn't really a conscious decision, but the whole vegan thing just got de-prioritized for me.  Obviously being vegan is a huge plus to me, but chemistry is chemistry regardless of the person's vegan/omni status, religion, race, political views, etc.  All those things.  I'm so glad I wasn't close-minded about it, because then I might not have talked to him.  Who knows.


Yeah, it sounds like you have a self-fulfilling prophecy, cammie.  Might not be a bad thing, but it also means it could be very hard to find that special vegan.  Maybe you should move to Portland South Carolina or one of those vegan meccas to widen your dating pool.   ;D

The boy that I'm dating is not vegan whatsoever, but I don't really care.  It hasn't been a problem so far.  We have lots of discussions and debates about it and we listen to each other.  It's fun.  I like having opposing viewpoints.  There are about 39521 other things that I enjoy about him as a person--what he eats doesn't make it that high on the list, even though it's fundamental to me.  It wasn't really a conscious decision, but the whole vegan thing just got de-prioritized for me.  Obviously being vegan is a huge plus to me, but chemistry is chemistry regardless of the person's vegan/omni status, religion, race, political views, etc.  All those things.  I'm so glad I wasn't close-minded about it, because then I might not have talked to him.  Who knows.


P.S.  I'm totally not stalking you Cams.  Ha.


this cams+lotus thing has to work. omg. so cute.


I just got back from the doctor's to have an std test after my recent tryst.  That's a walk of shame.


I just got back from the doctor's to have an std test after my recent tryst.  That's a walk of shame.

What did you have?  ???


Nothing.  Well, they took tests, but I was told that I look fine.  Reportedly, I have a "very clear vagina." 

The twist to the story is that it was drunk, unprotected sex.  Honestly, the first of my life.  And the last.  Guh.  I don't usually drink if I think there's even a possibility of being stupid.  At house parties I'll find an opaque Solo cup and drink ice water all night.  I drank a lot (four strong & large martinis and three pints of beer) because I wasn't driving and a hookup wasn't even on the horizon as a possibility.  I mean, apparently it was, but I didn't realize it and I still don't see how I could have anticipated it.

eta:  The good news is that my blood pressure is 116/63.



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