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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



KMK, whenever you type TB, I automatically think of tuberculosis.

Which pretty much reflects my feelings about him at this point anyway.


I have a date tomorrow night.  8)  I'm a little nervous.  I've never been one to really "go on dates."  I've always just kinda met people through friends, then we either hooked up at some point or whatever...not really "dates" though.  It's cool...we decided to meet up for a drink, then after exchanging some information, we figured out that we've already met. He lived with a friend of mine in college.  It wasn't a close friend and I really only vaguely remember him.    I'm excited.  Since he's new, I will definitely be practicing FROF. 


:D Lotus! Keep us updated.  :-*


Ok vegweb...wish me luck.  I wish I had the internets on my phone...then i could get you guys to send me messages of enouragement and reminders of FROF during this whole date thing.  i don't know why i'm so freakin nervous.  eh, yeah i do.  i haven't been on a date with a "new" person in a long time.  ok.  i'm going.  bye!


so, i'm home.  our date lasted less than one hour.  ha.    :-D   I think it was pretty mutual.  Although...we are chatting online now.  So, leave it to me to go online to meet new people, and freakin end up with someone i've met before!  gah!  and i eventhough i barely remember him, i do recall not really liking him very much.  whatevs. 

so you guys will get a kick out of this.  he's very "healthy."  you out everyday and eats a "healthy" diet.  whatevs.  so he was like "you're you don't eat anything with animal products?" i was actually impressed that he knew what vegan was and remembered from my profile.  But then he asked the know what it was...."where do you get your protein?"  I laughed out loud.  Since I knew a lecture was a lost cause, I just said beans and tofu.  So then, he said my favorite stupid statement..."if we didn't eat meat, cows would take over."  At  which time I immediately turned into Colleen Patrick-Goudreau and replied with an "Are you SERIOUS? I have to make sure you're serious before I answer that question."  Ha. 

Whatevs.  He's harmless. 

ETA:  i just read this and noticed how many times I said "whatevs."  i like that word.  "whatevs"  ::)


:boooo: Lotus! Oh well. AT least it wasn't..horrific. Keep on! Hey, at least you stuck with the MA!


oh yeah, def.  actually, when we were at the bar, i got the vibe that he was ready to leave, but then as we were leaving, he invited me to his house....ummm.  no.  i didn't even have to think of FROF...i just didn't really wanna go...ya know?  ;)


Ugh.  Sounds like a dud, lotus.  On the other hand, it can be neat that veganism is a check for assholes.  If a guy doesn't respond well to it and respect it, you know he's out.  For instance, my A is a pretty big meat eater, but he asks questions about veganism and is respectful and genuinely wants to learn about how I eat.  Sounds like your guy was harmless but ignorant.

In other news, I may or may not have broken FROF yesterday.  I don't think I did, but I'll post the details later.  It's a tad complicated.  :-* 8)


My update/question was: phone sex with a person with whom you've had many, many three-or-more-hour-long phone conversations, and with whom you feel a strong connection, but whom you've never met--does that follow FROF?  I think it does because I'm absolutely taken with this person.  I was taken with him before any mention of sex whatsoever. 

Anyway.  Fun times.  ^-^


i don't know kmk.  i'm having a little trouble with the rules, myself.  there are just way too many variables.  i think someone else mentioned this earlier, but i'm using FROF as a tool to discourage some "regular patterns" that i sometimes stumble into.  like, when i met that dude on thursday, i went in thinking, "there is no way i'm going home with this matter what...if things are good enough that i really want to sleep with this guy after our first date, then we can certainly control ourselves and see what happens on a second date."  it's like anything else i guess...things usually turn out better when you go in with a plan...and that is the approach i'm taking to FROF. 

As far as the phone sex situation's one way to look at it.  you've had, what?  3 or 4 long phone converstaions and then phone sex.  is that really any different than meeting 3-4 times in real life and then having sex in real life.  It's totally parallel.  ;)


Oh, and I forgot to add an update.  I am so back and forth on this guy!  I don't have a name for him yet.  (he's not a GC yet).  Anyway, we've chatted since our date, and I really don't think he's a tool, like I originally thought.  He apologized for some of the stuff he said.  He didn't say this, but I could tell he was really nervous, and I was too.  But, he said he didn't know how to respond to some of the things I said, so he took the joking/sarcastic route.  Anyway, we chatted for a while and discovered that we have many of the same political values and concerns, which is cool.  I don't see anything serious really coming of this, but I could use more people of semi-like minds to hang out with, right?


3 or 4 long phone converstaions and then phone sex.  is that really any different than meeting 3-4 times in real life and then having sex in real life.  It's totally parallel.   ;)

Love it!

I talked to my boy for SIX HOURS on the phone today.  I'm not kidding, this boy is like crack.  I can't even explain it.  I just have this visceral urge to be in his presence ALL THE TIME.  And it has nothing to do with sex at all.  It has to do with being consumed by everything the other one has to say.  It's really foreign to me. 

Also, tell me this isn't absofuckinglutely perfect:  he said he just wanted to let me know (and the topic was totally initiated by him out of the blue; I didn't suggest a thing) that he wouldn't want to sleep together on our first get-together (planned in April) because he wants to make sure that he wins my heart and my mind first--because I am too important to him.  I was thinking, wow, this dude just described the entire premise of FROF and MA.  I thought of you all immediately.  :o :-*

Anyway.  I feel like a million bucks.  The whole thing is just very right and good and exceeded my expectations a thousand times.  SWOON.


MDV- always pulls through as promised.


Wait, what?  That's the actual thing?  He let you take a pic?  :o


As promised, the wrangler ass tattoo...

haha ;D

at least his is a good looks like an actual wrangler patch stuck to his ass ;D


So, is it weird that I feel excited to be back on birth control? I'm still not having sex... but it's like.... well.... I COULD!




How's everyone doing?  I'm doing pretty well in that I am realizing how ridiculously inadequate my former GC et al. were.  Laaaaame.


We're going to have a very extended courtship.

Good, good.  Que romántico!


As promised, the wrangler ass tattoo...

Is this for real?
A girl on another website I post on said some random guy came in to her job, took his shirt off, and showed her his Browning tattoo.

Why would anyone other than Larry the Cable Guy think this was a good idea? ???



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