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The Moratorium Auditorium: In Which We Unite In Shunning Inadequacy

Crossover from the open letters thread!



edit: Deleted to protect the innocent.



I totally have nothing to say on this thread.


Watching movies is definitely guy code for "I want to do something physical with you", especially if it's a come over and watch a movie situation.  You could use the whole movie watching thing to get to know him better.  Just because a movie is on doesn't mean you can't have a conversation about whatever while it's on, and it is a good way to mitigate the potentially uneasy physical closeness and quietness.  Glad to hear FROF is working for you!

So, a little situation is developing between myself and girl responsible for my personal moratorium.  Very out of the blue she asked what I was doing for the Super Bowl.  I said I wanted to have a halftime party to celebrate Bruce Springsteen and that was it, but unfortunately not many other people were big on that idea and ultimately was not going to watch any part of the event at all.  She likes football and I figured that statement was a resounding "there's nothing here that interests you".  To my surprise she thought it was an awesome idea then asked if she could come over tonight for the game!  I had no idea what to say so I just said yes.  There was no plan for if she actually considered coming over wholly unprepared for that response.  What's worse is that neither of my roommates are going to be here and tonight was going to be one of the few relaxing nights I cherish when they occur.  She hasn't called or anything today, so maybe she was drunk and forgot we had the conversation...maybe?  I've really played my hand on this one, I suppose I can always fall back on the "something came up" and make something up for that.


It's so very good to have the male perspective, foofie.  Even though a movie can be a good discussion starter, I think I might think of something different just to avoid having to navigate awkward cock blocks.

Good luck with your girl situation!

BP, that finding pretty much sums it up.  Word. 


To me, DVDs = the expectation of cuddling/other naughtiness.



but at the same time, both men and women taked about how if someone "did a lot" on the first hook up then they prob wouldn't hook up again. Bogle (author) says this is interesting - that we will "do more" with someone we aren't interested in vs. someone we are interested in. the stakes aren't as high and who cares.

This. This makes perfect sense to me. TY, BP!  :)>>> I understand this language!


This. This makes perfect sense to me. TY, BP!  :)>>> I understand this language!

Me too!  That actually clarified a couple huge things for me.  I'm carrying those words around in my back pocket for safe-keeping.  Thanks bp!


Regarding my situation this coming Friday.  I think I am going to meet the 'old friend' for a beer or two in the next town over at a very low-key cigar bar.  Every time I go to this bar I run into people I know, so that's good.  We will take two separate vehicles - sorry environment. Interestingly, he is sort of dating someone right now so I have no doubts about my self control.  I'm not one of those girls.  A beer or two - fine. Enabling someone to cheat - no.  I am sort of crossing my fingers that a giant blizzard comes through on Friday and annihilates any plans!

You're such a good girl, MDV. We are so similar and yet you have so many more "friends" than I do. I suppose that is a good thing, seeing as we are in a moratorium currently.

:-\ and  ???

I'm going to go drown myself in homework and ponder the wise quoted words of some guy via BP.


:-* Meggs!

FWIW, 'friend' doesn't equate to someone I've had sex with.  Many of my 'friends' are guys I've only kissed or messed around with.  I may have lots of 'friends' but I do have standards.  ;)b

I'm not callin' you a ho!  :)>>>
You've got an MDV-lovin' posse of 'friends'. hehehe.


Sort of like in  Como Agua Para Chocolate, although I don't have any magical powers, sadly.

I love that book!  :)>>>


P and I were once friends watching movies. This quickly became "friends," and "movies." Obviously.


P and I were once friends watching movies. This quickly became "friends," and "movies." Obviously.

I was like, how did movies get quot... ohhhhhh. 
Like cooking indian bread outside in an oven. Niiiiice.
See KMK, no DVD's. DVD's = sex.

Entirely unrelated... I think that someone should start a cover letter writing business. It would be lucrative.  ;)b



Well, "movies" didn't = sex (at first), but more like..making out, and working at not having sex. Ya know? I dunno, mdv. I mean, if you can make it work. Do you think he has something else in mind? I would say so.. ???
Sexy movies are especially...trying.


I am afraid to invite my friend back over now.  Thanks, AC.

Nothing is sacred.


This LOGO short reminds me of ya brainiacs:  The Science of Love, with the exception that the discussion isn't about love.


OK, no movies yet.  We need another platonic, "non-contact" date to test the waters some more.  Because DVDs do equal sex.  Basically.


I am afraid to invite my friend back over now.  Thanks, AC.

Nothing is sacred.

Damn!  I really enjoyed those movie nights too.  I'll miss them.  :'(

AC - He never tried anything, so I don't know what he has in mind.  He's decent looking and ... HE'S A BAREFOOTER! He actually walked with me on Thursday so I didn't smash my skull open on the icy sidewalks before surgery.  Nice guy, but so young (21).

Aww, you can still have them! They seem perfectly fine. He was barefooting on the ice?! :wow: I cut my foot somehow once when it was too cold..I didn't even feel it.


I'm joining your folds, people of the MA. 

Being drunk, "joining your folds" makes me giggle.  Dumb al-kee-haul.


Nope barefoots until Dec.  He tried to ride his bike on the ice.  Didn't work well.

He sounds like a great guy. Bike and feet, and all.


I'm joining the Moratorium. I've never had sex, but now it's entirely possible. I'm not sure that it's necessarily something that I want right now, so I'm joining up until a date when I decide that it's what I want.


Welcome aboard, Miss Courth!



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