"I'd be tempted to have a juice bath"
Posted by eric christian on Oct 25, 2008 · Member since Mar 2006 · 1501 posts
I don't mean this in a weird way but it occurred to me, if I had that amount of juice, I'd be tempted to have a juice bath. Just once. Again, I feel the need to stress I don't mean this in a weird way.
And shall get done good sir!
Its all up to you vegwebbers to elect the flavor
And to make it interesting, I will make it weird by turning into a photoshoot.
And polls close Nov 04! So Rock that vote
that tub will be full of protein drink! ;)
Can you say, KMK's wet dream?
KMK's wet dream!
This just sounds amazing. Can I come?
hur hur hur
I mean, visit. 8-)
This just sounds amazing. Can I come?
hur hur hur
I mean, visit. 8-)
I think using CW to design the calender is a great idea. Does anybody have any ideas about the manufacturing side of things?
Also, if you are planning on selling these calendar, maybe donate a percentage of the profits to an animal rights charity?
Warning: These pre-coffee ideas may lack clarity.
Much like my post-yerba mate, pre-dawn ideas, they may lack clarity but also contain genius.. SO!
We'd save production costs by taking the digital files to a professional printshop, even something like Copyworks or Office Depot, and assembling the printed pages ourselves. If You've ever examined the way a calendar goes together, it's quite easy...this format would only require a few staplers, a few bottles of wine and/or sparkling cider, and a few VW comrades. We could also do a single page format (photo and calendar grid on the same page), which would probably involve a different binding style.....but I think this is something We could figure out later. good to think ahead, though, db!
As for profits.....If Odwalla is to have any involvement (which would make sense, I mean, We are advertising for them, right?) it might be up to them to decide the fate of the profits...
I still think We ought to figure out the logistics of the photo shoot first and foremost. :agree?:
....and I would like to conclude this post with some sort of provocative statement or innuendo, but the creative juices aren't flowing.
we could do a fun one just for us, and a more professional one for odwalla
two days left to vote!
i will be counting votes that people have im'd me too, i'll be fair.
so far blueberry b monster is leading the polls.
incidental antioxidant immersion?
One day left to vote! Did you time this with the election?
third party juice?
Ohmygosh. So funny.
All in all shaping up to be a blue clean sweep today.
I voted a 7am. Home ill, I will be closely watching both polls.
I will shut down polls at 9pm.
All in all shaping up to be a blue clean sweep today.
but as for the presidential election, well...we'll see.
All in all shaping up to be a blue clean sweep today.
but as for the presidential election, well...we'll see.
does election day have you stressed dear?
(looking at your new profile image)
Super Protein - 10 (21.7%)
Blueberry B Monster - 17 (37%)
SuperFood - 5 (10.9%)
Mango Tango - 14 (30.4%)
Looks like a blue bath it shall be!
I voted for mango, but it would probably blend in with skin more. Blueberry will make it more colorful.
yeah, blueberry will be really pretty!!
I can't wait! ^-^
So when is this gonna happen? ::)
I drank a blueberry B monster on Friday. It was extra sexy-tasting given the circumstances on this thread.
The shoot will be in the beginning of December.
I have my photographer friend enlisted and we discussed it today, he likes the idea.
Its a go!
The shoot will be in the beginning of December.
I have my photographer friend enlisted and we discussed it today, he likes the idea.
Its a go!
:wow: this is gonna be classy! is he gonna make a calendar?
Super exciting.