Posted by lime green on Dec 09, 2008 · Member since Apr 2007 · 634 posts
the lower picture was just in my little sidebar recipe spot.
nice icing, lemme guess bleach flavored?
the lower picture was just in my little sidebar recipe spot.
nice icing, lemme guess bleach flavored?
Or when she realizes she just ate cum injecteted cupcakes.
"Cum injected cupcakes" produces such a great image.
Also, "cum injected cupcake" is my new euphemism for my vagina.
Also, "cum injected cupcake" is my new euphemism for my vagina.
permission to use?
Also, "cum injected cupcake" is my new euphemism for my vagina.
permission to use?
Oh yeah! Share the wealth!
Or when she realizes she just ate cum injecteted cupcakes.
"Cum injected cupcakes" produces such a great image.
Doesn't it?
or you could just surprise her and get it all in her eyes
(not safe btw)
Yes. You don't have to worry about the taste or getting pregnant. But have you ever seen photos of herpes in the eye? Whoa.
for serious. and if people still got syphilis can you imagine how bad syphilis in the eye would be? i'm resisting the temptation to google it right now.
ok no i'm not resisting
I knew this wouldn't end well.
fuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkk. :o
that was nasty.
and the solution is....
don't cum in people's eyes
swallow or spit, don't let it sit
swallow or spit, don't let it sit
Because who doesn't love to swish it around a bit between your teeth and just let them soak?
Don't you all gargle your cum?
Isn't gargling cum a vital part of dental hygiene?
not when the cum is a potential carrier of disease that easily permeates the mucous membranes inside your mouth.
This PPK thread is relevant to our interests:
Cumcakes and dickerdoodles. I might just have a party with those exact hors d'oeuvres.
This PPK thread is relevant to our interests:
Cumcakes and dickerdoodles. I might just have a party with those exact hors d'oeuvres.
omg so funny
I'm not kidding. I'm planning a VW party sometime this winter, and this is what I am making. Sex-themed goodies. I just decided. ;)b
if you smash a cumcake in a girls face is it still called a facial??
This PPK thread is relevant to our interests:
Cumcakes and dickerdoodles. I might just have a party with those exact hors d'oeuvres.
Those dickerdoodles were a little small. Maybe they're growers not showers?
if you smash a cumcake in a girls face is it still called a facial??
Yes. And if its chocolate, it's still a dirty Sanchez.
I'm not kidding. I'm planning a VW party sometime this winter, and this is what I am making. Sex-themed goodies. I just decided. ;)b
Can there be cumcake swapping the the party?
nobody is allowed to bring the Boston creme pie cumcakes though