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without an ice cream maker...

I really would like to make some vegan ice cream, but I don't have an ice cream maker. Any ideas? I do have a blender... I also have been craving rice dream ice cream. I know it exists, but where?! Though I have never tried it, I just know I'll like it. Anyone know where it can be purchased? I am in Vancouver, BC.

Why not go old school and make your own home-made ice cream?! Have you ever done the "ice cream-in-a-bag experiment in school"?! Take a few ziplock bags, some soy milk, vanilla, ice, salt, and sugar and make your own! Here's how:

Post your results  :D


Oh dear, you shouldn't have shown me this :D Now, I'll be making ice cream all the time! At what time during this process can I add some fruit?...I was thinking strawberries or pineapples. ;D


*GASP* :o

NO WAY!!! Why did we not try this before??

Definitely will try this for a snack tonight and post results. Thanks for sharing that link!! I am recently going back to all the joys of sweet things (recently discovered chocolate silk soy milk as something muuuch better tasting than anticipated and have been downing it like a crazed choco-philiac ever since.) Heehee.


I'm not sure how well the ice+salt trick works, but look up any vegan ice cream recipe on google, of which there are plenty, and instead of putting the mixture in an ice cream maker you can just pour it into a large, shallow pan, stick it in the freezer, and stir it every so often.  Keep checking back frequently to make sure it's not frozen solid.  Most recipes I've tried become too difficult to serve when they are too hard to stir anymore.  There's a recipe for chocolate peanut butter ice cream on this site
Good luck!


janeyboo, you should try So Good chocolate soymilk from the Sanitarium brand. it is sooo much better than the Silk chocolate soymilk! they have So Good vanilla soymilk and 'cappucino' soymilk too. all veeeery delicious.


I have here some steps in how to make a ice cream with out ice cream maker, but i were you i'll make try some ice cream machine for good and best result,
Step 1

Decide on the flavor of ice cream you want to make

Step 2

Find a suitable recipe, get the ingredients, make up the mixture

Step 3

Pour your freshly prepared mixture into a fairly wide bowl and put in your refrigerator to chill for between 1 and 2 hours. How long will depend upon whether you've actually heated up or cooked any of the ingredients when making the mixture.

Step 4

Remove from the refrigerator and put into your freezer for 30-40 minutes.

Step 5

Take the bowl out and check the state of the mixture - it should have started freezing from the outside edges in but not be fully frozen in the centre of the bowl.

Step 6

Place the bowl onto a work surface and beat the mixture well, breaking up any ice crystals and making it smooth again.

Step 7

Put the bowl back into your freezer and wait another 30-40 minutes.

Step 8

Repeat steps 5 through to 7

Step 9

Repeat steps 5 and 6

Step 10

Put the bowl back into the freezer for the final time and check every 30 minutes or so until your ice cream is frozen and ready to eat.

Hope you will like this little information i get in some site that i research in google search...


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I used to love to take bananas and put them in a blender with some cocoa powder and maybe some nuts, and freeze that (or freeze before blending)
it was sooo good (I love bananas)

But of course, now I have an ice cream maker....  ;)b


the fudgsicles recipe on here makes yummy ice cream with no ice cream maker.

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