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White pepper

Silly question, but is white pepper (as opposed to black pepper) supposed to smell like spoiled milk? It tastes kind of funky too. I know the comparison is non-vegan, but those of you who have not been vegan your whole life probably have smelled/tasted sour milk a few times. So, should I throw it out, (it's an arbitrary number of years old, since someone gave it to me 2.5 years ago and I'm just now trying it for the first time) or get used to the taste? Does pepper repel any garden pests, or will it just kill my plants?



I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to taste or smell like that. I'd chuck it or find a non-food use for it. I know that cats don't like pepper, other than that, I'm nore sure. Sorry.


and the smell won't come off my hands! I have discovered a new compound, I think.


and the smell won't come off my hands! I have discovered a new compound, I think.

Use hand sanitizer, I swear it kills the scent of anything!


I think it smells like moth balls! I threw mine out.


I think it smells like moth balls! I threw mine out.

Was it old?


I think it smells like moth balls! I threw mine out.

Was it old?

Maybe. But it smelled like that from the beginning.


What's the difference between white pepper and black pepper other than the color?


wiki: "White pepper consists of the seed of the pepper plant alone, with the darker colored skin of the pepper fruit removed. This is usually accomplished by a process known as retting, where fully ripe peppers are soaked in water for about a week, during which the flesh of the pepper softens and decomposes. Rubbing then removes what remains of the fruit, and the naked seed is dried. Alternative processes are used for removing the outer pepper from the seed, including decortication, the removal of the outer layer from black pepper from small peppers through mechanical, chemical or biological methods.
White pepper is sometimes used in dishes like light-coloured sauces or mashed potatoes, where ground black pepper would visibly stand out. There is disagreement regarding which is generally spicier. They have differing flavor due to the presence of certain compounds in the outer fruit layer of the berry that are not found in the seed." "difference b/w white and black pepper"


Ugh, I never use white pepper.  It tastes (and smells) horrible to me!


Ugh, I never use white pepper.  It tastes (and smells) horrible to me!

Moth ballish?


Ugh, I never use white pepper.  It tastes (and smells) horrible to me!

Moth ballish?

So maybe it is just gross tasting from the fermenting of the outer flesh. Or maybe it's like cilantro tastes like soap to some people, due to genetic differences. Do moth balls smell like spoiled milk?
I'm sad to throw it out since it was a gift =(


Ugh, I never use white pepper.  It tastes (and smells) horrible to me!

Moth ballish?

So maybe it is just gross tasting from the fermenting of the outer flesh. Or maybe it's like cilantro tastes like soap to some people, due to genetic differences. Do moth balls smell like spoiled milk?
I'm sad to throw it out since it was a gift =(

Maybe you could give it to someone who likes to cook? Find out someone who likes white pepper? I know some people on vw do. I don't think I want to try to remember what spoiled milk smells like. I don't think it was quite that bad, but just a persistent gross smell. An old smell. Maybe kinda moldy, or something. Just gross. I think I tasted it, and it tasted like the smell. I remember talking about it before. Yuck.


I really like white pepper in mashed potatoes.


Moth ballish?  Maybe.  It's pretty astringent/sour to me in an unappealing way.


I like it, but then I get through enormous quantities of it so it never has time to get old. Trust me, if you've had it for over 2 years, the essential oils have turned. Throw it out.
Also, if it's ground, most ground spices are adulterated with colourants, "flavour enhancers" and even nonfood stuff for makeweight. For example, cheap sweet paprika has been found adulterated with brick dust. Maybe the chemicals in the ground stuff go off after awhile.


For example, cheap sweet paprika has been found adulterated with brick dust. Maybe the chemicals in the ground stuff go off after awhile.

Yum, brick dust.  I have cheapo paprika at home.  How much do you have to spend to not have bricks in it?  Why do they not have to put this crap on the label?  Thanks for enlightning me.  I never thought about what kind of junk may be in my spice collection. :(


I think white pepper is just gross. I hope my paprika doesn't have brick dust in it... but it's hot, not sweet, so maybe it's okay?


It is not ground, so should just be pepper. I found someone who wanted it, so maybe it will go to good use. I think the answer to my question: "should it smell gross" is "yes" from all the responses, so I'm not worried about poisoning my friend!

I hope my paprika doesn't have brick dust!

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