Vote for a vegan donut! Winner will be made & sold at Vegan Treats!
Posted by Webmistress Laura on May 17, 2010 · Member since Jun 2009 · 831 posts
Compassion Over Killing & Vegan Treats are having a contest to pick a delicious vegan donut variety! The winning donut will be made and sold at Vegan Treats! YES!! Plus, the contest shows Dunkin Donuts how many people value vegan donuts (LOTS OF US) and maybe they'll start to sell them too. Seriously, a girl can dream. Actually, while you're at it, you can send Dunkin Donuts a message to let them know we want vegan donuts, just follow the steps after you've voted! OH ALSO: by voting, you can win prizes too!
Make it happen:
I did this last week - I picked the S'more one....
Oh, I guess I can do it again....I picked the Bavarian this time :)
side note: there is a Dunkin Donuts right by my house...part of me does not want them to carry this vegan donut - I absolutely love donuts and I have little self control.
erinmonster5 - hehehe. i know what you mean...i guess i'm safe because there aren't any around here!
i voted for the peanut butter fluff but i'm tempted to vote again for the s'mores one!
voted for s'mores. omggggg
I've been craving donuts for way too long... drool.
I loved for the s'mores although I'm not crazy about that one. I don't like filled donuts. I wish they had a vegan more classic donut flavor. Then again, there are Dunkin Donuts all over around here, so I don't think I want a vegan donut that readily available. I can't use my daughter as an excuse to buy them either. She doesn't like donuts at all.