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Vitamin D fortified Mushrooms

weird! I heard that mushrooms naturally had alot of vitamin D. I didn't know some of them came fortified.


That's strange. I had also heard of mushrooms being a good source of vitamin D, but I didn't know it required, uh, processing? I guess that's what it would be called.

I suppose the mushrooms might not get any ill effects from high-intensity UVB exposure, but it still seems like the particular mushrooms that receive that treatment should have something on the package to indicate it. I think most people would assume that things just kind of grow in the ground, get harvested, washed, and packaged, not radiated in between.

On the other hand, I guess that kind of thinking could apply to labeling what pesticides/other chemicals were used, and while a good idea, may cost a lot to the grower/distributor to change the label all the time, and it would be pretty tough to do for loose produce.


im pretty sure the ones that are fortified are labeled - the story mentions 2 brands 'sun' - something or other..  i don't think that all have the extra vitamin d.  this way they can charge more for the radiated super fortified ones.

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