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Vegemite. . . now available in the states.

I was shopping today and passed by where Bovril and Marmite resides and sharing the shelf was VEGEMITE! I was so stoked. I didn't think you could get it in the states anymore I thought is was banned from resale. I though it couldn't be real but it says "Made in Australia. I had my first Vegemite sandwich in about 20 years today.

My favorite is Vegemite with avocado on toast.

i saw it about a year ago in whole foods. lol what does it taste like? i wanna buy it, but i'm afraid haha


Does it taste similar to Marmite? Cause Marmite is fantastic, I love it on rye with a slice of cheeze and baby lettuces.

PS: From wikipedia

Rumour of ban in United States

In October 2006, the Melbourne newspaper, the Herald Sun incorrectly reported that Vegemite had been banned in the United States, and that the United States Customs Service had gone so far as to search Australians entering the country for Vegemite. The story appears to have originated as an anecdote by a traveller who claimed to have been searched by US Customs. Also, a spokesperson for Kraft made a misinformed comment to reporters. The story led to some anti-American comments in blogs and newspapers. The Herald Sun blamed George W. Bush, at the time the president of the United States, for the ban, and encouraged readers to post comments on its website and send emails to the White House.

The US Food and Drug Administration later stated that there were no plans to subject Vegemite to an import ban, or withdraw it from supermarket shelves. The United States Customs and Border Protection also tried to dispel the rumour, stating on its website that "there is no known prohibition on the importation of Vegemite" and "there is no official policy within CBP targeting Vegemite for interception". The story of the "ban" later took on the status of urban legend. While Vegemite has never been popular in the US, it can still be purchased at supermarkets that stock imported food items.


i saw it about a year ago in whole foods. lol what does it taste like? i wanna buy it, but i'm afraid haha

It is very salty and the taste is intense and consentrated but hard to describe. You either love it or hate it and it is probably an acquired taste. The trick is to use it very sparingly. Spread it very thin on a piece of bread and then add margarine, avocado or other spreads. It is dark and looks like fudge and it is made from yeast. I think it was originally a byproduct of the brewing industry.


>Does it taste similar to Marmite?

I have read that it is similar to Marmite I don't think I have tried Marmite. From my observation, Vegemite did indeed disappear from the shelves of markets where I shopped. I have not seen it for years and I often look for it. My understanding is that while there was not a ban, the FDA made a fuss over the issue of folic acid in Vegemite. There were some confiscations of imports and Kraft (the American distributer) stopped importing it until the controversy over the folic acid was resolved,


in New Zealand, Marmite is generally the more popular of the two, and in Australia, it's Vegemite.
I prefer Marmite but don't see that there's a huge difference, but I think our two countries have very nearly gone to war a number of times over this!

vh, if you see it again, give it a go!  At least at first, you'll need to make sure to spread it real thin, because it is definitely a strong/acquired taste.  I think it's fantastic on good grainy toast, with hummous, and topped with tomato and avocado.  Seriously awesome stuff : )

kiwi Marmite/aussie Vegemite ^
UK Marmite ^


i really want to try it.


We can get the UK marmite in the British section of the store here (we have British tourists) but not vegemite.  I like vegemite better the marmite is way too salty.

I had some today and will have to try a sandwich with avacodo.  I'm almost out.  I splurged and both some vegemite a while back from an Amazon seller.  The shipping alone was $8.95 so it was a rip off. I would die to have it sold in the stores here.

If you're bored, go to Youtube and search "American" and "vegemite".  It's cute to see some Americans eating vegemite and their reaction. 


I had toast with Vegemite and avocado this morning. That is the way first tried it about 35 years ago. My 14 year old daughter tried it for the first time and she asked for more. My wife won't go near it. I had her try some when we were first married 20 years ago and she hasn't tried it since.


i bought marmite and soy curls so i can make this recipe: Chinese-Style Vegan "Beef" and Asparagus Stir-Fry with Vegetarian "Oyster Sauce" i am looking for more uses for marmite since i bought 2 jars on amazon


I got introduced to Vegemite in 1991 when an Australian friend offered it to everyone who was working at a summer camp. I was the only non-Aussie who loved it!


I can only find Maramite at my local grocery store.  I have a jar in the fridge I use to flavor soups/stews, lentil loaf and barley dishes.  It adds a nice, rich background.


I've been told by Oz friends, "If you like red miso you'll like Vegemite." Can't get either one here, tho. They won't let me eat theirs in case I love it and they have to share!  :>


I use marmite or vegimite or other yeast extracts to give a depth of flavour (or meatiness as N says) to bolognaise, soups, gravies and other such things.  That would be my main use.  Sporadically I will really crave it on toast, but not often.

How strange that NZ marmite is different to UK marmite.  Wonder if it tastes different?


They won't let me eat theirs in case I love it and they have to share!  :>

this is a common occurence with antipodeans living overseas.  We don't share our national treasures with no-one! haha

How strange that NZ marmite is different to UK marmite.  Wonder if it tastes different?

I've heard it does.  We didn't try any but other kiwis have said they didn't care for the UK marmite, so we didn't want to risk spending cash on something we might not enjoy.


maybe I'll bring a jar with me and then we can have a marmite taste off!! Lol!


maybe I'll bring a jar with me and then we can have a marmite taste off!! Lol!

Shel, I'd try it just because of those "Marmite blob" commercials. If the makers have that kind of sense of humour...they must be OK.  ;D


maybe I'll bring a jar with me and then we can have a marmite taste off!! Lol!

yup, definitely do it!  Unless you have no space in your bags...
...nah, do it anyway! ; )


I have a friend from Tasmania, and she introduced me to Vegemite. I really like it, but apparently my bf and I are the only people she's shared it with that have liked it. She tried to bring us some back from Australia, but there were problems with customs and they took it all away! I doubt we can get it in the middle of Podunk, Nowhere Indiana, but we've purchased it online before. Great on bagels, even mixed with tofutti! I've never tried Marmite, though.


I forget which one I tried, many years ago, but it was so gross to me. I haven't tried it again since, even though I've been sort of curious. There is an older thread on here talking about how to eat it to make it more palatable. I was going to try that. I just don't want to buy a whole jar of it and then not like it and feel wasteful. It would be better if I could try someone else's again.


does this exist in canada?  i THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK i've seen it in the natural food section of where i work but i might have been dreaming.
not that i dream about vegemite.  it could taste like absolute shit for all i know.  but i want to try it.

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