Vegan wasabi paste?
Posted by wayneshep! on Sep 11, 2009 · Member since Nov 2008 · 379 posts
Okay... I'm in Japan and I bought some wasabi (s & b sushi wasabi) but I can't read the ingredients. Can someone who has the same kind read theirs and tell me if its vegan or not. I found that the regular s&b wasabi has lactose in it but I can't find an ingredients list online for the sushi wasabi. Thanks.... or if you know of a brand of wasabi that is vegan friendly please let me know.
this is what is says the ingredients are on the website for the EU package. Unless someone tells me otherwise I'm going to assume that this is vegan safe.
Horseradish, lactose, corn oil, sorbitol, salt, water, artificial flavor, tumeric, xanthan gum, citric acid, artificial flavor (FD & C yellow no 5, FD & C blue no. 1). This is the ingredients list I found on another website, but I think that the one from the manufacturer would be more accurate.
wow, i totally never expected wasabi to be unvegan. i've had it so many times!
i'm sorry that i can't be more help... i always just stole the wasabi from the sushi restaurants so i don't have labels. wasabi's too expensive to buy!
It's a tough call. I see imported products with conflicting labels all the time (conflicting in terms of ingredients vs nutrition facts and same product from one store to another). I found a vegan one, but I forget which brand - I think it was S&B, but I don't think it was particularly sushi type. However, it *did* contain artificial sweetener (like sorbitol), but of course no lactose... ???
Turns out it did have lactose... Damn! Off to the store tomorrow to try and find a vegan brand.
Pretty sure I found two brands of vegan friendly wasabi :)>>> ;)b. Will have the same person double check them but I'm feeling really good about these ones. ;)b :)>>> I love wasabi.
I just buy the powdered stuff and add water since the tube stuff tends to have lactose.
faunablues -- not sure where you're shopping, but a tin of wasabi powder costs maybe $2.50??
I got a leetle tube for a dollar-something (I was using it for a recipe... I'm not huge on using it as a condiment, though it's ok). It was in a Japanese market in my neighborhood - they have lotsa wasabi, and it was the only one without lactose. Maybe the ingredients were wrong? Well, it's gone now.