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Vegan Protein Powder

I'm trying to figure out what kind of protein powder to buy...I've heard that soy protein powder is filtered w/ petroleum or something? I've also heard that hemp can taste weird...I saw rice protein powder in the store today, along with some other types (Vega brand, etc) and I have no idea what to go for.

Can anybody recommend a good one? Thanks for the help!

Pea Protein!


I like using brown rice protein powder.  But then I am a celiac and eat a lot of brown rice, so if there is a wierd taste, I'm already acclimated to it.  Ha.


The fast/cleansing books always recommend rice protein powder since it is easy to digest.  I have a big tub of the vanilla flavored rice powder that I never got through--too bad I can't send it to you.

I just read a positive review for the chocolate hemp protein powder.  I would probably go with the hemp powder since the amino profile is so good.  It wasn't around when I bought my tub of rice protein last year.  I suggest that you buy the smallest jar first even though it seems less economical.  You might have more trouble using it up than you imagined.  I did!


I use hemp powder as well.  :)  It can be a little grainy if you don't blend it well, but it's not too big of a deal.  It depends on what you're putting it in.  I don't think it tastes weird though.

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