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Vegan Food Gifts

I like to bake and make various goodies for the holidays. I'm curious to see what kind of food gifts you guys make. Any suggestions?

We are making baskets of goodies as Christmas gifts this year....
jars of Salsa (my husband's specialty)
jars of dry ingredients for cookies, along with the baked version
homemade candies - truffles, peanut butter cups, etc.
possibly soup in a jar (I'm not sure about this one yet)
recipe cards, all fancy like

It'll be a lot of work, but I'm excited.  The year we made everyone salsa went so well that we figured we'd try something on a larger scale....


I think we'll be doing a lot of this as we are, ahem, poor as fuck this year. Keep the ideas coming!(so I can steal them)


I just finished making 50 half pints of home made apple butter, from home made applesauce, and am finally finished canning, for now at least.  I am adding a bag of my own oatmeal scone mix, just add an egg (or "egg" of choice and a cup of liquid and bake, then drown in apple butter.  So yummy.

now I am going all Martha on some brown lunch bags to make them look nice and make my own name tags for them, plus little fabric "hats" for the jars.

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