vegan cream cheese: is there a recipe?
I am looking for a recipe of a soy-free cream cheese.
I found a couple of brands of cashew cream cheese that have gotten good reviews from what I can tell from various blogs and message forums. The first is called Playfood, made by Taran Smith who played Mark on Home Improvement, a classic 90s sitcom. But the website is down and I am pretty sure the business has gone under. The other is called Dr. Cow. I live nowhere near any of the stores that sell it, and to buy it online you have to buy it with $75 worth of other vegan cheese products, which I definitely will not do. Plus, I'm not sure I would even want to try it after it is sitting in a box on a truck for several days.
I googled cashew cream cheese and found this recipe: but I want to see if others have a better idea.
So I ask you fellow vegetarians, do you know of a soy-free CREAM CHEESE alternative recipe? THANKS!!!
I made a recipe once, but can't remember where I found it. It was really awful! Its kind of like when you find a recipe for 'sour cream', it usually just tastes like tofu and vinegar with a little bit of garlic. Maybe there have been advancements, but I really don't eat cream cheese that often, and those little tofutti tubs last a freakin' lifetime so I don't mind buying them.
Have you ever been to Bryanna Clark Grogan's site ? She has a Cooking forum, too and since she has made some nice things with cashew cream she might be able to help you.
Until then, here's what the WWW showed me
The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook has a recipe for Incredible Almond Cream Cheese. I haven't made it yet but it's on my list. I'll report on my results in the Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook Thread in Cookbooks Lab.