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Tried anything unusual lately?

This may not be unusual but for me it is.  I was at the store strolling through the produce section and was in the isle with the "unusual" fruits and there was papaya.  I have never had papaya so I bought one.

Wow!  They are so good.  I love papaya now.  :)>>>
I ate the last of it tonight for dessert with a glass of cammomile tea. 

What have you had that is unusual lately?

I had a papaya a while ago... it was good but I did attempt the seed and man, did it burn my mouth!! haha.

I recently tried Jicama... omg delicious... tastes like an apple but not as sweet!  And its a vegetable.


Yacon syrup.  It is made from some sort of root, I think, and it can be used like brown rice syrup.  It tastes very caramelly to me, so I'm trying to think of a way to use it in dessert that doesn't use the whole bottle (small but pricy). 

I also tried raw maca powder recently.  It smells very malty but doesn't taste that way.  Not bad, but I wouldn't eat it straight.  It's disguised pretty well in smoothies.

Papaya is definitely not one of my favorites.  I only like it at that perfect point of ripeness, and I've never been able to get it right with ones I buy. 


i tried okra for the first time last week.. not a fan  :P


Yacon syrup.  It is made from some sort of root, I think, and it can be used like brown rice syrup.  It tastes very caramelly to me, so I'm trying to think of a way to use it in dessert that doesn't use the whole bottle (small but pricy). 

I also tried raw maca powder recently.  It smells very malty but doesn't taste that way.  Not bad, but I wouldn't eat it straight.  It's disguised pretty well in smoothies.

I heard of Yacon syrup too!  I want to try it but haven't gotten around to it.  Its strange how pricey all the good stuff is (I love Stevia too!)

i tried okra for the first time last week.. not a fan  :P

I'm definitely not a big fan of okra.  Its prickly too!  It'd probably be okay deep fried, but what isn't? haha.


i tried okra for the first time last week.. not a fan  :P

True, best breaded and fried. If you cook it in a stew, it gets kinda slimey. But I like it rolled in cornmeal and fried.


Well, I bought kale today....for the very first time....we'll see how it goes.


actually it was battered and fried and it still got that slimey feeling..  ick

kale is great - the chips on this site are awesome, and the polenta lasagna with kale and mushrooms on is really delicious & easy.


I had a papaya a while ago... it was good but I did attempt the seed and man, did it burn my mouth!! haha.

I recently tried Jicama... omg delicious... tastes like an apple but not as sweet!  And its a vegetable.

how was your jicama prepared or was it raw?  I've had it raw but wondered if it was good cooked


Blood oranges...I'm definitely underwhelmed.  Tastes like a boring old orange. 


Blood oranges...I'm definitely underwhelmed.  Tastes like a boring old orange. 

were you hoping for more of a bloody flavor?


I had a papaya a while ago... it was good but I did attempt the seed and man, did it burn my mouth!! haha.

I recently tried Jicama... omg delicious... tastes like an apple but not as sweet!  And its a vegetable.

how was your jicama prepared or was it raw?  I've had it raw but wondered if it was good cooked

Just raw so far.  It is far too tastey for me to try and put it under heat...
Might try one day though..


Blood oranges...I'm definitely underwhelmed.  Tastes like a boring old orange. 

were you hoping for more of a bloody flavor?

Haha, not quite!  But I was expecting something a little more different and interesting...the colour was the most interesting thing.  When I opened it at work people thought my orange had gone bad!


I am amongst the okra haters! eww <insert gross face smiley>

There are not many veggies that I do not like but that is one.

I made and tried a thai ( and heli) inspired spicy peanut butter sauce pizza...It was very yum. ;)b


okra also thickens up stew or soup!


Crispy fried okra is not slimy! I love okra.


Mermite- yeast extract.  Excellent source of B vitamins.  Really salty, a little bit goes a long way. I've been eating it with butter* or cream cheese* on toast or bagels. :D



I still don't understand what mermite is.  does it taste like nutritional yeast?


I just wanted to add some more love for okra  :)>>>


I've never tried okra, but its always reminded me of Oprah, and I don't like her, so I doubt I'd like okra.


New love: mugi (barley) miso. Stirred into a rather "meh" stirfry, it perked things right up. This is particularly nice since the last batch of regular white miso I bought (same brand as always) is kind of takes forever to melt in hot broth, etc. OK, I keep it in the fridge, but I did the last box, too. I'd hate to toss it and buy more and find out it's the brand's problem, not this batch, but I may have to.



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