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Hi everyone,
I've seen the boxes of Tofurky (the veggie form of turkey for the holidays) at Whole Foods, and I was wondering if any of you guys have tried it and whats it like?


I like it. It has never gone over well with meat eaters. It is a little bland and I always add extra seasoning.  I always have many side dishes to go along with it such as veggie stuffed peppers, rosemary potatoes, mixed vegetables, sweet potato no egg souffle, and corn pudding to name a few.


I had it two years ago at Thanksgiving and I thought it was incredible!  It tasted a LOT like turkey, especially with the gravy.  The only downfall was being the only vegetarian in my family because I ate it everyday day after Thanksgiving to get rid of it!  I can honestly say that I didn't crave tofurkey thereafter, but only because I ate it all by myself! I highly recommend it, especially since it doesn't take long to bake. 


i think tofurkey is really boring tasting. that being said, my best friend has an incredible recipe that she uses where you marinate it in maple syrup and add walnuts to it and swears by it! so we're making that for thanksgiving

i would recommend the Celebration Roast from whole foods instead of tofurkey, though.


Hi everyone,
I've seen the boxes of Tofurky (the veggie form of turkey for the holidays) at Whole Foods, and I was wondering if any of you guys have tried it and whats it like?


I'm not crazy about Tofurky. I do love Quorn, however, which is another poultry substitute. They make a roast which is perfect for a family meal.


I was not fond of Tofurky at all. I thought it tasted like very firm, dense tofu (which is not a bad thing), DROWNED in soy sauce. Maybe I'm just sensitive to sodium, but it almost made me choke. If you sliced it really thin, it might be pretty good with some lettuce, tomato, and veganaise on a sandwich.

For the record, Quorn isn't vegan, or at least it wasn't last time I looked. But if you're ovo, I suppose that's an acceptable alternative.


Thanks for the replies! I'll definately look at Whole Foods for that celebration roast, sounds interesting. Do you know what part of the store its in? frozen foods, prepared, etc?

I'll also look for the Quorn stuff...I don't really know what it is, but I vagely remember reading something about it one time.

Mizzoukitten-thanks for your advice! I don't like alot of salt in my foods eithe, it makes me feel sick.




I am also not fond of Tofurky (although their sausages are quite good).  Friends of mine prepared it in a wonderful marinade and even still I didn't really like it.  The dumplings that came with it were horrible too, and I think it is overpriced (over $25 CDN here).


Tofurkey dinners are not bad, not great, but not bad.  It's definately a food only a vegetarian used to eating such things would like.  So don't try sharing with the meateaters.  The stuffing wasn't too bad.  I love the slices however which are good on sandwiches.

We don't have whole foods (horray that small independently owned HFS's are still around!) so I haven't tried the other brands. 

Have a great meal.


I personally love the taste of Tofurky.  I've only had the deli slices though, never had the actual Tofurky feast.


I think it would be tasty if it were not so salty.  When I prepare it (rarely, because of the cost -- I'm a tightwad) I sub out lower-sodium alternatives for the soy sauce in the glaze, and that helps a little.  But it's still salty.

The stuffing in the center, on the other hand, is delicious!


The tofurky loaf is ok. I buttered the outside with Earth Balance before cooking, cuz the first time the "skin" was soft, not crispy. That seemed to work.

The tofurky slices are really good! I love to make open face sandwiches with tofurky slices, mashed spuds & gravy. Add a serving of broccoli & a dallop of cranberry on the side & it's like a T-day dinner.


QUORN! The roast is totally good. Add some garlic mashed potatos, gravy, and some broccoli, and you got yourself a great thanksgiving dinner.

I like the tofurkey too. But the drumstick things they come with are totally buttcheeks....



I love Tofurky!  But, I think it needs a zesty basting sauce.  One of my favorites is as follows.

Use one packet of dry vegetarian French onion soup, a half bottle of French salad dressing and a can of whole cranberry sauce (not jellied).

Mix all the ingredients; if a little to stiff, add just a little more French dressing.  You want the sauce to be thick enough to stay on top of the Tofurky.

Place the Tofurky in an oiled casserole dish and cover in about half the sauce.  Bake covered according to the manufacturer's recommendations and put the remaining sauce in the fridge.  Halfway through the baking time, turn the Tofurky over and baste with the remaining sauce for a pretty glaze and tasty dish.  Hope this helps!


Do you know if the soy in tofurky is genetically modified?


I just checked, and Tofurky says that try to source everything, including soy, from non-genetically-modified sources, and demand that their suppliers have non-GMO certification. It's also organic - sounds pretty good to me.

Personally, I love Tofurky. However, it does NOT taste like turkey. I love tofu, so that's probably why I love it. I've never found it to be salty. It's chewy and dense but unique and tasty. Definitely use a marinade or baste, though, or it will dry out while cooking. I think I will try Red Dogs' recipe this year (sounds interesting!), as the one on the box is a little boring. Does anyone else have any good recipes? :-)


I'd love to hear some good glaze/basting receipes for the tofurkey. It's my first time cooking one this year and I'd like it to be perfect.



Thanks for checking if its genetically modified!!

Thats awesome that its not!


I had some last night, and I didn't like it for the very reason that it was a good imitation. I have always been disgusted by meat, even as a little kid, before being a strict vegetarian. Something about it grosses me out, and so if the realism of tofurkey is what you are going for, I would recommend it, if you do not eat meat because of compassion for animals it might not be so appealing.

We had it with onions, and potatoes. It comes with the stuffing.

Just to give you an idea of how realistic it is...I thought it was a meat dish so I put it at my brother's end of the table (where the meat dishes always go, he is the only meat eater of the 4 of us).

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