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the soup thread

apologies if there's already one of these.
Share your soup stories.

Today I:
fried onions + leak
added 2 litres of water
added lentils
added split peas (both nice and dry)
added 5 carrots, 2 parsnips, a potato, 3 Jerusalem thingies (I'll get the right spelling later), erm, like, almost all the outter and msot of the inner leaves of a cabbage.
I think that was it?
Oh salt and general dried herbs (oregano, parsley etc.)
Pressure cooked.
It came out as, well, a snotty, fair soup. Nothing too special but as for the past week I've barely had any fruit or veg, I think it'll do me the world of good.
Very thick.
Very filling.

I've been on a soup binge lately. I love the warmness it brings on chilly winter days!

I was feeling quite lazy this weekend after Thanksgiving and really craving some butternut squash soup. On Saturday I found a box of pureed butternut on sale at the store (often labeled soup, but really it's just pureed butternut). I threw it in a pot with two bags of frozen veggies (mix of carrots, asparagus, zucchini, onions, and green beans) and let it all simmer with some spices. I think all I added in was black pepper, garlic powder, sea salt, and a few shakes of chili pepper. Man, it was delicious! I've been eating on it since Saturday. :)


Soup is my comfort food. Anyone who checks my "recipes submitted by this person" can see that. I love getting creative with a veg box. One of my favourite storybooks as a child was an edition of "Stone Soup" with gorgeous coloured-pencil illustrations. Whenever I'm iron-cheffing a soup, I hear that line, "It's delicious now...but with a handful of (this) it will be superlative!"

I often make what I call "one soup." One of each whatever I have in the vegetable line: one carrot, one potato, one leek, one onion, one zuchinni, etc. Trouble is it always makes such a massive amount! LOL

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