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Side Dish Carb Poll

I have to say, my favourite beyond all is rice, with potatoes a close second. I thiink in my case the rice-thing is hereditary. White or brown, I love me some rice!

:-D  Side dish!  That'd require cooking a main dish.

I optimistically buy salad makings and then don't eat them.  For years now, once they are nearing their eating life span, I cut them into small bits and roll them in rice paper.  I guess that makes rice my favorite side.  Kind of.  I loathe rice on its own.


I like quinoa and millet, but rice is the one I can actually think of as a side dish. A little bowl of perfectly steamed rice with some miso soup and pickles.  :)>>>


I mostly eas potatoes and rice as a side dish.  I grew up eating rice almost everyday but also like potatoes.  It just depends on if I am feeling lazy. 


Quinoa #1, potatoes #2


Pasta!!! Nothing else comes close! (That's probably how I got myself into this mess...)

In the absence of pasta (given that I'm currently following eat to live), I will say quinoa first, followed by brown rice.

I am super-picky about potatoes, russets especially.


I don't know if it's considered a "side", but I like to eat some whole grain bread or biscuits with a meal.  Potatoes are my other choice.


I don't know if it's considered a "side", but I like to eat some whole grain bread or biscuits with a meal.  Potatoes are my other choice.

Well, OK, "side dish" is pretentious and petulant, but I wanted to cut out all the cakes, cookies and dessert-type carbs. By "side" here I meant what you put under things. As in "serve over....". So instead of a side dish, I suppose I mean what my granny called a "gowith." She was always saying things like, "We have chicken ala king and rice to gowith."


Well, I guess rolls and cornbread would count for me then, especially for soups and "sloppy" sorts of dishes that the bread can be smothered with:)


I like potatoes (because they're fast) with rice as a close second as well.  Almost picked pasta, but when i have it, it's a main dish lol


I'm the same with my pasta - it's the main dish - I couldn't just have a small helping of it....

So I picked potatoes......any form really - roasted, mashed, fries, tots....


Quinoa is one of my favorite foods in the world. 


how the heck is quinoa not #1 cause it is the best!

--bp's true feelings about carby sides is now known, ftr--

I was waiting to hear that, ftr.
Potatoes and rice are still neck-and-neck. (I keep feeling like I should do a stretch call but I'm not that creative.)
"Rice is still going strong, but potatoes are on form today, they're coming up to the turn, but layyydeeees and gentlemen, it's gonna be a tough race! They're neck and neck, they're nose and nose, they're gonna battle it out to the ennnndaaah....but PASTA is coming up on the outside...."

Or something of the sort.

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