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Restaurant Review

I have been trying for many weeks or even months to catch the vegan organic food truck in downtown Hoboken. While at the post office sending off some annoying certified mail items where I noticed them circling for a parking spot, I was able to hog up a large enough parking space until they circled around the block. I ran up flagging them down and said "good morning, I saved you a parking space.." They were shocked and elated! They parked and started to set up, those 15 minutes seemed like an eternity as ponds of drool accumulate on the sidewalk. They were so grateful they offer me a free breakfast. So I sit here happy a young lark, devouring my breakfast burrito, black coffee and a few surprises extras for my company later this evening. :)>>>

Please fill this forum up with your stories, reviews and vegan experiences :)

Also please head to AC's official vegan restaurant review (U.S. and Canada)!

How is the food there?


nothing less than magical.

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