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Question about Vegan Vitamens

So, I have been trying to find a type of vitamen that will cover all of my daily vitamen/mineral needs and is also vegan. I have heard that a lot of vitamens have various animal products in them. Does anyone know of a particular brand of vitamen that is good? or what ingredients I should avoid when selecting one ( I'm always on the look out for gelatin). I have one called "source of life" but I have to take six pills a day and I've blown through a whole bottle in less than 2 weeks. >:( Any information from you lovely people would be greatly appreciated.

I've used both Now liquid and VegLife tablets.  It takes me over a year to use a 30-day supply.  I like the liquid, because when I'm thinking about it I can take a swig.

Vegan Essentials


Here's another source that I've found to be a little less expensive (esp. with free shipping):

I bought Deva multi-vitamins, sublingual B-12 and cal-mag plus, but I forget to take them most of the time.  ::)


Rainbow Light Women's at


I use Deva 1-A-Day Multivitamin and Deva Hair, Skin and Nails formula, and I bought them of Vegan Essentials. 

I also used to take Vegan Glucosamine pills, but I just ran out.

I have tried a lot of different vitamins, and my suggestion is to just try them out and go with the one that makes you feel the best. 

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