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Please help me use up Ingredient X.

Ahoy folks! I thought I'd start a thread where you can ask for recipes and advice on how to use up an ingredient (e.g. a vegetable, fruit, grain, bean, etc.) of which you have lots and lots and lots; or which is new to you and you don't know where to start with it.

I'll go first. :P I have many, many tasty carrots from the farmers' market which I need to use before they go soft.

Recipes, please.

I know, I know, carrots - simple - should be a no-brainer... but I was not fond of them for a long time, simply because I'd never known anything but raw or steamed carrots with very little flavour. I like to do INTERESTING things with them. They're so adaptable! Gimme your adaptations! :D

Now, who can help me use up one yellow pepper, 2 orange ones, and 2 hungarian red peppers? And a few small hot peppers if need be?

Some kind of salsa? Roast them, and make spicy orange pasta sauce! Or pepper jelly, though five peppers might not make much!

Mince up some garlic and saute it and the peppers in strips, and then add balsamic vinegar. Allow a pepperstrip  or two to blacken just a bit. Deeelish.


Now, who can help me use up one yellow pepper, 2 orange ones, and 2 hungarian red peppers? And a few small hot peppers if need be?

Some kind of salsa? Roast them, and make spicy orange pasta sauce! Or pepper jelly, though five peppers might not make much!

Mince up some garlic and saute it and the peppers in strips, and then add balsamic vinegar. Allow a pepperstrip  or two to blacken just a bit. Deeelish.

I did this...and then made fajitas....thanks everyone! Today we are using the leftover sauteed peppers to make cheez "steak" sandwiches.


not that I need to use them up right now, but I have recently cooked up loads and loads of chickpeas.
I generally only ever use them for hummous, chana massala and a quinoa chickpea pilaf.

What does everyone else use chickpeas for - I feel like using them for something exciting :D

eta: I just realised all you US people call them garbanzos


Chickpea Salad Sandwich!


shit, I'd totally forgotten about that option!  I'll put in on my list of things to make - I've not had one in maybe a year.


There's that "tuna" noodle casserole that's made with chickpeas. It's good. Sounds good right now.


shit, I'd totally forgotten about that option!  I'll put in on my list of things to make - I've not had one in maybe a year.

I made the chickpea burgers from vegweb last night and highly recommend them.  Oh yummy yummy yummy they are good!


I make a sort of chickpea bake using tomato pasta sauce, thyme and/or oregano, and sauteed mushrooom strips. Throw it together and toss it in the oven for 20 min or so. Good hot or cold.


I just remembered another chickpea recipe I love and haven't made in forever: chickpea and sweetcorn curry!!

Ummm, is it normal to answer your ow nquestion here?!


Sometimes I like to make mac and cheeze (the new farm recipe), and add some form of chickpeas to it. I once did them mashed up with stuff, and I just made it by just adding a can of chickpeas to the sauce. I need to find a better method, but it's tasty. Kinda like mac and cheeze with tuna.


any suggestions for using red lentils? i already tried the enjedra recipe which was amazing


red lentils are my favourite - but I only ever end up making dahl.
I have several dahl recipes that I like:
Craig's dahl
Indian dahl
Pakistani dahl

Oh yeah, one non-dahl recipe I like:
BBQ lentils - this says to use brown lentils, but it works well with red lentils

Red lentils are also good for soups - 2 of my favourites:
Moroccan lentil and chickpea soup
Leek and lentil soup - which I have just realised doesn't have any photos.  How strange I normally like to add pics especially if the recipe doesn't have any.


thank u shelloid... im def gonna try some of those recipes... please peeps more suggestions!


I have yet to sucessfully cook red lentils; they either stick and burn or come out soupy and tasteless. But I have heard they make good hummus; there are a couple of RL hummus recipes here.


I've put red lentils into spaghetti sauce - worked out quite nicely.


I make soup in a slow cooker & the red lentils come out fine.


I apologize if someone already brought this up, but I haven't kept up with this thread. Brown rice syrup. I have an unopened jar that I bought maybe 2 years ago. I'm not sure why I bought it, because I know that I don't particularly care for it. I don't hate it or anything - just prefer other sweeteners.

So I'd like to use it up somewhere where its flavor doesn't dominate. Where it sweetens unnoticeably. Like I said, I have a whole unopened jar so multiple ideas are fine :)


Alicia's Crispy Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Treats

"These little yummies will blow your mind. They're great for travel; I
pack a big batch in my suitcase on most trips. Perfect when I'm running
late, have skipped a meal, or just want a dessert that won't bring me
down, crispy peanut butter and chocolate chip treats are awesome."

1 box brown rice crisps cereal
1 3/4 cups brown rice syrup
Fine sea salt
3/4 cup all-peanut, natural variety of peanut butter
1/2 cup grain-sweetened chocolate chips (get at health store, or
substitute carob chips)

Pour the rice cereal into a large bowl. Heat the rice syrup with a
pinch of salt in a saucepan over low heat. When rice syrup liquefies,
add the peanut butter and stir until well combined. Pour over the rice
cereal. Mix well with wooden spoon.

Once thoroughly mixed and cooled to room temperature, stir in the
chocolate chips. Makes sure the mixture is cool, or you will
end up with melted chocolate instead of chocolate chips in your treats.

Turn the mixture into an 8x8 or 9x13 baking dish. Wet your wood spoon
lightly and press the mixture evenly into the pan. Let cool for 1 hour before
cutting into squares or bars -- if you can!

Variation: Substitute almond butter for the peanut butter and raisins
for the chocolate chips.


I apologize if someone already brought this up, but I haven't kept up with this thread. Brown rice syrup. I have an unopened jar that I bought maybe 2 years ago. I'm not sure why I bought it, because I know that I don't particularly care for it. I don't hate it or anything - just prefer other sweeteners.

So I'd like to use it up somewhere where its flavor doesn't dominate. Where it sweetens unnoticeably. Like I said, I have a whole unopened jar so multiple ideas are fine :)

Brown rice syrup will satisfactorily sub for dark corn syrup in any frosting or sweet recipe. It's also lush on pancakes etc.


I have A LOT of brown rice cooked and just sitting in my fridge, plus quite a few home grown pears.  Any really tasty salad ideas or anything else???  Thanks :)



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