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Overwhelmed by Celery! What to cook?

So my celery totally over produced this year.  I know there will be a big batch of creamy celery soup, but other than that I have no idea how I am going to use it up.  On the plus side, it is still in the garden, so I don't need to eat all of it this week, but very soon.

Ideas, anyone?

Stirfry--chop it finely across the stick, stirfry with ginger and garlic and a little soy and dry white wine, and maybe tofu if you eat it.

Creamed Celery (I have a recipe for that on here)

Add to any chili, casserole or soup you're making

Celery and PB with raisins on top-- "bumps on a log!"


mmm celery ... I remember once having a gratin type of dish in France that had celery in it - mind you it was served up as a cold salad thing but it was tasty (I think it also had sliced cukes in it!).  Obviously, being France, it would not have been vegan but you could maybe try saute-ing (sp?) it with garlic and potato then baking in a white sauce with or without a crumb top. 


I often use celery in a risotto, along with onions, sundried tomatoes and garlic, and with a generous amount of pesto a la genovese and some chopped rocket stirred in once the risotto is done and has been removed from the heat.

I also use it in my 'bolognese' sauce: sauté finely chopped carrots, onlion and celery, add garlic once the veggies begin to turn soft, then add tomatoes, fresh or canned and lentils, cooked or canned, seasoning and italian herbs, simmer until veggies are as soft as you like them. 


When i make mashed potatoes i but it in a food processer with some celery its quite nice celaric is better but celery talk are also fine about 3 or 4 will do.

When you make a lentil casserole i add celery, onoins and carrots then add lentils and some herbs, soya sauce and canned tomatoes. Either make it into a sheperds pie or serve with a grain.


there is a celery soup recipe here that looks good.
my friends mom makes steamed green beans and celery.  Can't remember what all is in it but it's a very simple recipe and good.


Use the tough outer stalks and the bright green leaves to flavour soups and broths; they can be stringy, so you can take them out before eating.
I like to chop a little celery, saute just a bit, and add it to rice. Mushrooms go well with this.
Celery leaves can be frozen or dried to use later.
Use the white, soft inner stalks and leaves in salads or finely chopped mixed with tofu "cream cheese" and a dash of Lipton's kosher onion soup mix (which is vegan, they tell me) as a sandwich spread. Add a few strips of roasted red pepper and it is yum!

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