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Gluten-free vegan (Gluten Free - General Guidance)

Does anyone have any good recipes for gluten-free vegan stuff?? especially baked goods like cakes and cookies!

My first question? Why do you think you have a gluten intolerance, and have you been tested for gluten allergies and celiac disease?  These are very common but under diagnosed, and can be ruled out with just a few simple tests, but you need to be eating a consistent amount of gluten for the tests to work right.  If possible, get tested before eliminating gluten.

Spelt, Kamut,  Club, Durum, Bulgur, Einkorn and Semolina and Triticale are NOT GLUTEN FREE!  Barley, Rye, Malt and malt syrup are not gluten free.  Most soy sauce has wheat in it, although there are GF brands out there.  I have yet to find a vegan and GF worshteshire sauce.

99% of fake meats and meat alternatives contain gluten or seitan, which is wheat.

Check any vitamins or supplements you take, you would be amazed where gluten shows up.

This is a great resource if you have questions about what might contain gluten.

The best thing to do is learn to read labels, every one every time.

I am a big hypochondriac, but I think it would explain a lot.
I don't want to go into too much detail, but I do have most of the symptoms.
I'm going to eliminate it and then incorporate it back to see the changes.
I read that you have to be consuming it to be tested. I do eat it a lot more than I realized.
If I don't have gluten intolerance, then something else is seriously wrong.
I'm not saying I necessarily have celiac, but simply an intolerance.


I was walking trough Stop & Shop today and saw a package of Kinnikinnick Foods frozen iced doughnuts next to the soy ice cream. I had never seen them or heard of the company before so I wondered if they were vegan and it just so happens they are! They are gluten free too! Im gonna try them tomorrow so I will let you guys know how they are.

Turns out hey have egg whites in them. missed it the first time i read through the ingredients because it was on the corner  :'( Oh well, I will make them for my fam.


I was walking trough Stop & Shop today and saw a package of Kinnikinnick Foods frozen iced doughnuts next to the soy ice cream. I had never seen them or heard of the company before so I wondered if they were vegan and it just so happens they are! They are gluten free too! Im gonna try them tomorrow so I will let you guys know how they are.

Turns out hey have egg whites in them. missed it the first time i read through the ingredients because it was on the corner  :'( Oh well, I will make them for my fam.

Kinnikinnick products always break my heart.  So close to being something delicious that I could actually eat without spending hours preparing it myself!  C'est la vie...


I really appreciate all of the replies! It would be AWESOME if there were a GF category!


I have celiac disease, so I eat gluten free. Typically you can just use any vegan recipe and substitute a gluten free flour for the regular flour plus 1 tsp xanthum gum per 1 cup gf flour. If you've never baked gluten free before, xanthum gum is used as the 'binding' agent to hold what your are making together. Bascially it replaces the 'gluten'.

oh ps- let me know if you need any gf baking tips. I've been doing it for about 8 years now. I can help you turn a recipe gf if you need some help  :)

I definitely need some gluten free baking tips.. I have totally given up on baking :( Do you have any good recipes for gluten free breads? I am also allergic to soy and corn.


This recipe for gluten-free Brownie Bites is great, moist and chocolatey brownie bites. It is a favorite at my workplace of omnivores.

I modified it from a Washington Post recipe which calls for the Bob's Red Mill gluten-free flour, a flour I found a little too beany and funky-tasting for me. I used a simple brown rice flour and cornstarch substitute instead. Also, I didn't use muffin liners, as suggested, and they still rose and shaped beautifully. Also, don't open your oven too early. You don't want your middles to sink.

Brownie Bites
From Food and Wine, September 2006

Vegetable oil spray
½ cup plus 2 tablespoons Bob's Red Mill gluten-free, all-purpose baking flour(I used 1/2 cup brown rice flour plus 2 tablespoons cornstarch instead)
½ cup sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ¼ teaspoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon xanthan gum
½ cup applesauce
¼ cup canola oil
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
½ cup dairy-free chocolate chips (I used Sunspire brand Organic Semi-Sweet chocolate chips, which are dairy free)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray mini-muffin pan with vegetable oil spray. (KOD note: Use mini-muffin liners if you can find them; they give some shape to end result.)

In a medium bowl, combine baking flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt and xanthan gum.

In another bowl, whisk applesauce, oil and vanilla, then stir into dry ingredients.

Stir in chocolate chips.

Spoon batter into muffin tin, filling them three-quarters full. Bake for 15 minutes, or until set.

Allow brownies to cool in pans for 15 minutes, then turn out onto a rack to cool completely.


I think it would be cool if we  could start a category of recipes that are vegan and GF!  A lot already are, but I don't know that until I look at the ingredients.  Or find a way to cross list recipes so say its a casserole and GF it could be listed under both categories. 

Hey, sometimes dreams do come true!!

I like this idea for a Gluten-Free section. It might be helpful too to have a No-Sugar category, a category of recipes that call for natural sweeteners only like agave, maple syrup, no processed sugars. Just a thought, ... as I have friends who are gluten-free, diabetic or have axed white flours and processed sugars out of their diets completely. Thank you for your consideration. :)


This is interesting.  I'm trying to go gluten and soy free and found this blog  hope it helps


This site is good too! 

A few of her dishes are not vegan, but most are.  I especially love the flourless, eggless chocolate torte/cake made with pumpkin.  Awesome.


I tested negative on a celiac panel, but I do have IBS, and I'm pretty sure wheat is one of the foods my gut has more trouble with - especially in high amounts or in combination with refined sugar.  I think it's probably a good idea for everyone to try to diversify what they eat, too, so I try to use a lot of high-protein, low-glycemic grains and flours, many of which are gluten-free and have already been mentioned here.

Some other good blogs for GF, vegan recipes, which I didn't see mentioned in this thread yet: (all GF, only some things are vegan, but that link is to posts tagged "vegan") (all GF and all vegan recipes, also mostly *super* healthy - I made many recipes from this blog while on an elimination diet) (all GF, not a vegan site, but many things, including baked goods, are vegan as well as sugar-free, soy-free, etc) (a vegan blog, not all GF, but the author avoids wheat on the anti-candida diet)


veggie girl is vegan, gluten free, soy free, and high raw, and she makes some amazing recipes! there are tons of recipes for brownies, cookies, breads, etc and they look so delicious...i've tried a few of the blondie recipes and they come out great.


I know I have mentioned this other places, but I will again, I like this site, she has multiple food intolerances, and the recipies are good.

I feel fortunate, I have been doing this long enough that I rarely need cookbooks or guidance, but at the same time, I have no idea how to bake a non GF cake or bread from scratch, without a cookbook!


Good luck!! Your restaurant idea sounds great too! ;)b

I even included a GF (gluten-free) code in my cookbook so that people would be able to know which recipes are gluten-free. But as it sounds like you aren't in the market for a cookbook, you may wish to visit vegan blogs (mine is or other blogs like Schmood Food (I think that's her site?) and just sub in the all-purp flour. (On my site, there are a few great cake recipes that I know work well with GF flour)

Good luck!! Your restaurant idea sounds great too! ;)b

Thank you so much for the kind words! I like your blog :) Actually, I thought you'd like to know that in August after I posted that, two individuals as well as myself who's gluten and dairy allergies were overlooked at a wedding reception so I took it as an opportunity to help and went to the kitchen to make up a three course meal we actually could eat!  They said that my food was so good that I should open a cafe or something then thanked me by gifting me this baking book called Babycakes. Its my second gluten free book everrrrr, written by some lady who is actually out doing what I wish I could afford to do. She tends to use a lot of Bob's ap flours in her recipes, but I found that in recipes that don't use cocoa powder to mask the whole grain flours, its pretty overpowering and not reminiscent of the recipes i ate as a child :/ Maybe in your recipes it'd be better though.

I just thought that maybe your kindness towards my restaurant idea was the energy that drove others to notice what I could do, so thank you very much ;)

And now I have almond and possibly soy allergies!!  Ugh, the neverending cycle that is my life. But I am proud to that I have been a successful Gluten Free/ Almond free?/ Vegan for over two months now and feeling GREAT. Immediately after starting up the diet I remembered why I loved being vegan so much; it really is a rewarding and fulfilling way of living. I sleep better at night  ;)b


veggie girl is vegan, gluten free, soy free, and high raw, and she makes some amazing recipes! there are tons of recipes for brownies, cookies, breads, etc and they look so delicious...i've tried a few of the blondie recipes and they come out great.

Thank you for suggesting this site. I just went on and the food photos and descriptions are great. Can't seem to find the recipes though, just mentions of recipes she's made gluten-free without the actual recipe. Is there a recipe tab or search that I totally missed on her site?


Hi all. Can anyone recommend what kind of gluten-free flour works best in cakes? How about pancakes? Cookies? Bread?

I've been vegan for years, and am now trying to cut gluten. Never realized how much I rely on wheat!


Thank you for suggesting this site. I just went on and the food photos and descriptions are great. Can't seem to find the recipes though, just mentions of recipes she's made gluten-free without the actual recipe. Is there a recipe tab or search that I totally missed on her site?

She has a variety of different kinds of posts, mostly videos and photo essays, with the occasional recipe. There's no shortcut to finding the actual recipes on her site except to search or stumble across them. At least, that's how it was back when I read her blog often. When she changed the description to make it clear she's not an ethical vegan, I sorta lost interest.

Hi all. Can anyone recommend what kind of gluten-free flour works best in cakes? How about pancakes? Cookies? Bread?

I've been vegan for years, and am now trying to cut gluten. Never realized how much I rely on wheat!

The only gluten-free stuff I've made really successfully has been by following a recipe written to be gluten-free, and typically those involve a combination of flours. I have used Bryanna Clark-Grogan's GF AP flour mix ( successfully in quickbreads and cookies, but they weren't consistently wonderful - I think it still has an off taste unless it's covered up by a strong flavor like chocolate.



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