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Freezing Tofu

I have read a lot about freezing tofu to give it more of a "meat" like texture.  So my question is:  Do you just pop the tofu into the freezer in the wrapper, water and all?  or do you drain it first and put it in another container?

Thank you so much,
Reiynne :)>>>

i just throw mine directly into the freezer and then the night before i want to use it (or morning of) i'll put it in the sink to thaw out.  or if im really last minute i microwave it to defrost it and just keep chiseling away at the ice.  it's worth it though!


I like to freeze soft tofu. It's really nice when getting defrost


Awesome!  Thank you!

Reiynne ;)b


Check out the thread at the top of this board, Vegan Food and Cooking FAQ. It has quite a lot of info about tofu among other things.

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