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Eat before or after?

I'm starting to REALLY exercise, not hard core stuff, but making an effort.

The problem is, my sister told me that I should eat breakfast after my morning walk and 10 minutes on the Gazelle. I  was badly anemic as a child, to the point I had to take medications. And I think my eating has to do something with that, it scares me to all hell.  :(

So with my past, should I eat before or after my exercise? 

I am in no way an expert but I've always been told you should eat breakfast before you do anything else b/c it increases the metabolism, but if you're that worried maybe eating like half of what you normally would before then the other half afterward is a thought.


Your body needs to be replenished after exercising, that is what she is referring to. Given your circumstances, I think some juice/coffee and possibly a piece of toast before and then a larger meal after is probably the best thing to do.

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