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Dessert recipes for people with diabetes???

My bf's mom has diabetes and I was hoping to make her something chocolately, and preferably vegan. Can be raw or not raw. I honestly know nothing about diabetes, just that she can't have anything too sugary so I was hoping you guys would know more than I do and be able to recommend recipes :D

I don't know if it's Type 1 or Type II that you're talking about, but I will talk about Type II since I know a teeny tiny bit about it. My bf's mother is diabetic, and she can eat fruit. So, for a dessert I would recommend grilled fruit, such as pineapple or peaches. Grilling them brings out so much flavor, and when it's grilled it seems like much more of a treat. You could pair this with a vanilla pudding.

Sorry it doesn't include chocolate---I don't know how much sugar chocolate has, and whether that would be too much. Perhaps you could try a chocolate pudding made of silken tofu, either using a Mori-Nu Mate or making it with cocoa and limited amount of sugar/sweetener.

Here's a link to the page with nutritional information


i second the idea of the chocolate tofu mousse. you could use splenda/etc as the sweeter. plain ole chocolate (like chocolate chips), not sure. some people are more sensitive than others.

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