Dang the Refried Beans recipe! Help?
Posted by little2ant on Sep 18, 2009 · Member since Aug 2004 · 3055 posts
About 2 weeks ago I found a SUPER EFFIN awesome Refried beans recipe. It was really simple-did it in the slow cooker, had onion maybe. Then I took them out and pureed them.
I think it was in the new recipes then, but now I cannot find it anywhere. I want to make them again, and I can't remember if soaking was required, and what I added to the water, and how much. And on which temp?
I had never cooked beans in a slow cooker before, so the method hasn't really sunk in yet.
If anyone else saw it, or knows of the recipe, please post the link here.
I give up!
Yeah, I think I mentioned earlier that I cut the salt in half. As written, it's too salty for my tastes!
RE: Toxicity of beans, there are two things you can do if it bothers you:
1) Throw away the water you presoak your beans in, rinse and cover with fresh water. Toxins or not (and I think they're exagerrated unless you eat the soaked beans raw, in huge quantities), throwiing away the soaking water also cuts down on the "fart factor" a bit.
2) Make sure your beans are fully cooked before you eat them. As in, boil the hell out of them for at least 10 min and then lower the fire until they're done. Alternately, cook them in the crockpot for hours and hours, or however long the manufacturer/crockpot recipe tells you to.
I've soaked and boiled my own beans for the past 30 years. At first I cooked them in the soaking water...for at least 25 of those years. Now I rinse. I'm still here.
sweet, we had burritos with these beans last night, and they were freakin' awesome. Seriously, best beans ever. And now I've got heaps in the fridge for later, but also suspect they won't last that long...
Probably even worth losing sleep over : )
I was just remebering that I wanted to make these, thanks yabbit for the toxin info!