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Okay, went to the farmers market when I was in Syracuse.  We got, among a whole bunch of other things, a HUGE head of cabbage.  Mom made some spring rolls with a small part of it, and gave me the rest to bring back to Houston with me.  (between that, the dozen or so apples, and the beats w/ beat greens, I had one HEAVY suitcase returning home!)

So now I have 3/4 of this HUGE head of cabbage.  What do I do with it?  I need some ideas.

ooops, I meant to post this in the food forum!  ::)


I love cabbage simply sauteed with some onions and olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper--delicious served with mashed potatoes.  Coleslaw is always good, too.  I don't really have a recipe for that; I just mix together shredded cabbage and carrots, green onions, Vegenaise, vinegar, a bit of sugar, and salt, and pepper.  Here are a few other recipe ideas:

Bubble and Squeak  (see my recipe comments for my variation)
Cabbage Casserole
Chinese Salad  (see my recipe comments for my variation)


The only way I like to eat cabbage is raw.  Otherwise it tastes to slimy to me.  Maybe some italian cole slaw or just cut in slices.


Cole slaw is a good idea, there was this recipie for cole slaw using vineger and poppy seeds, no mayo, have to find it, it was the only cole slaw recipie that I ever liked.

And with the size of this head of cabbage I could probably make every recipie you guys suggest.


I LOVE cabbage soup!  Just broth, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, spices, onions, etc.  It's not really the season for it, but who cares?  You can find lots of recipes online under "cabbage soup diet" or you could just wing it.  Oh, geez, I just love cabbage  :)>>>


I LOVE cabbage soup!  Just broth, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, spices, onions, etc.  It's not really the season for it, but who cares?  You can find lots of recipes online under "cabbage soup diet" or you could just wing it.  Oh, geez, I just love cabbage  :)>>>

How could I forget cabbage soup?  Here's a really tasty recipe from this site that I've made several times:

Mom's Cabbage Soup


I think I know what I will do with it.  This weekend I will make cabbage soup, and German coleslaw.  I wish I could make cabbage soup tonight for dinner, but it looks like it takes a long time to cook.  I am off work Friday, I will make it then...wait...slow cooker...cabbage soup in the slow cooker.

Ahhhh ha!  I will make cabbage soup tomorrow while I am at work in the slow cooker and have it tomorrow night for dinner with garlic toast on the side.

That sounds really good.  Thanks!

Now what do I do about dinner tonight?


Cabbage makes a good addition to any meal, just shred it very fine and add it to beans, stews, soups, lentils, pasta sauce, anything really..  It bulks out the meal so it goes a bit further (good for those penny-less vegan souls) and it also gives food a kind of 'meaty' texture (as long as you cook it enough so its not crunchy).  Try combining it with lettuce in a salad too..


Cole slaw is a good idea, there was this recipie for cole slaw using vineger and poppy seeds, no mayo, have to find it, it was the only cole slaw recipie that I ever liked.

And with the size of this head of cabbage I could probably make every recipie you guys suggest.

Question here: my aunt made coleslaw by chopping the cabbage in her blender, with water. She had to drain the cabbage each time. Doesn't that get rid of some of the vitamins and stuff?


Well, I wouldn't be shredding my cabbage in the blender.  I think that would turn it into a pulp.  I don't have a food processor.  I plan to cut it up with a knife. 

I found some reicpies for german coleslaw that look good.  I think tomorrow I may make that.  I have cabbage (or vegetable) soup in the crock pot right now.  My first time making this, I hope it turns out good. 


I loved cabbage steamed.  Just as is.  I like a little butter on it but EB would be equally wonderful.  Great in soups.  Any soup you make, throw in cabbage. 
Or chop cabbage, put in a little olive oil in a frying pan and add paprika.

The Peel a Pound soup on this board is really good too.  Follow the recipe or just come close.  Really yummy.

Now , I do believe I will buy a cabbage tomorrow.

So great in Cole Slaw too. Get a red one and a green one.


I made cabbage soup in the crock pot.  It tastes okay, but looks terrible!  I put orzo noodles in with it and let it cook all day while at work. 

Noodles and crockpots don't mix.  :-\

The noodles dissolved and broke down now instead of soup with orzo noodles in it, it is cabbage and veggies in gravy, kind of.  I will eat it anyway.  Next time, no noodles, or I will add the noodles later.


I made cabbage soup in the crock pot.  It tastes okay, but looks terrible!  I put orzo noodles in with it and let it cook all day while at work. 

Noodles and crockpots don't mix.  :-\

The noodles dissolved and broke down now instead of soup with orzo noodles in it, it is cabbage and veggies in gravy, kind of.  I will eat it anyway.  Next time, no noodles, or I will add the noodles later.

Can orzo be "noodles"?


(Salvadoran cabbage salad)

Curtido is a simple cabbage salad traditionally served with pupusas. Large jars of curtido are kept at restaurants and sides of the slaw are served with most meals. Curtido is usually allowed to ferment slightly at room temperature before serving, becoming a kind of Salvadoran sauerkraut. Cabbage salads are served through Central America. The Nicaraguan version is known as ensalada de repollo or simply repollo.
4-6 servings

    * Cabbage, shredded -- 1/2 head (I prefer purple cabbage, but you can experiment)
    * Carrot, peeled and grated -- 1
    * Boiling water -- 4 cups (of course I let the water cool to >100' to be considered raw)
    * Scallions, minced -- 3
    * White vinegar -- 1/2 cup (I like the taste of rice vinegar)
    * Water -- 1/2 cup
    * Jalapeño or serrano chile pepper, minced -- 1
    * Salt -- 1/2 teaspoon (I use 'celtic sea salt' brand)


mmm cabbage! If it's just the green kind, I just eat it with some vinaigrette dressing like a salad. So crisp and tasty! It's also good to fry up with some "bacon bits"...I'm sure there's a recipe for something like that on here, but I literally just put the bits in the pan, then do the cabbage. You can put onions, garlic, whatever in there that you like. It's tasty!

what about using cabbage leaves to make lettuce cabbage wraps? :D

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