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Breakfast help!?!

I eat breakfast every morning, and then basically have a second breakfast by the time I get to work. And then basically proceed to be hungry (or eat) all morning.

I know protein and fiber are what should keep me full longer. I usually have healthy(er) cereal with soy milk, but I've also tried bagels and oatmeal. None really do the trick. My question is how to not starve (or stuff my face) all morning without spending an hour cooking a full breakfast before work. Any suggestions?

Much thanks for any help you can give my growling tummy!!!

I like smoothies and when I'm home sometimes I'll make a filling up the night before and make breakfast burritos in the morning. My filling is usually a mixture of veggies, beans and salsa. Sometimes I'll add in greens and/or tofu as well.


I try not to eat too early in the morning because it opens up my appetite and I just get hungrier all day.

Maybe at work you could eat a fruit and nut granola bar. Most of the ones I've found have honey (I just buy them anyway) but I've seen some from Planters that are vegan. Or maybe just be hungry for a few hours, it won't kill you. A lot of it is mental, and once you get used to not eating so much you'll notice that over time you'll be less hungry.


Drink a large glass of water with the juice of one lemon, orange or grapefruit before you eat breakfast. This does a lot to get rid of the perpetual hungries.


I usually find oatmeal with brown sugar, nuts, and dried fruit to be more filling than cereal.  Maybe it's the nuts - the cereal I eat is usually mostly grains.

Sometimes I'll eat a big breakfast - a breakfast burrito or tofu scramble on a bagel or English muffin, maybe with some hash browns and veggie sausages.  That usually keeps me full until lunch time (sometimes even for a later lunch), but it's a little too easy to overeat and end up feeling sleepy and sluggish for the rest of the morning.  I find it better to have a mid-morning snack at work rather than eat a really big breakfast.


Oatmeal also makes me crazy hungry a couple hours after I eat it. I find I need a combo of protein, fat, and carbs and I'm good. I usually have a bar--either a clif mojo bar(most are vegan, some are not), or a lara bar, or if I have time a sandwich w/ lunchmeat, veggies, and ww bread, or leftovers. I like pasta or beans and tortillas, casserole, etc. I second the tofu scramble. Maybe in a ww tortilla w/ a little avocado. It is easy to make ahead and portion out. And then a little snack mid-morning--a few nuts and dried fruit, veggies and dip, crackers and pb. Whatever.


When I go through an insatiably hungry phase, I start the day with a protein drink.  I'll blend rice, pea, and hemp protein powders with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and chia seeds.  It's because I have it; if I only use one kind of protein powder, it seems to help being famished all day, too.


Try this.
Stir fried brown rice
Usually if you have left over at the rice cooker, you can use this brown rice. if you are rushing in the morning, this is the best way to do it to save time.

Prepare garlic two cloves
onion -- half medium sized cut
Two spoonful olive oil or canola oil
Two cups brown rice mashed
Ingredients of meat choose shrimp the large one, sliced minced chicken breast or pork whichever you prefer
You can also put vegetables (carrots and green beans) and if you want tofu - is healthy
One egg scrambled, beat the egg and separate it
soy sauce
Directions ;

Prepare the wok for cooking heat it with live or canola oil. Be careful as the wok is ehated up.
Saute the onion garlic with the oil and put the meat ingredients. Cooked for five minutes using medium heat.
Set it aside and then get the scrambled egg in the pan
Put the soy sauce two table spoonful
After the egg is cooked, put the brown rice and cooked for five minutes in a high heat while keep on mixing it.
Served it hot. The trick is to add more ingredients with the rice so that it is considered heavy meal.

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