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Tops of the beets to be exact. Oh and this probably isn't the right place to put this.  But yeah, I just got some organic beets from the farmers market and it would seem like a waste to just throw those away...The same with the tops of carrots too. Can I eat them? And do they provide any nutritional value?

PS. Okay yeah this isn't the right place. Oops!

They are high in calcium, and yes they are edible. Actually a lot of juicing recipes use them as a core ingredient.

Blend them up with some apples and carrots and strain. Makes a really good green smoothie.


Beet greens have been eaten as a tonic in the country forever. You can cook them down like spinach, or blanch them for about 30 seconds and then make soup with the "milk" of your choice and maybe some mashed potato to thicken. You can do the same with turnip greens.

Somewhere I have a recipe for "greens" soup. I made some once for Dh and he said, "Don't tell me what's in it, I'm enjoying this!"  ;D


I've been getting beet greens from my CSA.  The farmer suggests that you can substitute them in for chard in any recipe, because they are somewhat similar in flavor.  I hope that helps. 


I am totally making a green smoothie with my beet greens. Heck yeah


I roasted them and they were fine, but the carrot greens were so tough and being in the oven didn't help it...but the beets were good!


Carrot greens make a great additions to green smoothies!

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