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Another Vegemite Post

Finally bought a tiny bottle of Marmite . . . . quite the interesting taste! Two questions here:

1.  Do I need to refrigerate the bottle after opening it?  I'm assuming not since it doesn't say I need to on the bottle.

2.  For those of you raised with Marmite/Vegemite, exactly how was it introduced to you?  Do you have M/V memories for as long as you can remember? Was it served to you on toast when you were a little baby?  Or is it something you tried when you got older?

I like the fortification with the B vitamins and I'd like my kids to try it so I'm wondering how it is introduced to children in the Homeland of The Wiggles.


Hi JKL or should I be really corny and say G'day!
I'm an Aussie and I was raised on vegemite. I can't remember not eating it. I had it for breakfast on toast and on sandwiches for lunch.  I just loved it and still do. It's also good on crackers and some people like to eat it with cheese. In Australia you can even buy Vegemite cheese slices.  I also love the fact that it's packed with B vitamins. 
How old are your kids? If they are really young and at the stage where they will try things they should eat it. Cook some toast but on some butter type spread and then some veggie (as we call it) Make sure you put it on quick as it tastes so much better if it melts in with the butter. And yeah you don't need to put it in the fridge.


I'm from New Zealand and I was raised on Vegemite on toast, on crackers and on weet-bix.
Now I eat Marmite as it has a much milder taste. Marmite on margerine on toast is the way I prefer to eat it, but make sure you spread it on very thin, there is no need to cover every bit of toast. You'll work out how thin you like it, but start sparingly and work your way up.


Yes, thank you, I first tried it on toast and wound up eating way too many pieces of toast with various combinations of toppings plus marmite.  I think that's the way I'll introduce it to my kids.


my grandmother is married to a british guy, he introduced me to vegemite, and i remember him telling me not to smell it first and just eat it :) it turned out to be pretty good. he eats it on toast with cheese and eggs (probably would be good with tofu instead)



We made New Year's resolution to eat a new food every month. We will eat anything, as long as it's vegan obviously, but we are very quickly running out of foods we haven't already eaten! I had Marmite when we lived n France and England, but it's new enough to count. Now we just need to find it. Any clues where to find it in the US? I looked at our co-op and the other HFS, but no luck. Does TJ's or Whole F00ds carry it?


I bought my bottle of Marmite at Whole Foods.  I couldn't get the kiddies to like it.  I, of course, loved it, especially spread on top of toast with melted margarine as one of the board members mentioned.  I wound up eating much too much toast and so I haven't replaced the bottle!


I have not tried Vegemite or Marmite yet. Are they the same thing? Now I'm really curious and I think I'll have my sig. other stop by Holey Foods and pick some up! I have some bread to use up and I'm really tired of just toast in the morning. I did see a food show where someone was passing it out for people to try and they all gagged on it. Made me wonder what it was! LOL

What a great resolution, Sharway!! I'm going to do that too! There are so many vegetables out there I haven't tried yet. I just think that is such a great way to try new things. :)


I think Vegemite and Marmite are different brands of the same thing. Or maybe Vegemite is the generic name and Marmite is a brand name? Basically, yes they are the same.

It has been an awesome resolution. Because our diet is somewhat restrictive (being vegan and not living in the tropics) and most outlandish foods are often animal products, it's been hard for adventurous eaters like us to find a lot of stuff, but what have we eaten...
kohlrabi bulb
yucca root
pickled loroco flower
fresh celeriac
tamarind juice
a crazy fruit called monstera deliciosa

...and some other stuff too. We also included some stuff like fennel and kumquats that we'd eaten once or twice but never prepared ourselves. I'm even thinking we could count brussels sprouts if we get really desperate. We've obviously eaten them, but I've never prepared them because I don't like them.

We've got a jar of Hawthorne berries (???) we found in our Latino market that we're supposed to eat this month, and then I'm going to look for the Marmite. I like this resolution because it forces us to look for some bizarre stuff.


I have just one question... what is vegemite/marimite???


Sharway: Quorn as in roast, cutlets and etc??? I am the biggest fan of Quorn brand stuff!!! The "Turkey roast" roll thingy is all I will eat at Thanksgiving. :)

I go over to the UK Quorn site often to torture myself. I keep writing the US branch asking them to get more of the UK foods over here!! Then when they bring out one new thing it's some god awful goat cheese and cranberry cutlet. I wanted to like it but...blechk! LOL

My other, Marcus, is off to Holey Foods for Marmite so I am totally excited about it....especially now that I know roughly how to eat it.

I think Vegemite and Marmite are think the closest I can remember is that it's close to beer leftovers. Isn't it hops and stuff?? I could (and probably am) full of it but I think that's what I remember it is.


Sharway: Quorn as in roast, cutlets and etc??? I am the biggest fan of Quorn brand stuff!!! The "Turkey roast" roll thingy is all I will eat at Thanksgiving. :)

I go over to the UK Quorn site often to torture myself. I keep writing the US branch asking them to get more of the UK foods over here!! Then when they bring out one new thing it's some god awful goat cheese and cranberry cutlet. I wanted to like it but...blechk! LOL

My other, Marcus, is off to Holey Foods for Marmite so I am totally excited about it....especially now that I know roughly how to eat it.

I think Vegemite and Marmite are think the closest I can remember is that it's close to beer leftovers. Isn't it hops and stuff?? I could (and probably am) full of it but I think that's what I remember it is.

hmmm strange stuff...
do you have the usa quron website to share with us i cant seem to find it


If you go to you can get to any of the websites, USA, UK, and a few other countries. They all seem to have different stuff but the UK deli slices and bangers (sausages) are what I really want to see here. :)

But    is the us website, I'm pretty sure.

0 likes Marcus comes home with a jar of Marmite. I couldn't stand it, I had to try it!:D I opened the jar and I'm faced with this black.....oooze. The ooze doesn't phase me and I stick my pinky just a bit into the jar. I taste, expecting to cringe...gag....whatever but guess what?????? I LOVED it!!!! LOL

This is something I'm going to be having on my toast every morning! It is salty but oh my gosh....I can't believe how yummy this stuff is!!! There isn't any actual Vegemite at Holey Foods but this Marmite is wonderful!!! I'm so glad I found this thread so I got talked into trying this. Wow!

I don't think I'll use any spread on my toast first because Marmite is so salty but it's like eating bullion on toast. It is way more wonderful than I thought it would be.


marmite is an excellent boullion.... just put about half a teaspoon of it into a jug of hot water and use in place of regular stock. its lush in lentil soup, it adds a rich earthy roundness to a dish that more insipid stocks often don't. you can also add a smidge to hot water for a savoury drink if you like or remember the whole miso-soup/bovril type of drinking experience.

its also excellent on crumpets (with loads of margarine so its goes all ooozy and messy), and in sandwiches-cheddar cheese and marmite being a traditional great british sandwich. you can also buy some snacks in the uk called twiglets, which are little brown knobbles (like small twigs) coated in marmitey tasting stuff... along with other crisps and chips and baby cheese biscuit type snacks, etc.

we always had marmite in our house when i was a kid. its like a british institution. my elder brother even owns a special marmite knife/spoon thing to get all the fiddly bits out of the jar with. unfortunately i developed a yeast allergy in my early teens, so now eating the tiniest smidge of it leaves me bloated, in quite a bit of stomach pain, and looking suprisingly like a weeble.  :P no marmite for jen :(

I have just one question... what is vegemite/marimite???

marmite is a french word meaning 'cooking pot'. its also a product named after said french pot- a very strong tasting dark brown tar looking substance made from some of the leftovers in beer brewing- its a yeast extract. it comes in a little pot which looks very vaguely like a marmite. people either love it, or hate it, there is no middle ground, it seems. its very salty tasting, and rich, and full of vitamins and stuff. its a british invention. vegemite is australian, its slightly thicker, sweeter, and contains other additional ingredients- vegetable extracts, herbs, and spices, which are different to those in marmite. its also slightly less instense tasting. you can also buy other brands of yeast extract, but marmite and vegemite are the two most common. the marmite website is a good source of info:

just a quick etiquette lesson: its a huge faux pas to dip a drippy greasy melted-margarine covered knife- fresh from spreading your toast- into the marmite jar, to get residual marmite traces in the margarine pot, or worst of all (this is a hanging offense or grounds for divorce!) to get toast crumbs in the marmite jar. huge faux pas. just so you know.  8)


Sharway: Quorn as in roast, cutlets and etc???

Yes, that's what I was talking about. We've been vegetarian for 12 or 15 odd years, but never tried it until January or February of this year. :)

Thanks for all the Vegemite info! I'm psyched to get some!


Did I just see Vegemite in a thread????  :o

Alright as an Aussie you can't really avoid it. We tend to be raised on the stuff and so we love it ( well i do! ).

It is one of the most concentrated sources of Vit B you can get. I love it on toast, crumpets, English muffins, fresh bread, sambos etc

I've never actually tried to cook with it (or spread it on weet-bix as someone else mentioned - was this nice? Weetbix are pretty dry...).

When I visited the US in 1999 I brought a jar with me, and was "taken aside" by the authorities so they could check it out. They had a bit of a laugh and were like "typical" so I figured this must be common practise amongst the oz tourists.

It's good stuff so check it out - first timer warning**** just dont spread it on thick like you would PB because it is quite salty/strong. I like it with lots of marg and just a smear of vege (well maybe a fraction more than a smear - whatever that is).


marmite is SO GOOD on a baked potato.  it is also really ace if you want to add a savoury taste to gravy/chilli or whatever, half a teaspoon will do the trick.

love it love it love it


I've yet to find a local souce but an Aussie friend sent me some single serving packets.  Good on crackers with cheese (or chreese for the vegans). 


I just bought some Vegemite today at World Market. This is the first time I've seen it and slightly recalled a thread about it on here before. I'm glad to see all the tips on how to eat it. Hopefully I'll like it b/c I like how nutritious it is. Is it at all similar to nutritional yeast b/c I LOVE the taste of that! :>


I recently bought a jar of Marmite because it was with the British food at our grocery store (we have a lot of British tourists here).  It's way to salty, no matter how thin I spread it.  I still ate it all though.   Vegemite is so much better, but I still have yet to find a local source.  



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